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09.03.05 14:15

312 Postings, 7226 Tage feierabendzocker@Meiko

die kriegsverweigernden Old-Europe-Franzosen dürfen die Antriebssysteme für die neusten US-Zerstörer liefern? Das überrascht mich aber schon ein wenig...


09.03.05 14:40

2935 Postings, 7587 Tage MeikoMir solls recht sein... o. T.

09.03.05 16:13

2935 Postings, 7587 Tage MeikoDeshalb war Kron in China

23rd February 2005. China. Bidding starts on high-speed railway

International rail engineering companies are expected to bid next week on the planned Beijing-Tianjin high-speed railway project, according to a source from the Ministry of Railways. But the source gave no details about how many international bidders will participate in the activity or just who they are. The 140-kilometre high-speed rail link between Beijing and Tianjin Municipality is estimated to cost about 14.3 billion yuan (US$1.73 billion). The project is scheduled to start construction before June and begin operating in 2007.
Source: China Daily

09.03.05 16:26

2935 Postings, 7587 Tage MeikoIran will Bahnnetz modernisieren

Iran invests in network expansion - March 2005
March 2005: News
Iran invests in network expansion
PLANS TO invest US$2·5bn in expansion and modernisation of Iran's rail network were announced in January by RAI President Mohammad Saeedi Nejad.

The 2005-10 development plan envisages the acquisition of 180 new locomotives, 8800 freight wagons and 500 coaches, helping to lift the network's annual capacity to 50 million tonnes of freight and 36 million passengers. Nejad said RAI had ordered 80 wagons from Wagon Pars of which 14 had been delivered and 12 more were expected this year.

With construction of the Mashhad - Bafgh and Kerman - Zahedan lines nearing completion, RAI is expecting a significant increase in international business. On February 15 Nejad held talks with the Deputy Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Ravshanbek Fayzullayev, who indicated that UTY was looking to dispatch between 120 and 150 wagons a day to the Gulf port of Bandar Abbas via Serakhs and Bafgh.

RAI's five-year plan also covers construction of 511km Astara - Rasht - Qazvin line linking Iran, Azerbaijan and Russia, which is expected to be completed by 2010 at a cost of US$600m (RG 9.04 p511). Attending a trilateral planning meeting in Baku on February 10, RZD First Vice-President Khasyan Zyabirov reiterated Russia's commitment to the North-South corridor. The legal, financial and technical proposals had now been drawn up, and it was now time to take a formal decision on implementation, he said. RZD was willing to fund a study by external consultants leading to a proper business plan, and Zyabirov also offered equipment and materials to help build the line.

09.03.05 16:45

392 Postings, 7548 Tage LeichtgläubigerDas hast du gut kombiniert, Meiko

Was mich auch etwas wundert, ist die momentane Informationspolitik bezüglich der Aufträge. Obwohl durch diverse Medien etliche Aufträge bekannt geworden sind, findet man nur wenige davon auf der Homepage von Alstom.

Bis Mai müsste da noch viel nachgereicht werden! Vor allem der Auftrag in Bulgarien ist doch bereits fix, und auch von Indien hört man immer wieder von einem grossen Auftrag! Wenn jetzt auch noch etwas aus China kommt (umsonst war die Reise sicher nicht) oder man in Dubai zum Zug kommt geht die Reise der Alstom-Aktie sicher noch weiter.

Da kommt sicher noch einiges an positiven Meldungen, und wenn dann im Mai auch noch die Zahlen stimmen, werden sich wohl auch die Analysten auf das galoppierende Pferd setzen!  

10.03.05 09:46

809 Postings, 7562 Tage UnbedarftBULLSHIT

heute schon so viel gehandelt wie gestern die ganzen tag... und es wird sich von dem pennystock getrennt  

10.03.05 10:34

392 Postings, 7548 Tage LeichtgläubigerAuftrag über 560 Mio. ?

Reuters le 10/03/2005 10:16
Alstom-Contrat d'extension d'une centrale saoudienne (E560 mlns)

PARIS, 10 mars (Reuters) - Alstom < ALSTOM > annonce jeudi qu'un consortium auquel il participe a remporté un contrat clé en main d'un montant de 627 millions d'euros pour la construction de trois nouvelles unités de production d'électricité sur le site de Shoaiba en Arabie Saoudite.

Dans un communiqué, le groupe français spécialisé dans les équipements de transports et l'énergie, précise que sa part est de 560 millions sur ce contrat./JMB  

10.03.05 10:36

2935 Postings, 7587 Tage MeikoNix Bullshit, Auftrag :

Das wurde aber auch Zeit!!!!!!

Alstom remporte un contrat de 560 M EUR pour une centrale en Arabie saoudite  

Le groupe français d'infrastructures d'énergie et de transports Alstom a annoncé jeudi avoir remporté un contrat de 560 millions d'euros pour la construction de trois nouvelles unités de production d'électricité dans la centrale de Shoaiba (Arabie Saoudite).

