Sabina Silver wird zu Sabina Gold and Silver
gut analysiert
Bist hier der Held, das kann ich ja beruhigt schreiben, bin ja auf deiner Ignoreliste.
Dann wirst du auch nicht lesen, dass wie es zack geschrieben hat, dass Sabina sich selten marktkonform verhalten hat und das war fast jedes mal gut so!
Ausserdem hatte ich schon mal angemerkt, das ich glaube Sabina schichtet zZ seine shareholder um, die Spekulanten gehen und es wird mehr Long investierte geben. Damit dürfte sich aber auch das Kursverhalten ändern. mal sehen ob ich Recht habe und die Kursschwankungen von bis zu ca 20% der Vergangenheit angehören.
Sabina Silver verkaufte sein Hackett River-Zink/Silber-Projekt an Xstrata. Sabina erhält 50 Millionen CAD in bar und eine Produktions-Royalty in Höhe von 22,5% für die ersten 190 Millionen Unzen Silber (rund 42,75 Millionen Unzen) und 12,5% für alles danach produzierte. Auf die bisher prognostizierte Minenlaufzeit bedeutet dies etwa 2,7 Millionen Unzen Silber über 16 Jahre für Sabina zu null Kosten!
Wir meinen: Ein sehr guter Deal für Sabina. Denn damit fokussiert sich Sabina klar auf Edelmetalle. Die Analysten der Royal Bank of Canada beurteilen den Deal ebenso positiv wie wir, da die Cashbasis von Sabina weiter deutlich gestärkt wird und der Fokus auf das Gold und Silber im Back River-Projekt gelegt wird. Für den Royalty-Stream setzen die Analysten 260,4 Millionen USD wert an (bei 20 USD Silberpreis ab 2015) und Back River bewertet man bei 100 USD je Unze Gold mit 421,7 Millionen USD.
Sabina Silver: Die Aktie ist bereits gut gelaufen
Hinzu kommen 157,1 Millionen USD Cash in der Kasse und die Annahme, dass die NI43-101-konforme Ressource auf Back River um 1,3 Millionen Unzen Gold durch das laufende Bohrprogramm wächst. Das Kursziel sieht man auch nach dem Verkauf von Hackett River unverändert bei 9 CAD je Aktie.
Der Chart oben zeigt die Entwicklung von Sabina seit unserer Erstvorstellung 2005. Die Aktie stieg zunächst von 0,80 CAD auf etwa 3,60 CAD Anfang 2007, um danach bis auf ein Tief bei 0,36 CAD zu fallen. Sabina notierte damals trotz eines nachgewiesenen Bodenwertes seiner Metalle in Höhe von 15 Milliarden USD auf Cashniveau. Langsam arbeitete sich der Kurs wieder von seinen Tiefs Ende 2008 bis auf 1,20 CAD Anfang 2010 vor, bevor dann die Rakete zündete und den Kurs bis auf ein Hoch von 7,63 CAD führte. Sabina ist für uns jetzt kein Kauf für risikobewusste Explorationsanleger mehr. Der NAV liegt bei circa 6 CAD je Aktie und damit knapp unter dem aktuellen Kurs (RBC nimmt für sein Kursziel eine 1,6-fache NAV-Bewertung). Dies ist für uns kein Schnäppchen mehr, wie noch 2005 oder auch bis Anfang 2010.
Bei allem ein steigender Goldpreis, das ist der Kurs von Sabina, innerhalb von 3 Jahren auf ca 10? tippe ich mal. Also erst mal zurücklehnen und abwarten.
Sabina Gold & Silver Reports Umwelt Mineralization Now Extended Over a Strike Length of 1.2 km
Encouraging Targets Identified at George Claim Block-Back River Project, Nunavut
Sabina Gold & Silver Corp. (TSX: SBB) -
-- Hole 11GSE037 at Umwelt returns 8.71 g/t Au over 25.2 m incl. 18.98 g/t Au over 5.5 m -- Hole 11GSE042 at Umwelt returns 10.54 g/t Au over 10.3 m incl. 16.70 g/t Au over 3.4 m
Sabina Gold & Silver Corp. is pleased to announce additional assay results from holes drilled as part of the 2011 exploration program on its Umwelt and Llama deposits at the Goose property and the first results from exploration drilling on the George property at its 100% owned Back River Project in Nunavut, Canada.
