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Key Highlights of Q1/2014 from Local Corp
- Grew total revenue 22% year-over-year to $26.2 million.
- Increased Network revenue 78% year-over-year to $14.8 million.
- Reduced net loss 16% year-over-year, reporting net loss of $2.8 million.
- Delivered Adjusted EBITDA* of $712,000 while investing in growth.
- Reported $189 revenue per thousand visitors (RKVs), up from $178 in fourth quarter 2013.
Read additional more in the transcript of the conference call direct on Seeking Alpha;
?We entered 2014 focused on three avenues to drive long-term shareholder value:
- growing our core business,
- leveraging our Krillion® data technology and
- monetizing our intellectual property.?
Local Corp has with about 28 million Monthly US-Unique Visitors more than Yelp with about 25.7 million Monthly US-Unique Visitors
The Monthly US-Unique Visitors of Local Cors Flagshipsite increase from 20,166,283 in March to 21,016,559 in April. Together with between 7 and 8 million Monthly US-Unique Visitors from the network has Loccal Corp between 28 and 29 million Monthly US-Unique Visitors against 25, 669,108 Monthly US-Unique Visitors of Yelp.
Idiotic Divergence
Guidance of Yelp of revenues of 365 million for 2014 are by the market-cap of 4.41 billion on Friday 12.09-times-revenues - the 32-fold valuation of every $ revenues of the idiotic low 0.38-times-revenues of Local Corp. Such a divergence will never lasting. Guidance of 107 million revenues and more of Local Corp are by a market-cap of only 41.0 million last Friday only 0.38-times-revenues.