Today's pick is: PWEI
Hi Everyone,
PWEI traded up about 10% for most of the day today and looks like it could shoot to new highs extremely soon!
While we love daily gains what?s more important is how PWEI seems to sprint through the finish line at the end of the day just itching to reach new highs!
When our picks perform like PWEI did today, they have a track record of looking like they?re strapped to a rocket ship in the days following!
In fact, PWEI of 2013 is almost of mirror image of PWEI 2012, here?s why?
Last October we saw PWEI go from $0.13 to $1.22 in just 11 trading days. We saw opportunities for investors to make money each day, and ultimately a MASSIVE run to the impressive highs!
Today was the 3rd trading day since our alert, and while the stock has already almost doubled, you can bet your bottom dollar that in the days to come there will be MUCH BIGGER GAINS!
As we mentioned previously, PWEI could quickly reach $0.50 cents this week. Why? Because these prices are extremely cheap for any traders and investors looking at this pick.
Did you notice that institutional buyers are starting to bid on PWEI? We are seeing market makers and institutions bidding for large amount of shares in PacWest Equities Inc.
The interesting thing is these institutions are the same that were bidding on our last pick before it moved from $0.13 cents to $0.75 cents.
This could easily happen with PWEI and could happen as soon as tomorrow!
History tends to repeat itself and this previous gain of over 500% is about to happen again in our opinion.
PWEI already had a huge shareholder base considering that a large amount of shares were accumulated in the past. These shareholders are now buying again anticipating a similar if not bigger rally then the previous one!
Since last Thursday we have seen a couple huge announcements that could have a MAJOR impact on things in tomorrow?s trading.
If you?ve read our newsletters closely in the past you?ll know that every now and then we have something special in store, well that time has arrived!
Happy Trading!