The 2011 drilling campaign at Back River started on the Goose claim block in March. The focus of work is to extend and expand the new deposits at Umwelt and Llama and to identify new deposits. There are currently eight drills operating at Back River. Five rigs are in the Goose area, where two are shifting focus from resource expansion to focus on the numerous untested discovery targets within the 5 km corridor containing the Goose, Llama and Umwelt deposits. One rig continues at George and two rigs are soon to be operating on the Wishbone properties testing gold targets on those claims retained by Sabina after the Hackett River transaction.
Results continue to demonstrate that Umwelt is a strong, well mineralized system with good continuity and grade. Based on last year's drilling, the Company reported indicated resources at Umwelt of 4.6 m tonnes grading 6 g/t Au for a total of 900,000 oz and an additional inferred resource of 980K tonnes grading 6.4 g/t Au for a total of 221,000 oz over a strike length of 550 metres.
In 2011 one drill is completing 100 m step out holes tracing Umwelt to the south, with two drills following up behind with infill holes. Most significantly, Hole 11GSE042, the furthest hole to the south in which assays have been returned, intersected 10.54 g/t Au over 10.3 m including 16.70 g/t Au over 3.4 m. This hole is 550 m south of the drilling completed in 2010 and extends the overall strike length of the deposit to over 1.2 km. It is at a vertical depth of 550 m. The deposit continues to remain open along strike and to depth and plunges at a consistent 25 degrees. Other highlights include Hole 11GSE037 which returned 8.71 g/t Au over 25.2 m including 18.98 g/t Au over 5.5 m, located approximately 300 m to the south of the drilling that was completed in 2010. This intersection is at a vertical depth of 420 m.
"We continue to extend and add to the Umwelt deposit at the Goose property," said Tony Walsh, President & CEO. "The system remains open and we continue to see the structure, mineralization and visible gold as we keep drilling the deposit at depth to the south. There remains excellent potential for Umwelt to continue to grow and add ounces. Also, our Exploration Tool Box is proving successful on other areas on the property. At the George claim block, the application of the tool box has yielded very encouraging prospects for new large scale open pitable discoveries. Additionally, the sale of the Hackett River Project to Xstrata Canada Zinc has also enabled us to focus entirely on looking for new gold discoveries on our retained claims on the Wishbone greenstone belt. A drill and crew have been mobilized and work has begun on the south east portion of the belt adjacent to Back River."
To date, at Back River a total of 82 holes and 28,700 metres of core have been completed, or are in progress, with many assays still pending. A total of five rigs are currently drilling on the Goose claim block generating approximately 325 m of core per day.
The deposits and target areas at the Goose claim block are within a 5 km corridor that have been identified using an exploration system developed by Sabina's geological team. This new Exploration Tool Box is based on a set of assumptions that specifically target large buried alteration and mineralized features in folded iron formation units that have the potential to be extracted by open pit methods.
Application of the Exploration Tool Box is also in progress at the George claim block. George contains a current indicated resource of 1.84m tonnes grading 10.9 g/t Au for a total of 590,000 oz and an additional inferred resource of 2.6 m tonnes grading 10.5 g/t Au for a total of 866,000 oz of. The current deposits at George are mainly amenable to being mined by underground methods; however, with the development and application of the new tool box, numerous opportunities to find additional large shallow open pit deposits in the area have been identified.
Work has focused on one relatively underexplored area to-date and this work has resulted in a number of encouraging new discoveries. For example, at the Trigger target, silicified and sulphidized breccia zones in sediments associated with iron formations have returned a number of strong intercepts including 9.12 g/t Au over 6.00 m in hole 11GRL001. Most assays from George are still pending.
To date a total of 22 holes totalling 12,500 m have been drilled or are in progress on the Umwelt zone at the Goose property.
Drilling at Umwelt has effectively extended and expanded the mineralized zone both along strike and down plunge. At this time, the Umwelt zone mineralized trend has been traced over a strike length of 1.2 km and down to a vertical depth of 550 m below surface. The zone remains open both along strike and to depth.
The mineralized zones are hosted within a turbiditic sedimentary sequence containing silicate and oxide facies iron formations. Gold dominantly occurs with quartz +/- carbonate veining and arsenopyrite +/- pyrite +/- pyrrhotite in the iron formation. Drilling at Umwelt has identified an anti-form structure with a fold hinge that plunges to the south at 25 degrees. Thick zones of gold mineralization are associated with the fold hinge in what is now known as the Main Zone. Mineralization also occurs along a separate iron formation horizon immediately to the west known as the West Zone. The relationship between the Main and West zones is uncertain but the West Zone may be a refolded limb of the Main zone.
