Sangamo is on the steering commitee for the Forum HIV Cure Project (with Merck, Bristol-Meyers Squib, and Gilead Sciences) .
THE FORUM HIV CURE PROJECT - June 17, 2014 Objectives: To facilitate discussions between US government agencies, industry, academia, and community on the topic of clinical trials and regulatory issues pertaining to HIV cure research To discuss or reach consensus on acceptable clinical trial risk of potential cure treatments To discuss appropriate trial designs for cure-related research: - Potential assays to be used for trial endpoints - Logistics/parameters of treatment interruptions, or valid alternatives, in trials assessing potential cure treatment outcomes - Assessment of functional cures if complete eradication is not possible - Appropriate trial populations for the different potential interventions To discuss or reach consensus on ethics and informed consent appropriate for cure-related researc Status:
The project has recently launched, with the public meeting planned for June 17, 2014 The Steering Committee for this project includes: Co-Chairs: Daniel Kuritzkes, MD Harvard Medical School; Brigham & Women?s Hospital Veronica Miller, PhD Forum for Collaborative HIV Research National Institutes of Health: Carl Dieffenbach, PhD DAIDS/NIAID Robert Eisinger, PhD Office of AIDS Research/NIH
Food and Drug Administration: Celia Witten, PhD, MD Center for Biologics Evaluation & Research Carol Weiss, MD, PhD Center for Biologics Evaluation & Research Jeffrey Murray, MD, MPH Center for Drug Evaluation & Research
Community: David Evans Project Inform Mark Harrington Treatment Action Group Rowena Johnston, PhD American Foundation for AIDS Research
Industry: Romas Geleziunas, PhD Gilead Sciences, Inc George Hanna, MD Bristol-Myers Squibb Daria Hazuda, PhD Merck Research Laboratories Winson Tang, MD, FACP Sangamo Biosciences, Inc