Per 31.05.2017:
Cash and cash equivalents (note 7) = $ 301 487
General and administrative expenses = $ 22 787 Professional fees = $ 139 500 Share based payment = $ 71 608
Share Balance - May 31, 2016, = 53 566 133 shares Consolidation 10:1 (125 377 022) Share Balance - May 31, 2017 = 28 552 375 shares
"The Company?s principal assets are mining claims and deferred exploration costs relating to properties which are not in commercial projects. The Company is in the process of exploring its mining claims and has not yet determined whether or not the properties will contain economically recoverable reserves."
Hierzu sollte man sich die Daten zu den Claims (Kaufoptionen, Shares etc.) genauer anschauen...
"Several adverse conditions and events cast substantial doubt upon the validity of this assumption. Vanadium One is not currently generating any revenue from its operations and for the three-month period ended May 31, 2017, the Company recorded a net comprehensive loss of $233,895 (May 31, 2016 - $25,901) and an accumulated deficit of $7,081,955 (February 28, 2017 - $6,848,060)."
Warrants Balance at end of the period = 12 994 369 units; zu Preisen von $ 0,08, $ 0,10, $ 0,12, $0,15, $0,16 und $ 0,25. (umgerechnet aktuell von 0,054 bis 0,168 Euro).
Für weitere Explorationsarbeiten wird frisches Cash bzw. Ausgabe weiterer Shares erforderlich werden. Hier die Finanzierung genauer ansehen...
Meine Meinung.