Maybe Suborbit is giving negative opinion, because he wants to get involved and get paid for a positive promotion. He certainly wantes to get involved into SOMETHING (whatever that may be)!!! But facts are facts. It doesnt really matter how hard he is trying , if there is no substance behind it, but bunch of links leading nowhere, appart to blank places online. But it is interesting that he pushed the price down in the last week a lot, with all his negative and iritating posts and then suddenly a BIG TIME buyer came in and bought more then 2,5 mil shares in couple of days, when the price was at the lowest . GOOD DEAL!!!!So maybe he did a good job for that particular buyer and maybe some pice of cake from that.....or even better... maybe he himself was a buyer. However according to good reputation of C Godwin and others at the board of Uranio, I am sure his bashing had no ground at all, but personal intrests. We are not dealing with a homepage company here or internet links, but real ground, real uranium essets .
Good luck to all listening to him. Take a look where uranium price is this week and figure out his intentions!!!