Table 1: Umwelt recent assay results
From Length Au Mineral
Hole Id Area Section Depth (m) To (m) (m) (g/t) Zone
11GSE026 Umwelt 4350 554 327.0 328.0 1.00 9.89 Undetermined
412.5 424.5 12.00 9.09 Main Zone East
including 413.5 416.5 3.00 22.07 Main Zone East
481.0 482.0 1.00 1.61 Main Zone West
11GSE031 Umwelt 4500 458 144.0 145.0 1.00 2.93 East BIF
252.9 253.9 1.00 1.68 Undetermined
260.0 261.0 0.95 5.40 Undetermined
316.3 317.3 1.00 1.46 Main Zone East
336.0 337.3 1.30 1.25 Main Zone East
350.0 367.0 17.00 4.78 Main Zone East
including 362.0 364.0 2.00 29.26 Main Zone East
384.3 389.5 5.20 3.21 Main Zone West
403.5 404.5 1.00 3.69 Main Zone West
11GSE037 Umwelt 4350 683 298.7 299.2 0.50 11.09 Eastern BIF
450.3 452.6 2.30 1.30 Main Zone East
465.0 469.0 4.00 1.45 Main Zone East
472.0 497.2 25.20 8.71 Main Zone East
including 487.5 493.0 5.50 18.98 Main Zone East
and 495.0 496.0 1.00 32.61 Main Zone East
11GSE040 Umwelt 4500 590 399.0 432.0 33.00 3.43 Main Zone East
including 399.0 402.0 3.00 1.91 Main Zone East
including 416.0 426.2 10.16 8.18 Main Zone East
and 423.0 425.0 2.00 25.52 Main Zone East
11GSE042 Umwelt 4050 719 636.5 646.8 10.30 10.54 Main Zone East
637.5 640.9 3.40 16.70 Main Zone East
11GSE043 Umwelt 4350 662 428.0 428.8 0.75 5.66 Main Zone East
433.8 436.4 2.55 4.56 Main Zone East
457.1 469.7 12.65 3.38 Main Zone East
457.1 458.0 0.95 10.56 Main Zone East
467.0 468.8 1.80 6.87 Main Zone East
491.7 492.6 0.95 17.87 Main Zone West
True widths are estimated to be 70% of the drill widths.
To date, a total of 29 holes comprising 5,672 m have been completed or are in progress at George.
Sabina continues to experience a high level of exploration success, demonstrated by some encouraging results at the Company's Trigger discovery located on the George Property. The first hole of the diamond drilling program confirms a significant gold endowment at this target and validates the company's exploration strategy. Numerous gold intercepts were returned within hole 11GRL001 (Trigger) including; 9.12g/t Au over 6.00 m, 1.87g/t Au over 8.00 m, 4.37g/t Au over 1.00 m, 2.45g/t Au over 1.00 m, 2.11 g/t Au over 1.00 m and 7.99 g/t over 0.50 m within brecciated, silicified and sulphidized sediments associated with oxide iron formation.
Target areas for priority testing at George in 2011 include the Bullwinkle, Rifle, Trigger, Lookout Hill, Shadow Pond and NZ locales, all of which are identified as having geological, geochemical, and geophysical attributes analogous to the deposits at the Goose claim block. Diamond drilling of this area is 100% focused on looking for new shallow open pit discoveries. Assays are still outstanding for much of this drilling.
One drill continues to test the targets at George.
Initial drilling at Llama focussed on minor gaps in the resource model and attempting to extend and expand the mineralized zone both along strike and down plunge.
To date, a total of 27 holes totalling approximately 8,700 m have been drilled or are in progress on the Llama deposit. Many assay results are still pending. The deposit has been challenging to expand, as it has a complicated structure marked by faulting and displacement of the host iron formation to the south.
Noteworthy results from the drill program include Hole 11GSE035, which returned 8.79 g/t Au over 5.0 m on the East Limb.
Table 2: Llama deposit - 2011 assay results
Length Mineral
Hole Id Area Section From (m) To (m) (m) Au (g/t) Zone
11GSE035 Llama 4950 266.00 271.00 5.00 8.79 Main East
A total of 3 holes totalling 590 metres were drilled on the Goose deposit. The holes were drilled to provide information for the ongoing geological / resource modelling interpretation in support of an open pit resource estimate. No additional holes have been collared on the Goose deposit.
The open pit resource estimate is currently underway.
Sabina Gold & Silver Corp. is an emerging precious metals company with district scale, world class undeveloped assets in one of the world's newest, most politically stable mining jurisdictions: Nunavut, Canada.