Cette extension fera de Shoaiba, située sur la mer Rouge, "la plus grande centrale du Moyen-Orient" avec une puissance de plus de 4.400 mégawattset onze unités de production, affirme Alstom dans un communiqué.

Alstom aura en charge "la conception, la fourniture, l'installation et la mise en service des chaudières, des turbines à vapeur, des alternateurs ainsi que des équipements et systèmes auxiliaires" des trois nouvelles unités, explique ce communiqué.

Les chaudières sont conçues pour fonctionner à la fois au pétrole brut et au pétrole lourd.

Le contrat a été attribué par la Saudi Electricity Company. Les trois nouvelles unités, de 400 MW chacune, compléteront les huit unités déjà fournies par Alstom depuis 1998.

Les travaux de génie civil seront réalisés par la société Saudi Archidoron Constructions. Le montant total du contrat, incluant ces travaux, s'élève à 627 millions d'euros.


10.03.05 12:31

343 Postings, 7773 Tage sakorKomisch!

Die Aufträge nehmen zu, aber der Kurs macht keinen Schritt nach oben?!?!  

10.03.05 12:39

2935 Postings, 7587 Tage MeikoWar eigentlich immer so,

die Aktie hat nie viel gewonnen, wenn grosse Aufträge verkündet werden!!  

10.03.05 12:42

80400 Postings, 7472 Tage Anti LemmingMeiko

Dann müsstet Ihr Euch doch wünschen, dass in Zukunft möglichst wenig
Aufträge verkündet werden - oder gilt dieser Umkehrschluss nicht?  

10.03.05 12:45

2935 Postings, 7587 Tage MeikoAnti

Dann würde sie aber bei den Zahlen abstürzen...  

10.03.05 14:20

1101 Postings, 7542 Tage CPURaucherAufträge

Man ,man ,man die Aktie ist aber wirklich ein harter Knochen .
Die Meldungen sind der Aktie aber noch nicht mal ihre tägliche 1,5% Wert .Langsam frage ich mich ,was für Meldungen den erwartet werden ? TGV 2x in China & 1x in Dubai + ein neuer Flugzeugträger und noch ein paar "Kleinigkeiten" ?
Also doch auf die Zahlen warten ...............bis es wieder signifikant hochgeht .
Irgentwer hat genau dieses Pendeln bis zu den Zahlen vorrausgesagt. Anti ?    

10.03.05 14:49

2935 Postings, 7587 Tage MeikoCPURaucher

Bis zu den Zahlen sind es noch über 2 Monate, also immer ruhig bleiben, das wird schon vorher gehen, da bin ich mir sicher!  

10.03.05 14:53

809 Postings, 7562 Tage Unbedarftich kotz ab

RT Xetra schon 0.70  

11.03.05 11:23

809 Postings, 7562 Tage Unbedarftschon wieder die selbe scheisse heute... o. T.

11.03.05 12:49

312 Postings, 7226 Tage feierabendzockerder Kurs holt nur Anlauf...

...damit er mühelos die 0.80 überspringen kann :-)

11.03.05 14:12

392 Postings, 7548 Tage LeichtgläubigerNoch ein Projekt in China

Irgendetwas bekommt Alstom bestimmt.

High-speed rail to connect cities

BEIJING, Mar. 4, (Xinhuanet) -- A high-speed railway connecting Guangzhou, the provincial capital, to Zhuhai Special Economic Zone, which borders Macao, will be built by South China's Guangdong Province. Construction of the 140-kilometre track will begin this year, Yang Tusheng, general manager of Guangdong Railway Group, said Tuesday, adding that the 20.8 billion yuan (US$2.51 billion) project will be completed by 2007. The province and the Ministry of Railway will equally share the cost of construction.

Yang said his group is in talks with companies from the United States, Germany, France and Japan to import technologies and equipment for the project, which will not use the expensive magnetic-levitation option. It will take about 40 minutes for the train journey compared with the two hours needed for a car ride on the Guangzhou-Zhuhai Expressway. The project, which is expected to be extended to Macao in the future, will have 14 stations and link major cities and towns in the western part of the prosperous Pearl River Delta.

Trains will leave every eight minutes from each end and the journey will cost about 50 yuan US$6) -- about the same as the current bus fare. The line will be able to handle more than 250,000 passengers a day by 2011 and 775,000 by 2033. The link is just one part of the railway network the government plans for the Pearl River Delta area -- invest more than 108 billion yuan (US$13 billion) to link Guangzhou with major cities in the delta.

Guangdong Governor Huang Huahua said the province will build nine inter-city railway tracks covering more than 930 kilometers before 2020. About 60 billion yuan (US$7.17 billion) will be invested by 2010 to build 330 kilometers. In addition to the Guangzhou-Zhuhai Railway, construction of high-speed railway projects connecting Guangzhou to Shenzhen and Dongguan in the eastern part of the delta will start before 2010. Domestic and overseas companies are encouraged to participate in the building and management of the projects.  

11.03.05 14:51

2935 Postings, 7587 Tage Meikovenezuelas Präsident Hugo Chavez ist sich mit

Alstom anscheinend einig über den Metroauftrag.
Hier ein Ausschnitt aus einem Artikel.

