ihr von hier Links abkopiert und die in Wallstreet kommentiert, aber als eure eigenen Beiträge auszugeben, @djsmoli, ist nicht besonders nett. Bisher ist es nur eine Vermutung, dass dieser Bernardi von dieser Company stammt. Auf jedenfall soll er Finanz-Ceo werden von Cobra USA, und da hätte er ja gute Vorkenntnisse. Bernardi & Company, LLC is a local accounting firm that has been in existence in the Hartford area for over forty-five years. We operate from two locations, 231 Farmington Avenue, Farmington, Connecticut 06032 and 178 East Center Street, Manchester, Connecticut 06040. The firm provides a full range of tax, estate and accounting services, which includes the preparation of audited, reviewed and compiled financial statements; management advisory services, as well as a variety of other consulting, accounting and computer related services, which allows us to guide our clients through a maze of financial decisions and complexities. Our overall objective is to always focus on meeting our clients' contemporaneous and future needs, as you would expect from any professional. Our approach towards accomplishing this goal is to emphasize the tool of "communication", while simultaneously enhancing your planning capabilities, and ultimately, your wealth! Our site will be under construction for as long as it takes to get it right ... and therefore, we welcome your comments and suggestions. In fact, we will give you credit where credit is due as we upgrade our web pages to meet your expectations. <!--msthemeseparator-->
<!--mstheme-->Company Profile<!--mstheme-->We are a local firm comprised of four partner-members and five other personnel, including three accounting staff. A brief resume of each member is contained in our Member Profile Page, which enumerates their education, professional designations and affiliations. Our firm has continually maintained a policy of scheduling personnel to the same engagements year after year, as is practicable under the circumstances. We believe that such a policy benefits both our firm and our client base. Our philosophy is that by maintaining the same professional relationships on recurring engagements, it allows us to have better communication between our firm and our clients; accordingly, we are providing for our firm to achieve greater efficiencies than would be otherwise obtainable by rotating personnel. Furthermore, firm personnel assigned to various engagements have many years of auditing and nonprofit experience, in addition to compilation or review financial statement engagements and tax planning or tax preparation services. <!--msthemeseparator-->
<!--mstheme-->Contact Information<!--mstheme-->- Telephone: <!--mstheme-->
<!--mstheme-->860-679-5200<!--mstheme--> | <!--mstheme--> Jeff Alfin - Ext. 228; jeffa@bernardi-cpa.com<!--mstheme--> | <!--mstheme-->860-679-5200<!--mstheme--> | <!--mstheme--> Holly Audet - Ext. 221; hollya@bernardi-cpa.com<!--mstheme--> | <!--mstheme-->860-679-5200<!--mstheme--> | <!--mstheme--> Joseph Bernardi - Ext. 224; joeb@bernardi-cpa.com<!--mstheme--> | <!--mstheme-->860-679-5200<!--mstheme--> | <!--mstheme--> Michael Fagin - Ext. 243; mikef@bernardi-cpa.com<!--mstheme--> | <!--mstheme-->860-679-5200<!--mstheme--> | <!--mstheme--> Robert Falce - Ext. 242; robertf@bernardi-cpa.com<!--mstheme--> | <!--mstheme-->860-679-5200<!--mstheme--> | <!--mstheme--> Carol Fitzgerald - Ext. 226; carolf@bernardi-cpa.com<!--mstheme--> | <!--mstheme-->860-679-5200<!--mstheme--> | <!--mstheme--> Candace Kinneair - Ext. 230; candiek@bernardi-cpa.com<!--mstheme--> | <!--mstheme-->860-679-5200<!--mstheme--> | <!--mstheme--> Robert London - Ext. 227; robl@bernardi-cpa.com<!--mstheme--> | <!--mstheme-->860-679-5200<!--mstheme--> | <!--mstheme--> Megan Robbins - Ext. 231; meganr@bernardi-cpa.com<!--mstheme--> | <!--mstheme-->860-679-5200<!--mstheme--> | <!--mstheme--> Diane Ziskin - Ext. 240; dianez@bernardi-cpa.com<!--mstheme--> | <!--mstheme-->- TOLL FREE 800-499-8963
- FAX 860-679-5212
- Postal address 231 Farmington Avenue
- Farmington, Connecticut 06032
- Electronic mail General: bernardi@bernardi-cpa.com
Webmaster: bernardi@bernardi-cpa.com