The properties consist of the Back River Gold Project as well as the Wishbone Claims, a vastly prospective grass roots project.
Quality Assurance
Mr. Doug Cater, P. Geo, and Project Manager, Back River Project of Sabina Gold & Silver Corp. is a Qualified Person under the terms of NI43-101 and has reviewed the technical content of this press release and approved its dissemination.
Mineral resources for Goose and George were generated by RSG Global Consulting Pty Ltd (Coffey Mining) in September 2007. Mineral resources for Llama and Umwelt deposits were generated by Roscoe Postle Associates (RPA) in March 2011. These are all posted on
Diamond drill core was sent to TSL Laboratories in Saskatoon, Sask. Quality control is monitored on a continual basis and utilizes a system of standards, blanks and duplicates to ensure analytical accuracy. The protocols and procedures used in 2011 are the same as those used in earlier campaigns by Sabina Gold & Silver Corp. and have been deemed appropriate in the above noted 43-101 compliant resource reports.
Forward Looking Statements
Statements relating to exploration, pre-feasibility work and future operations at the Back River Project and the expected results of this work are forward-looking statements within the meaning of securities legislation of certain Provinces in Canada. Forward looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur. Information inferred from the interpretation of drilling results may also be deemed to be forward looking statements, as it constitutes a prediction of what might be found to be present when and if a project is actually developed. These forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those reflected in the forward-looking statements, including, without limitation: risks related to fluctuations in metal prices; uncertainties related to raising sufficient financing to fund the planned work in a timely manner and on acceptable terms; changes in planned work resulting from weather, logistical, technical or other factors; the possibility that results of work will not fulfill expectations and realize the perceived potential of the Company's properties; risk of accidents, equipment breakdowns and labour disputes or other unanticipated difficulties or interruptions; the possibility of cost overruns or unanticipated expenses in the work program; the risk of environmental contamination or damage resulting from Sabina's operations and other risks and uncertainties, including those described in Sabina's Annual Report for the year ended December 31, 2010.
Forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of Sabina's management on the date the statements are made. Sabina undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements should management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.
This news release has been authorized by the undersigned on behalf of Sabina Gold & Silver Corp.
Tony Walsh, President & CEO
930 West 1st Street, Suite 202
North Vancouver, BC V7P 3N4
Tel 604 998-4175 Fax 604 998-1051
Table 3: 2011 Back River project - Goose Lake property Drill results as of
June 24, 2011
From Length Au Mineral
Hole Id Area Section Depth (m) To (m) (m) (g/t) Zone
11GSE026 Umwelt 4350 554 327.0 328.0 1.00 9.89 Undetermined
412.5 424.5 12.00 9.09 Main Zone East
including 413.5 416.5 3.00 22.07 Main Zone East
481.0 482.0 1.00 1.61 Main Zone West
11GSE027 Llama 4650 488 314.0 344.0 30.00 0.70 Main Zone West
including 315.9 318.0 2.13 3.72 Main Zone West
and 333.0 334.0 1.00 2.38 Main Zone West
and 343.0 344.0 1.00 2.26 Main Zone West
464.0 468.0 4.00 3.35 Main Zone West
11GSE028 Umwelt 4250 590 212.9 213.6 0.70 1.47 East BIF
319.5 321.0 1.50 3.12 Undetermined
401.7 402.7 1.00 3.04 Main Zone East
468.5 470.3 1.80 5.83 Main Zone East
490.5 491.5 1.00 1.34 Main Zone East
499.2 500.2 1.00 2.40 Main Zone East
545.3 546.3 1.00 1.11 Main Zone West
11GSE029 Llama 5500 194 110.9 112.1 1.25 2.43 Undetermined
11GSE030 Llama 4750 512 340.0 340.5 0.50 10.05 Main Zone East
11GSE031 Umwelt 4500 458 144.0 145.0 1.00 2.93 East BIF
