Hallo zusammen,
spannende Zeiten für Lynas. Der Mai hat es in sich. Was dabei rauskommt wird sich zeigen auf jeden Fall krass.
Aus den verschiedenen Meldungen wie auch aus denen von Lynas ist es mir leider unklar wer bzw. konkreter was ja mich interessiert ob ich auch an der KE teilnehmen kann.
Ich konnte lesen dass die Teilnahme
1. Nicht ähnlich Bezugsrechten sondern nach fixer Staffelung eines Betrages mit mximal 15k AUD pro Shareholder durchgeführt werden soll
2. Eligible Shareholders sind Australian and New Zealand Shareholders plus noch weitere Limitierungen.
Da ich in DE sitze heißt dass nun dass ich garnicht gefragt werden. Wleche Entscheidung man trifft ist immer noch eine andee Frage aber garnicht gefragt/die Möglichkeit zu haben bedeutet dass ich mir darüber gleich gar keine Gedanken machen darf. Schade wenns einem so abgenommen wird.
Hier noch die Meldung aus welche ich im Wallstreet-Online Forum gelesen hab
Dear shareholder
Message from the Chairman
The Lynas Board of Directors believe the capital raising and proposed debt amendment announced to the ASX on 5 May 2014 provides a solid financial base for the Company.
Lynas achieved a new record month of production in April 2014 of 709 tonnes on an REO equivalent basis, more than 20% higher than the previous record month in March. The ramp up of production and sales from the Lynas Advanced Materials Plant is now well advanced and we expect to be at our targeted production rate during the June 2014 quarter. The equity raising will secure our short term working capital requirement.
The Lynas Directors are particularly pleased to be able to offer eligible shareholders the opportunity to participate in the Equity Raising.
Completion of the proposed purchase and amendment of the Sojitz/JOGMEC loan facility would remove the obligation of debt repayments until mid-2016, giving Lynas time to further strengthen its financial profile through the build-up of cash flow from production and sales.
Share Purchase Plan ? Eligible Shareholders may purchase parcels of fully paid ordinary shares up to a value of A$15,000
On behalf of Lynas Corporation Ltd (Lynas), I am pleased to offer you the opportunity to participate in the Lynas Share Purchase Plan (the SPP).
As announced on 5 May 2014, Lynas proposes to raise a minimum of A$30 million under the SPP with the capacity to raise up to a further A$10 million through a non-underwritten ?top up? placement to institutional and sophisticated investors at the same price as the SPP (Placement), subject to available placement capacity under the ASX Listing Rules.
Funds raised under the SPP and Placement will be used to augment working capital during the ramp-up at the Lynas Advanced Materials Plant (LAMP).
The Share Purchase Plan
The amount that each Eligible Shareholder can apply for under the SPP is capped at A$15,000.
The SPP is being offered to Australian and New Zealand Shareholders at a price per new fully paid ordinary share (New Shares) equal to a 17.5% discount to the average market price of fully paid ordinary shares traded in the ordinary course on ASX during the 5 trading days up to and including the SPP Shortfall date, rounded up to the nearest 0.1 cent.
The offer
The SPP is offered exclusively to all Eligible Shareholders, being registered holders as at 7pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)) on Friday, 2 May 2014 (Record Date) with a registered address in Australia or New Zealand who meet certain other conditions as set out in the Terms and Conditions.
The SPP provides Eligible Shareholders with an opportunity to buy a parcel of New Shares in Lynas valued at A$1,000, A$2,500, A$5,000, A$7,500, A$10,000, A$12,500 or A$15,000.
The SPP opens on Friday, 9 May 2014 and is expected to close at 5pm (AEST) on Friday, 23 May 2014, unless the timetable is varied.
Level 7, 56 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia T: +61 2 8259 7100 F: +61 2 8259 7199 W:
www.lynascorp.com ACN: 009 066 648
Participation in the SPP is entirely voluntary. All New Shares issued under the SPP will rank
equally with existing fully paid ordinary shares and will carry the same voting rights and entitlement
to receive distributions. No brokerage costs apply to purchases under the SPP. The issue of New
Shares is expected to occur on Thursday, 29 May 2014.
Underwriting of SPP
The SPP will be fully underwritten to A$30 million by Patersons Securities Limited (Patersons).
The Underwriting Agreement is subject to standard representations and warranties. It also contains
termination provisions whereby Patersons would have the right to terminate the Underwriting
Agreement upon the occurrence of certain events, including adverse changes in international
financial markets, material suspensions of trading of securities in financial markets, a fall in the
S&P/ ASX 200 Materials Index by 10% or more as at 5 May 2014, and the occurrence of other
specified matters relating to Lynas.
The Directors reserve the right in consultation with the underwriter to expand the size of the SPP
(subject to ASX Listing Rules) and to scale back acceptances at their discretion
How to accept this offer
To apply for New Shares under the SPP, please follow the instructions on the enclosed
personalised Application Form.
This letter and its attachments set out the details and Terms and Conditions of the SPP. I
encourage you to read the enclosed material and seek your own financial advice in relation to the
SPP, before you decide whether to participate.
On behalf of the Board, I invite you to consider participation in the SPP.