AVZ Minerals Limited ABN 81 125 176 703
Level 1, 33 Ord Street, West Perth WA 6005 T + 61 8 9420 9300 F + 61 8 9420 9399
www.avzminerals.com.auAVZ Minerals
8 March 2017
Companies Announcement Office
ASX Limited
Level 6, 20 Bridge Street
Sydney NSW 2000
AVZ Minerals Limited (AVZ) advises that it has been served with a writ of summons filed in the Supreme Court of
Western Australia from MMCS Strategic 1. AVZ will vigorously defend the claims.
AVZ had previously advised that a third party that previously held an indirect interest in a historic licence at
Manono (PE 12202) is claiming the cancellation of that licence in 2016 by the DRC Mining Registry was invalid.
AVZ understands the DRC Minister of Mines has previously rejected an appeal against the cancellation (ie.
upheld the cancellation). AVZ?s joint venture partner La Congolaise D?exploitation Miniere SA (Cominiere, a
State owned enterprise) has also made standard representations and warranties to AVZ with respect to the
validity of title as part of the joint venture agreement.
Further information about AVZ is available at
www.avzminerals.com.au or contact:
Klaus Eckhof
Executive Chairman
Phone: +377 680 866 300
Email: klauseckhof@monaco.mc