Sehr positiv der Q1 Report,er wurde gestern veröffentlicht, die wichtigste Passage findet sich aus meiner Sicht hier:
Miguel Aiming for Production xRapid Usage in Second Quarter
One statement that was hidden in plain sight was this remark in the Q1 XRP Markets Report:
?In Q2, Ripple will look to grow the number of xRapid pilots and work to move existing pilots into production.?
We knew that these high-profile members ? Western Union, Cambridge Global Payments, MercuryFX, IDT and MoneyGram ? were all laser focused on usage of XRP for Nostro account replacement. And now we?re hearing that Q2 will be the quarter for these pilots to flip the switch on production usage.
This could be big ? very big.
A pilot is done to prove out a solution and iron out the technical approach and integration. A production implementation takes this concept and transitions it to everyday use, with all organizations using it for high-frequency transactions. Because of this, we might see demand from utility as early as this quarter.
Wir werden also im Mai bzw. Juni Unternehmen sehen, die xrapid kommerziell für ihr Tagesgeschäft nutzen werden und dafür eben XRP (den token) einsetzen werden.
Es bleibt spannend! Grüße kk