"An dem Geschäftsmodell von Rainforest resources inc. Ist natürlich was dran! ... Das Unternehmen gibt es nicht umsonst seit 1992."
Diese Logik ist faszinierend. Vor allem, wenn man sich die Historie des Unternehmens anschaut, die im Geschäftsbericht steht:
"Rainforest Resources Inc. (the ?Company? or ?RRIF?) was incorporated in the state of Florida on November 13, 1992 under the name Innovative Technology Systems Inc. (?ITS?). On January 12, 2000, ITS changed its name to Stanfield Educational Alternatives, Inc. (?SEA?). On November 18, 2003, SEA changed its name to North American Liability Group, Inc. (?NALG?). On April 19, 2005, NALG changed its name to NorMex Steel Inc. (?NMS?). On June 20, 2006, NMS changed its name to BioChem Solutions Inc. (?BCS?). On November 30, 2009, BCS changed its name to Balmoral FX Systems Inc. (?BFXS?). On March 29, 2012, BFXS changed its name to Amalgamated Gold and Silver Inc. (?AGS?). On December 10, 2015, AGS changed its name to Rainforest Resources Inc."
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