....What's especially impressive is the broad range of industries where its analytics tools are used. Notable customers added this quarter included Royal Bank of Canada, tech communication specialist Vodafone, and pharmaceutical giant Pfizer. Even as governments were issuing stay-at-home orders and non-essential businesses were closing, Alteryx signed up a number of companies in the travel and oil industry including Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, Copa Airlines, and Chevron U.S.A.
Even as the coronavirus is upending business plans around the world, Alteryx is ensuring it can thrive in the years ahead. Adapting in the face of COVID-19 The company has almost $1 billion in cash and cash equivalents on the balance sheet, and last quarter generated $20 million in operating cash flow. It suspended its revenue guidance beyond the second quarter,and rescheduled its 2020 in-person conferences to next year in lieu of hosting a digital event. The company (like many others) shifted to a work-from-home operation to ensure employee safety, and will remain that way for the foreseeable future. For customers, it launched a Virtual Solution Center that enables them to connect with solutions engineers and experts directly. ..."
Bist du hier investiert? Was mich zusätzlich interessiert, ob du auch Aktien langfristig hältst? Also ich selber bin eher der Langfristig orientierte Anleger, der seine Gewinne ab 100% normalerweise wieder raus nimmt. Bis jetzt habe ich 5 Aktien in meinem Depot die das erreicht haben. Lege seit ca. 2017 Geld an der Börse an und seit ca. Mitte 2018 auch meistens langfristig
: 15 $ vom letzten Hoch entfernt, bleibe ich
trotzdem investiert. Natürlich wäre es klüger gewesen, oben etwas auszudünnen, doch da halte ich's wie Warren Buffett. Ganz oder gar nicht. Beim Einstieg empfehlen sich manchmal Tranchen. Den Unternehmen geht es gar nicht mal so schlecht, weshalb sich Alteryx über diese Kundschaft sicher auch in Zukunft erfreuen können wird. Die kommenden Quartale wird sich's zeigen.
----------- MfG bauwi Die Freiheit des Menschen liegt nicht darin, daß er tun kann, was er will, sondern das er nicht tun muß, was er nicht will.
"...On Monday, Goldman Sachs analyst Christopher Merwin raised his price target on Alteryx from $164 to $216 and maintained a buy rating on the stock. Merwin said that the low-interest-rate environment favors a higher price for the stock, and that mission-critical software companies like Alteryx have demonstrated their value during the pandemic...."
"....If we move over to Alteryx, there?s a lot to like here as well, as the company is a leader in the data analytics space, giving back several hours per day to workers that now able to automate relatively monotonous tasks and manipulate their data like never before.
Like Avalara, the company is a powerhouse when it comes to growth, with revenue growth of 43% in the most recent quarter, and gross margins of 88%, an industry-leading figure. From an earnings standpoint, the company has seen massive growth, but annual EPS is expected to drop off this year to $0.54, a 40% drop compared to the $0.94 reported in FY-2019.
While this may be spooking some investors, I see it as immaterial, and merely an aberration in the long-term earnings trend. This is because analysts continue to ratchet up their earnings estimates for FY-2020 and FY-2021, with forecasts sitting at $1.08 and $1.70, respectively."
Bei einem deutlichen Rücksätzer kann ich meine Position wieder ausbauen. Meine Positionsgröße beträgt ca. 2,5 K wobei mein Einsatz schon lange raus ist
"...Favorable jobs data in early June made investors comfortable enough to put money to work, but rising COVID-19 cases in many Southern and Western states seemed to direct investment dollars toward coronavirus-resistant plays such as new age enterprise software stocks like Alteryx.
Alteryx did release compelling new product updates during June, including the Alteryx Analytics Hub, Alteryx Intelligence Suite, and Alteryx Multithreaded Processing (AMP) Engine. The new hub updates the Alteryx platform, making it easier for data workers across the organization to locate and view all analytics assets across an enterprise in a single intuitive platform. The new Intelligence Suite is a predictive modeling add-on for the company's core Designer product, enabling workers without any data training at all to build machine learning models quickly and easily. Finally, the new Multithreaded Processing Engine allows multiple analytics models to execute simultaneously, saving organizations time and money.
... With the COVID-19 economy so uncertain right now, data analytics has become an essential tool for all organizations that wish to adapt and innovate in this new environment. Alteryx did release compelling new product updates during June, including the Alteryx Analytics Hub, Alteryx Intelligence Suite, and Alteryx Multithreaded Processing (AMP) Engine. Alteryx has more than doubled off its March lows as investors apparently look past the rather lackluster guidance management gave on its first-quarter conference call, citing delays in the company's sales cycle due to COVID-19.
Still, data analytics and machine learning are becoming core competencies for organizations large and small, and Alteryx's layman-friendly platform is becoming a widely used solution. Because of this, investors are predicting Alteryx adoption will reaccelerate as the COVID-19 slowdown ebbs.
Ich denke dass Motley Fool recht hat und die Userzahl beträchtlich gestiegen ist trotz Corona und entgegen der Warnung beim letzten Quartalsbericht s#212
Es ist doch auch für mich wünschenswert, dass die Zahlen positiv überraschen! Ich bin doch hier sehr glücklich mit dem Investment. Dumm nur das ich MongoDB verkauft habe. Für mich steht fest, dass diese Aktie noch 5 Jahre bleibt
Analysts are predicting Alteryx will report a loss of $0.14 per share on revenue of $94.11 million. Alteryx earnings in the same period a year ago was $0.010 per share. Quarterly sales came in at $82.04 million. Over the last 52-week period, shares of Alteryx are up 32.51%.
sollte der Markt eigentlich so erwartet haben. Habe die Zahlen auch von z.B. Enphase und The Trade Desk überflogen, da kann ich auch kein höheres Wachstum erkennen und trotzdem notieren die am Allzeithoch, komisch irgendwie oder habe ich die Zahlen falsch interprettiert ? Alteryx hat halt wohl auch viele Kunden aus Reisebranche und Luftfahrt. Klar, vom Wachstum her kein Vergleich zu Square, Shopify oder Twilio, trotzdem....... Mfg