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Ja, ich bin süchtig nach Dopamin. Phun ist ein Neurotransmitter für ``Mein Hirn``. Fährt ständig Hoch und Runter. Ich warte auf wichtige Termin am 11.11.21 und hoffe auf PHUN - Abprall!
@phunware (NASDAQ:PHUN) will hold a conference call on Thursday, November 11, 2021, at 5:00 p.m. ET to discuss its financial results for the 3rd quarter ended September 30, 2021. Financial results will be issued prior to the call. #PHUN #PHUNW $PHUN $PHUN
@phunware (NASDAQ:PHUN) announced last week that it has purchased an additional 100 bitcoin for approximately $6.20 million in cash at an average price of approximately $62,030 per bitcoin, inclusive of fees and expenses. #PHUN #PHUNW $PHUN $PHUNW
Phunware (NASDAQ:PHUN) is a mobile phone SaaS (Software as a Service) company that just raised a pile of cash. In a recent presentation that the company gave at a Benzinga conference, Phunware said that it now has $66 million in cash on its balance sheet. That?s probably enough to justify its...
``Phunware (NASDAQ:PHUN) ist ein SaaS-Unternehmen (Software as a Service) für Mobiltelefone, das gerade einen Haufen Geld gesammelt hat. In einer kürzlich auf einer Benzinga-Konferenz gehaltenen Präsentation des Unternehmens sagte Phunware, dass seine Bilanz jetzt 66 Millionen US-Dollar in bar hat. Das ist wahrscheinlich genug, um seine... ``
Phunware Sets November 2021 Conference Schedule. For additional information or to schedule a one-on-one meeting with Phunware management, please contact Gateway Investor Relations at