es wird immer besser: Platz 2:
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Wow It looks just like NGBL's 2500% pre _Election run!
Lets do a little math down on the farm with 323 acres of cannabis estimated value:
If they plant the whole 323 Acres in Cannabis we are talking about a lot of Green. 43560 sq ft per acre x 323 arces = 14,069,880 sq. Ft or about 14,069,880 cannabis plants planted 1 foot apart @ 3 Lbs per Plant or about 42,200,690 pounds of cannabis per crop!
Someone please check my math because at one dollar a pound that would be 42.2 million dollars per crop and at $10 a pound that would be $420,000,000 per crop! NGBL is way way under valued If the Crop is started Has Goh planted the Cannabis?