Die Tscheschen (Politiker) wollen immer noch den Vertrag mit EMH als ungültig ansehen. EMH allerdings tut so als sei das Memorandum von 2017 weiterhin gültig. Es scheint so als laufe das ganze auf eine Klage hinaus. Technisch ist man weiter gut auf Kurs. http://www.proactiveinvestors.co.uk/companies/...e-sample-198332.html
Vom drittgrößten Aktionär der EMH der tschechischen ARCA-Kaptital kommt ein interessanter Vorschlag. EMH soll den Hauptsitz des Unternehmens nach Tschechien verlegen. Dadurch würde sich die Verhandlungsbasis deutlich verbessern. https://energetika.tzb-info.cz/...ada-pokrok-v-tezbe-lithia-u-cinovce
EMH hat gültige Lizenzen. Das ist das was zählt. Und dies wird auch die tschechische Regierung nicht einfach ändern können. Ausser die Regierung geht das Risiko ein verklagt zu werden, einen massiven ansehensverlust und große Strafzahlungen zu riskieren.
gets Czech govt nod for Cinovec lithium drilling 01 October 2018, 14:44 Source - SMW European Metals Holdings said permits had been granted for a drilling campaign at its Cinovec lithium-tin project in the Czech Republic.
A total of 13 drill holes for a total drilled length of 3,386 metres had been allowed by authorities, as part of a definitive feasibility study for the project
17 June 2019 PFS UPDATE CONFIRMS POTENTIAL OF LOW-COST LITHIUM HYDROXIDE PRODUCTION European Metals Holdings Limited (?European Metals? or ?the Company?) is pleased to announce the results from the successful update of the process flowsheet previously developed to enable the production of lithium hydroxide (LiOH.H2O). This work has been completed in conjunction with test-work confirming the production of battery grade lithium hydroxide from Cinovec ore. These results significantly enhance the forecast economics of the Cinovec Project. HIGHLIGHTS (all $ figures in this release are US Dollars and increases refer to the 2017 PFS Lithium Carbonate study): ? Net estimated overall cost of production post credits: $3,435 / tonne LiOH.H2O ? Project Net Present Value (?NPV?) increases 105% to: $1.108B (post tax, 8%) ? Internal Rate of Return (?IRR?) increased 37% to 28.8% (post tax) ? Total Capital Cost: $482.6M ? Annual production of Battery Grade Lithium Hydroxide: 25,267 tonnes ? Studies are based on only 9.3% of reported Indicated Mineral Resource and a mine life of 21 years processing an average of 1.68 Mtpa ore ? The process used to produce lithium hydroxide allows for the staging of lithium carbonate and then lithium hydroxide production to minimize capital and startup risk and enables the production of either battery grade lithium hydroxide or carbonate as markets demand European Metals Managing Director Keith Coughlan said, ?I am very pleased to report to shareholders on the completion of this update to our 2017 Preliminary Feasibility Study for the Cinovec project which adds significantly to the already robust forecast economics for the project. Since demonstrating that battery grade lithium hydroxide can be produced from zinnwaldite mineralisation we have worked with Hatch to update the flowsheet and engineering required to adapt our lithium carbonate producing flowsheet to one that converts battery grade lithium carbonate into lithium hydroxide. We have now confirmed the ability with our resource, which is the largest lithium resource in Europe, to produce either or both products in line with market requirements once in production. Cinovec is strategically located in central Europe in close proximity to the continent?s vehicle manufacturers. With increasing demand for Electric Vehicles and the expected demands of grid storage capacity, the project is very well placed to supply the European lithium market for many decades.? 2 | Page The Cinovec Project remains a potential low operating cost, hard rock lithium producer, due to a number of key advantages: ? By-product credits from the recovery of tin, tungsten, potash and sodium sulphate; ? The ore is amenable to single-stage crushing and single-stage coarse SAG milling, reducing capital and operating costs and complexity; ? Paramagnetic properties of zinnwaldite allow the use of low cost wet magnetic processing to produce a lithium concentrate for further processing at relatively high recoveries; ? Relatively low temperature roasting at atmospheric pressure utilizing conventional technologies, reagent recycling and the use of waste gypsum; and ? Low cost access to extensive existing infrastructure and grid power. Neil Meadows has, following completion of the updated PFS, stood down with immediate effect as non-Board Chief Operating Officer to pursue another opportunity. The Board thanks Neil for his contribution and wishes him well in his new endeavours.
European Metals Holdings Limited (?European Metals? or ?the Company?) is pleased to announce that CEZ Group (?CEZ?), one of Central and Eastern Europe?s largest power utilities, has today conditionally agreed to provide a EUR 2 million finance facility by way of a convertible loan. CEZ is currently conducting due diligence on the Company and Project. The successful outcome of the due diligence process could see CEZ become European Metals? largest shareholder and co-development partner for the Cinovec Lithium/Tin Project through conversion of the convertible note and subsequent additional investment. Headquartered in the Czech Republic, CEZ is an established, integrated energy group with operations in a number of Central and Southeastern European countries and Turkey. CEZ?s core business is the generation, distribution, trade in, and sales of electricity and heat, trade in and sales of natural gas, and coal extraction. CEZ Group has 31,400 employees and annual revenue of approximately AUD 12 billion. The largest shareholder of its parent company, CEZ a. s., is the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic with a stake of approximately 70%. The shares of CEZ a.s. are traded on the Prague and Warsaw stock exchanges and included in the PX and WIGCEE exchange indices. As one of the leading Central European power companies, CEZ intends to develop energy storage projects in the Czech Republic and in Central Europe which include energy storage and charging infrastructure and electricity supply, for users of electric vehicles. European Metals Managing Director Keith Coughlan said, ?We are delighted to be in advanced discussions with CEZ regarding the future development of the Cinovec Project. CEZ is the largest company in the Czech Republic and one of the leading companies in Central and Eastern Europe, having a strong vision with regards to renewable energy and power storage. Potentially partnering with CEZ further demonstrates EMH?s commitment to develop fully the Cinovec Project in conjunction with Czech industry, for the benefit of the country?s involvement in the battery and EV industries. With their blend of technical foresight and historic mining experience, CEZ is the ideal partner for the Company.
so viele Lithium-Vorkommen gibt es nun mal auch nicht. Wenn Tesla kommt, wird sich zeigen, ob EMH ausreichend geschäftstüchtig ist und die Tschechen das auch erkennen. Kurze Wege und ausreichend große Ressourcen
auf was warten sie noch ? besser gehts doch gar nicht.
Beharrlichkeit und Zuversicht. Wer soll denn von wo in der Welt das Lithium liefern ? wenns doch dort und erst noch in bester konzentration und qualität im boden liegt. Ich bin mir ganz sicher, Elon Musk weiss das . Er muss doch auch rechnen bei seinem wichtigsten Rohstoff.
Bin seit 3 jahren bei EMH dabei - und das ist erst der Anfang....
als Projekt mit der höchsten CAPEX + OPEX aller europäischen Li Projekte ist mMn nicht unbedingt das wahrscheinlichste das es überhaupt umgesetzt wird.