252.9 253.9 1.00 1.68 Undetermined
260.0 261.0 0.95 5.40 Undetermined
316.3 317.3 1.00 1.46 Main Zone East
336.0 337.3 1.30 1.25 Main Zone East
350.0 367.0 17.00 4.78 Main Zone East
including 362.0 364.0 2.00 29.26 Main Zone East
384.3 389.5 5.20 3.21 Main Zone West
403.5 404.5 1.00 3.69 Main Zone West
11GSE032 Llama 5350 248.6 NSV
11GSE033 Umwelt 4150 719 244.4 245.0 0.65 1.41 East BIF
530.1 530.9 0.80 9.88 Main Zone East
541.0 542.0 1.00 1.20 Main Zone East
552.7 564.0 11.30 1.17 Main Zone East
11GSE034 Llama 5000 362 149.5 150.5 1.00 1.56 Midway BIF
239.2 240.2 1.00 1.34 Main Zone East
11GSE035 Llama 4950 609.5 266.0 271.0 5.00 8.79 Main Zone East
11GSE036 Llama 5200 188 NSV
11GSE037 Umwelt 4350 683 298.7 299.2 0.50 11.09 Eastern BIF
450.3 452.6 2.30 1.30 Main Zone East
465.0 469.0 4.00 1.45 Main Zone East
472.0 497.2 25.20 8.71 Main Zone East
including 487.5 493.0 5.50 18.98 Main Zone East
and 495.0 496.0 1.00 32.61 Main Zone East
11GSE038 Llama 4750 323 NSV
11GSE039 Llama 4650 341 NSV
11GSE040 Umwelt 4500 590 399.0 432.0 33.00 3.43 Main Zone East
including 399.0 402.0 3.00 1.91 Main Zone East
including 416.0 426.2 10.16 8.18 Main Zone East
and 423.0 425.0 2.00 25.52 Main Zone East
11GSE041B Llama 4900 209.5 NSV
11GSE042 Umwelt 4050 719 636.5 646.8 10.30 10.54 Main Zone East
including 637.5 640.9 3.40 16.70 Main Zone East
11GSE043 Umwelt 4350 662 319.6 320.1 0.50 1.18 Eastern BIF
323.2 323.8 0.55 1.35 Eastern BIF
428.0 428.8 0.75 5.66 Main Zone East
433.8 436.4 2.55 4.56 Main Zone East
437.7 438.8 1.10 1.90 Main Zone East
457.1 469.7 12.65 3.38 Main Zone East
including 457.1 458.0 0.95 10.56 Main Zone East
including 467.0 468.8 1.80 6.87 Main Zone East
491.7 492.6 0.95 17.87 Main Zone West
Wer noch keine Verluste hatte, hat nicht genug riskiert!
Wer noch keine Verluste hatte, hat nicht genug riskiert!
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Sabina Gold & Silver
ausbruch aus der stagnation in die aufwertsbewegung.
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Sabina Gold & Silver
Ich ärgere mich, dass ich im vergangenen Jahr die Hälfte meines Bestandes verkauft habe. Aber ich habe noch immer eine Menge und überlege, ob ich wieder kaufen soll!
Wer noch keine Verluste hatte, hat nicht genug riskiert!
Wer noch keine Verluste hatte, hat nicht genug riskiert!
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Sabina Gold & Silver
Mit Kurszuwächsen von 8,17% auf Basis des US-Dollars partizipieren Goldkäufer an den Preissteigerungen, welche das Edelmetall im Juli vor allem im Zuge der anhaltenden Unsicherheit im Zusammenhang der globalen Staatsschuldenkrise verzeichnete. Wieder einmal wurden hierbei neue Rekordmarken erzielt.
Silber kann im Juli einmal mehr das Potenzial aus Industrie- und Investmentnachfrage ausspielen und legt mit 12,25% unter den Edelmetallen am deutlichsten zu. Das Minus aus dem Vormonat, als es um -7,72% nach unten ging, ist damit mehr als kompensiert.
Platin erreicht mit 3,31% im Juli eine immer noch beachtliche Performance, auch wenn es im Vergleich mit den anderen Sektorvertretern die geringste war. Deutlich übertroffen wurde es so auch vom Schwestermetall Palladium. 8,28% Kurszuwachs stehen hier im Juli zu Buche.
Im bisherigen Jahresverlauf liegt Silber somit weiterhin vorne. Anleger konnten bisher seit Jahresbeginn eine Rendite von 29,48% verzeichnen. Gold liegt inzwischen mit 15,48% auch wieder im zweistelligen Bereich. Platin und Palladium haben zumindest das negative Vorzeichen hinter sich lassen können. In den ersten sieben Monaten des Jahres 2011 legte Platin um 2,77% zu, Palladium nun sogar um 4,17%.
Nachdem in der europäischen Staatsschuldenkrise etwas Ruhe eingekehrt ist, dürfte der August davon geprägt sein, wie die Märkte die Lösungen zur us-amerikanischen Schuldenproblematik aufnehmen werden. Vielleicht sehen wir auch in diesem Monat wieder neue Höchststände.
sieht man nicht alle Tage .
Doch bei sehr geringe Umsätze.
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Sabina Gold & Silver
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