Monarques Resources Inc., Kanada ist ein Spin-Off von Nemaska Exploration Inc. Nemaska fokussiert sich auf die Entdeckung und Erschliessung von Lithiumvorkommen. Explorationsgebiete, die viele weitere Metalle beherbergen, wurden zu 100% an Monarques ausgelagert. Darunter befinden sich Gold, Kupfer, Nickel, Seltene Erden und viele weitere Resourcen. Monarques ist noch nicht in Deutschland gelistet, die Heimatbörse ist die TSX Toronto. Total Shares: 31,750,100 Market Cap: 9,525,000 CAD (ca. 6,96 Mio EUR) >> Hier geht's zur Kursabfrage an der TSX Nemaska-Aktionäre erhielten Anteile an der neuen Firma (Verhältnis 20:1, wenn ich mich recht erinner).
Im Winter 2010 gingen dem Spin-Off Bohrungen durch Nemaska vorraus. Man fand auf drei der Liegenschaften Resourcen, es wurden Bohrungen von insgesamt 4.083m unternommen und die Ergebnisse werden in Kürze erwartet. Es ist wohl anzunehmen, dass die vorläufigen Ergebnisse Nemaska schlussendlich veranlasst haben, die Projekte in ein neues Unternehmen auszulagern. Mit den Geldern aus dem Börsengang exploriert Monarques obige drei sowie weitere Projekte. Der Plan für die kommenden 9 Monate ist wie folgt (und da ich faul bin, copy&paste ich hier): WORK PLANNED 3,000 m of drilling (8 holes) will be conducted on the Nisk-1 deposit (Ni-Cu-PGE) starting mid October 2011, to establish the continuity of the previously identified mineralized zone at depth and lateral extensions. 3D modeling of the deposit will also be carried out and an updated resource estimate is planned following the results of this work. Presently ground geophysics work (Induced polarisation) is being carried over 20 km of line, covering the entire 3.5 km of the geological formation hosting the Nisk-1 deposit. Elsewhere on the property, mechanical stripping and ground magnetic surveys are also planned. Prospecting, geological surveying and sampling will be conducted during the summer of 2011 on the eastern extension of a massive sulphide zone identified during fieldwork conducted north of Bourier Lake in summer 2010. About 1,200 m of drilling (8 holes) and mechanical trenching is planned for the fall of 2011 to test targets of interest that will be identified during fieldwork planned for this summer. 2,400 m of drilling (10 holes) will also be conducted during the fall of 2011 to establish the continuity at depth of the massive sulphide zone identified during previous fieldwork. This zone has been traced along strike for about 7.5 km. 2,800 m of drilling (14 holes) will be drilled during the winter of 2012 to continue exploration of this hyperalkaline intrusive identified by drilling in the winter of 2011. A radiometric survey (track-etching) is currently underway and will be completed during the summer of 2011. 1,800 m of diamond drilling (9 holes) will de done in order to establish the lateral continuity and continuity at depth of a showing identified on surface and as a follow up of the drilling of the 2011 winter campaign. This drilling will be conducted during the winter of 2012. 2,800 m of diamond drilling (14 holes) to establish the lateral continuity and continuity at depth of a showing identified on surface. The showing was stripped and channel sampled in the summer of 2010. The drilling will be conducted during the winter of 2012. - Caumont (Ni, Cu, PGE, Au)
A helicopter-borne magnetic and electromagnetic survey (heli Mag-EM) will be conducted during the summer of 2011 on claims forming part of this property that have not been previously covered. Prospecting, geological surveying and sampling will be conducted during the fall of 2011. 1,000 m of exploration diamond drilling (4 holes) will be conducted during the 2012 winter on various targets identified during fieldwork carried in the summer of 2009 and 2010. Quelle Hoffen wir auf gute Ergebnisse, allen Investierten viel Erfolg und wie immer: keine Handelsaufforderung, macht euch selbst ein Bild.