Hi Jopius,
es tut mir leid, daß Du so viel Verlust hast bzw. realisieren mußt. Aber diese Spirale geht nicht ewig so weiter. Wer heute zu diesen Kursen z.B. noch Popnet gekauft hat, dem ist nicht mehr zu helfen. (Leider habe ich nach Zeichnung keine bekommen, es hätte mich sicherlich auch gefreut.)
Ich stelle hier gerne kritische Texte ins Board, weil mir die Überzahl an Bullen nicht geheuer ist. Und wenn die Euphorie am größten ist, setzt der Crash ein... Wenn wir aktuell nicht eine absolut übertriebene Euphorie in Deutschland haben, dann weiß ich nicht mehr. Auch die Japaner dachten, es würde immer so weiter gehen und müssen zehn Jahre nach dem Zusammenbruch noch immer die Scherben aufsammeln... nichts dauert ewig, schon gar nicht an der Börse!
Hier aber ein Text, der mich wieder aufhorchen läßt: (Die beste Stelle wie üblich mit !!! gekennzeichnet.)
The Economist Speaks Robert Parks is a fixture in the New York brokerage community. He has been a Wall Street economist, professor and author for almost forty years? By K.C. Grainger New York City - Feb 3 - I first met Bob lifting weights at the Downtown Athletic Club. He convinced me to seek employment in the investment industry, which I did do. When I look back, I should have dropped the weights on his head for doing me that favor. The Wharton School of Finance graduate, university professor, and perceptive Federal Reserve Bank watcher has been seen and quoted regularly in US business publications and the New York media. I have known Bob for over twenty years now and although I may sometimes disagree with his market views and forecasts, he always points out something that is being overlooked by most analysts and economists. And even though his particular focus may not be attracting much attention when he points it out; later it usually does have an effect. In other words, Bob is often early. He has been recently expressing concern at the exceptionally high US money velocity, which means that the growth of money supply is outpacing growth in the overall economy. And "the Federal Reserve Bank is allowing extreme monetary and debt overstimulation at present," he says. Bob believes that the investing world is only monitoring the Fed's interest rate policy, and ignoring what is really happening. !!!!!!!!!!!!! He believes find that the overall stock market is seriously overvalued, but is even more concerned with the levels of the NASDAQ which he describes as "the biggest bubble in US financial history." The price to earnings ratio of 180 times earnings almost has him heading for a bomb shelter. He can easily see a decline to the 2400 level for the NASDAQ from its recent over 4000 high. !!!!!!!!!!!!! And interest rates ? He thinks that long term treasury bonds are a steal, although he can see a spike in T-bond rates for a very short period to as high as 7.7%. Bob also thinks that there are some excellent investment opportunities, even in this market, and does not expect any economic catastrophe. But for the present he cautions investors to make sure that they are getting value for their money.
Quelle: Wallstreet-Online
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