Das war, Hand aufs Herz, auch so zu erwarten. In der zweiten Phase geht es nun für Bayer, eine unsachgemäße Verwendung von Roundup seitens des Klägers nachzuweisen. Ich zitiere diesbezüglich mal die interessanten Stellen aus den Courthousenews:
"On direct examination, Hardeman also revealed that he used the concentrated version of Roundup and diluted it himself, sometimes getting the herbicide on his hands in the process, and that the wind occasionally blew the spray mist onto him. It ?atomized? in the air when he sprayed it, he added, giving him the ?sense that I would breathe something in.(...)
Weisenburger testified later Tuesday that Hardeman wore no protective gear and wore short-sleeved shirts while spraying Roundup, and that the herbicide got on his hands, arms and face. The lack of protective gear and his heavy Roundup use over almost three decades means Hardeman had high exposure to Roundup, increasing his risk for developing non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Weisenburger said. (...)
Roundup?s product label cautions users to wear some protective equipment while spraying the herbicide, like ?protective footwear? and ?protective eyewear,? and long-sleeved shirts, socks and long pants. It also cautions against breathing in the spray mist, but it doesn?t warn users to wear gloves or face masks when spraying."