hab ich ganz vergessen ,Mal sehen wie es heute Nacht läuft in Australien. Indo Mines raises ASX eyebrows with 56% share spike Tuesday, May 10, 2011 by John Phillips Indo Mines (ASX: IDO) received an ASX speeding ticket today in the form of a price and volume query, after the shares hit an intra-day high of $0.56, up from $0.36 on Friday 6 May.
Indo said the company is not aware of any material information that has not been released to the market, which may explain the sudden investor interest.
The company did however state in a response back to the ASX:
'The company refers to its quarterly activities report dated 29 April 2009 regarding the milestone achieved and other activities undertaken by the company to progress the Jogjakarta Iron Project.'
Jogjakarta aims to deliver raw materials to the growing Indonesian and Asian steel industries.
In late March Indo said that in line with the company's long-term goal of being a leading, low cost pig iron producer, it has entered into a confidentiality agreement with the leading Japanese Trading House Mitsui to explore the future development of a pig iron facility at the Iron Project.
The agreement follows the recent appointment of leading minerals and metals technology company Outotec to complete the Feasibility Study, process evaluation and plant design of the Jogjakarta Pig Iron facility.
Quelle proactivinvestor