Many nervous here. No reason. Albireo will deliver. I would not be too surpised of any of these:
1. Clinical trial completed before estimated time-schedule. 36 sites up and running. 2 children estimated for each site. It is a non-complex study (blood samples and questionnaires), see
2. Bid. Helping children AND their families to live normal lives - not for 10 years, but a WHOLE Life - what is the price tag for that? In addition, these children are treated at a few places only, no need for a huge sales team. Still, some investments needed and with already proven concept (Elobixibat), additional molecules in the pipeline, and possibility to expand the A4250 to other indications AND adults. Who wouldnt try to buy it all?
No communication from the company just makes me more nervous. It might be I will not have time to buy even more on these levels before 1 or 2 above is not only speculations but the truth.