sehe ich anders Jeann: Ich kenne die allgemein üblichen Argumente, ... noch 10 Jahre.. Marktreife dauert noch.. alles Journalistengequatsche, alte Hüte und Oil lobby dahinter, die es verhindern will aber nicht kann, meiner Meinung nach. Während wir hier sitzen wird zu.B. in Californien der H2 Highway weiter ausgebaut, richtig gelesen, er existiert bereits mit Befüllungsstationen für H2 Fahrzeuge. Siehe meinen Beitrag hier im Board "Landkarte" zum Draufklicken wo sich welche Station befindet. Andere Anwendungen sind bereits am Laufen siehe Kopie von Meldung Hygs CEO heute auf yahoofinance. __________ Snip. Hydrogenics will provide its HySTAT-10 electrolyzer driven by wind turbines for the production of hydrogen, which will then be used to power a Hydrogenics 1 x HyPM 12 fuel cell power module. The hydrogen will also be used to fuel hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, including a delivery van and a shuttle bus previously integrated with a Hydrogenics fuel cell power module. "Hydrogen provides an ideal energy solution," said Daryl Wilson, President and CEO of Hydrogenics. "We believe that hydrogen will play a critical role in capturing the power of renewable resources and creating viable clean energy systems that are cost effective, sustainable and environmentally friendly," added Mr. Wilson. Hydrogen power is highly scaleable and ideal for storing large amounts of energy for long periods of time. In addition, hydrogen is multi-use and can be used to fuel vehicles and other industrial equipment, or even generate power for community electrical grids, with energy derived from renewable resources. ________ Snip it and unsnipped