musste mit unserer IT sprechen, damit diese sich einmal unsere Serverlogfiles etwas näher anschauen - da kommen neuerdings E-Mails ins Postfach, da fragt man sich, was bringt eigentlich diese Massenüberwachung im Kampf gegen Kriminelle? Offenbar überhaupt nichts!
Um genau diese E-Mail ging es, die heute um 5 Uhr in aller Frühe ankam:
"We are the Team Xball and we have chosen your website/network as target for our next DDoS attack. Unfortunately your data was leaked in the recent hacking of the web site and we now have your information.
We have DataBase tax forms, DOB, Names, Addresses, Credit card details, bank account full details and more sensitive data.
Now, we can publish your details and your clients online who would damage the rating of the company and would create many problems for you.
On Friday 16_06_2017_7:00p.m. GMT !!! We begin to attack your network servers and computers We will produce a powerful DDoS attack - up to 250 Gbps All data will be encrypted on computers Crypto-Ransomware You can stop the attack beginning, if payment 1 bitcoin (2900 $).
Do you have time to pay. If you do not pay before the attack 1 bitcoin the price will increase to 10 bitcoins." ...
Offenbar handelt es sich um einen Hoax - Firewall und andere Protokolle zeigen rückwirkend auf 6 Monate bisher nichts Verdächtiges.
Trotzdem ist er ärgerlich - der damit verbundene zusätzliche Aufwand.