Chávez cherche d'autres partenaires

Les tensions diplomatiques entre les deux pays sont très fortes. La puissance énergétique du Vénézuela, couplée à la politique économique et sociale menée par Chávez, ulcèrent le gouvernement américain. De son côté, le président vénézuélien profite des cours exceptionnellement élevés du pétrole pour multiplier les accords avec ses homologues étrangers, et de moins dépendre des Etats-Unis. Dans cette optique, il s?est entretenu avec Jacques Chirac dont il ?partage la vision multipolaire du monde?, et a concrétisé des accords avec plusieurs entreprises françaises (entre autres Total, Alstom et Casino) lors de son escale parisienne. Il a déclaré être venu en France pour ?nourrir sa force révolutionnaire?.

11.03.05 14:53

2935 Postings, 7587 Tage MeikoLizenz Abkommen mit Chinesischer Firma

ALSTOM signs fabric filter technology license agreement in China  

Friday, January 28, 2005

ALSTOM and Zhejiang Feida Environmental Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (Feida) signed a license agreement to provide Fabric Filter technology to the People?s Republic of China, in October 2004.

The agreement grants Feida a license to market, sell and supply ALSTOM?s proprietary fabric filter technology for particulate removal for the power generation industry in China. ALSTOM will provide fabric filter technology, engineering, and marketing support to facilitate Feida?s entry into the Chinese particulate removal market for the duration of the agreement.

China?s new environmental regulation has strengthened emission control from power plants. It has significantly lowered the maximum permitted particulate emission level from a new power plant from 200mg/Nm3 to 50mg/Nm3. As a result, the demand for more efficient particulate removal equipment such as fabric filter has grown significantly.

With proven fabric filter technology widely used in power generation, metallurgical, waste incineration and the cement industry world-wide, ALSTOM is a world-leading provider in air pollution control systems.

Feida is a leading Chinese supplier for air pollution control systems with over 500 employees. It has a variety of technologies including electrostatic precipitator (ESP), ash handing and flue gas desulfurization (FGD).

Feida and ALSTOM have cooperated for several decades introducing a wide range of technologies to China. ALSTOM granted Feida a license for its ESP technology in 1982. Now Feida enjoys the largest ESP market share for power generation industry in China. Feida is also a licensee of ALSTOM?s NID FGD technology. There are now more than 10 NID FGD plants are in operation or under construction in China.

This Fabric Filter license agreement, which combines advanced ALSTOM Fabric Filter technology and the most experienced Chinese suppler for air pollution control systems, will favourably position the two parties in this large emerging market.


11.03.05 14:57

2935 Postings, 7587 Tage MeikoHier noch ein Abkommen, die hatte

noch keiner entdeckt!!

ALSTOM signs wet flue gas desulfurization technology license agreement in China  

Friday, January 28, 2005

ALSTOM and Insigma Technology Ltd. (Insigma) signed a license agreement to provide Wet Flue Gas Desulfurization technology in the People?s Republic of China in December 2004.

The agreement grants Insigma a license to market, sell and supply ALSTOM?s proprietary open spray tower technology for wet flue gas desulfurization (WFGD) systems. ALSTOM will provide WFGD technology, engineering, and marketing support to facilitate Insigma?s entry into the Chinese WFGD market for the duration of the agreement.

ALSTOM?s advanced WFGD technology for the removal of sulfur dioxide emissions offers removal efficiencies of over 98%. With 38,000 MW WFGD reference plants, ranging in unit size up to 1300 MW, it is a world leading provider in air pollution control systems.

Insigma is a company listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange with businesses in software and environmental engineering sector. Its environmental engineering business is a major WFGD supplier in China enjoying approximately 20% of the market share.


11.03.05 15:00

2935 Postings, 7587 Tage MeikoUnd hier noch eins in Japan

aber wohl 3 Monate alt.

ALSTOM signs license agreement for innovative APC technology in Japan  

Monday, December 20, 2004

ALSTOM has signed an agreement with ERDEC of Japan to license its innovative Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) technology. ESP technologies are commonly applied to reduce particulate or dust emissions.

ERDEC is based in Sakata City, Japan and is specialized in solid waste and sewage treatment as well as environmental equipment. It has developed a competitive, compact ESP design which reduces the case volume by some 20%, compared with conventional ESP designs. ERDEC has installed about 60 of these ESPs.

According to the terms of the agreement and following further development, ALSTOM will market this technology to the power and industry sector worldwide.

ALSTOM has been a leading supplier of ESPs for over 40 years, with around 5,000 installations worldwide.

Press Enquiries:


11.03.05 15:22

2935 Postings, 7587 Tage MeikoInteressante Internetseite von Alstom

11.03.05 15:22

312 Postings, 7226 Tage feierabendzocker@Meiko

Du scheinst ja genau Buch zu führen, wie ist der Status bis heute? Mit oder ohne Bulgarien?
Werden die Erwartungen plus minus erfüllt werden?


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