Vom Graphit-Boom profitieren: Standard Graphite

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eröffnet am: 04.03.12 01:03 von: carpe_diem Anzahl Beiträge: 1841
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02.05.12 16:21

4186 Postings, 4614 Tage carpe_diem# Neuste Expert Analysis

"Greg Klein, Resource Clips  (4/30/12) "With the announcement of the Mousseau East acquisition in western Quebec, Standard Graphite Corp. marks yet another graphite property, all in the carbon-rich Grenville geological subprovince. . .the news marks an important step for the company's experienced graphite team. . .Mousseau now takes top spot as Standard Graphite's flagship operation. A 1992 non-NI-43-101 resource estimate by Graphicor Resources showed 598,480 tonnes grading 8.29% carbon Proven, 219,450 tonnes grading 8.13% Probable and 288,760 tonnes grading 7.85% Possible." 

Quelle: http://www.theaureport.com/pub/co/4041


02.05.12 16:30

2708 Postings, 4715 Tage VollzeittraderCarpe, einfach superklasse, wie gut du

die Infos recherchierst und hier für uns im Thread somit leichter zugänglich machst in gebündelter Form! Dickes Lob und Danke dafür! Leider kann ich dir keine Sternchen mehr geben :/!

So, der Kurs sieht doch schon heute bissl besser aus! Habt ihr die News von Strike Graphite gelesen? W:O trommelt da im Moment ganz schön rum ;)!

Naja, ich schwing mich mal aufs bike und werde das Wetter genießen, bevor der Norden morgen wieder "unter geht" ;)!

Allen Graphite-buddies noch nen schönen Tag und viel Spaß beim Lesen der tollen Beiträge! In diesem Sinne =)!

Bis morgen!


02.05.12 18:50

2708 Postings, 4715 Tage VollzeittraderOhhh, SGH gibt Energie!

0,54 CAD bisher wie geschnittene Butterstulle durch! Und die Konferenz geht erst in über einer Stunde los... Da dürften auch noch einige Impulse kommen!

Wenn wir wieder alte Hoch's anschneiden, könnte man wieder über eine verwässerungsschonende Finanzierung nachdenken.. wie die vom 5. April, welche leider nicht durchgezogen werden konnte :/ !

Ab er erstmal abwarten, was hier passiert die Tage =)


03.05.12 10:12

2708 Postings, 4715 Tage VollzeittraderGuen Morgen an die Graphite-Gemeinde

Toller SK gestern! Da die gestrige Konferenz erst gegen 24 Uhr unserer Zeit endete und somit auch erst nach Börsenschluss in Kanada, erwarte ich heute noch positive Impulse, wenn nicht sogar News =)!

Aber erstmal abwarten! Hier mal ein toller Artikel über SGH, absolut Lesenwert und stimmt überein mit Teilen des Fahrplans, den Carpe in Posting #530 aus seiner Sichtweise vorgestellt hat!




03.05.12 14:47

4186 Postings, 4614 Tage carpe_diem# NK

NKs bei 0,41 CAD am Di sind in nicht mal 2 vollen Tagen bereits 35% vorne - so schnell kann es gehen. Imho haben wir die Tiefstände gesehen, SGH hat umfassend konsolidiert.. 


03.05.12 14:49

4186 Postings, 4614 Tage carpe_diem# Graphite-Conference

Heute Mittag dürften die ersten Artikel, Berichte, Posts etc. von der Konferenz erscheinen. Schauen wir mal, wie viel Impact die Konferenz auf den Handel haben wird, die Vorzeichen sehen blendend aus - siehe auch den gestrigen Handelsverlauf.  

03.05.12 14:49

4186 Postings, 4614 Tage carpe_diem# Graphene News Pt. 1

03.05.12 14:50

4186 Postings, 4614 Tage carpe_diem# Graphene News Pt. 2

03.05.12 16:27

2708 Postings, 4715 Tage Vollzeittrader#659

Im Artikel steht Focus Minerals, soll wohl Focus Metals heißen.. Anders ergibt das keinen Sinn ;)!


03.05.12 20:08

4186 Postings, 4614 Tage carpe_diem# 661

TSX-V Ausverkauf beschleunigt sich  

03.05.12 20:10

2708 Postings, 4715 Tage VollzeittraderSchlimm, meine WL Werte sind derzeit wieder

alle zw. 5-10% im Minus... übel!

Naja, muss mal weg! Schönen Abend noch =)


04.05.12 09:08

2708 Postings, 4715 Tage VollzeittraderGuten Morgen allen Graphite-Jüngern!

Toller Artikel unter anderem über SGH! Lesenswert!


Der TSX Venture strauchelt weiter nahe dem 52 Tief herum... Kein Wunder, dass sämtliche Explorer im Index darunter leiden/ gelitten haben! Bleibt abzuwarten, wohin diese Entwicklung führt! Meine WL war gestern nur rot bis dunkelrot!



04.05.12 09:17

2708 Postings, 4715 Tage VollzeittraderDemand & uses of Graphite

Graphite, which evokes images of pencils, golf clubs  and tennis rackets, is becoming the darling of the investment  community.  Natural graphite deposits can generally be characterized as  one of three types: crystalline or flake, amorphous, and lump graphite.

Due to its amazing chemical and physical properties,  graphite, distant cousin to a diamond, is finding new uses across a wide  range of industries. It's ironic that in our rush to decrease our  carbon footprint, we're turning more and more to carbon products.

For example, the lithium-ion battery is one of the  fastest-growing uses of graphite, with each battery containing greater  than 10 times more graphite than lithium. These batteries are already  widely utilized in the consumer electronics industry in mobile phones,  computers and digital cameras, as well as for power tools.

Mackie Research stated "Over the  near to mid-term, we expect growth in the refractory market to  accelerate to compliment a continuation of strong trends in the lithium  ion battery market, where approximate growth is running at 25 - 30% per  year.

According to the United States Geological Survey,  fuel cells have the potential to consume as much graphite as all other  uses combined.

Graphite is also projected to be a key component in  next-generation pebble bed nuclear reactors, which are fuelled by  tennis-ball-sized graphite spheres with uranium embedded in them. China  is now building the first two commercial units, with plans to have 30 by  2020. University of West Virginia researchers say these reactors could  use the world's entire output of flake graphite.

The dominance of China as a producer with 73% of the  market, coupled with measures introduced by the Chinese government to  limit exports, has created a supply concern for the rest of the world.

Both the European Union and the United States have already put graphite on their critical mineral lists.

A supply squeeze is now being felt, depicted in the  new prices of flake graphite which have risen dramatically over the last  year.

Byron Capital Markets expects continued pressure on  pricing from customers as they look for supply outside of China. Byron  expects to see annual graphite demand increase from 1.1 million tones to  about 2.6 million tones by 2020. Even if the lithium-ion predictions  don't pan out, Byron still sees demand steadily rising to 1.5 million  tones by 2020.

Because most of the graphite mines being developed  worldwide are small flake and amorphous in nature, large flake graphite  will encounter the greatest demand. And with demand for graphite growing  in double digits and prices reaching $2,500 to $3,000 per ton, the  future for graphite companies with actual projects is excellent.

Click here to InvestmentPitch.com's educational video discussing the supply, demand, and many uses of graphite. If this link is not enabled, please visit www.InvestmentPitch.com and enter "graphite supply" in the search box.

InvestmentPitch.com is a multimedia company that  provides a combined solution for creating and hosting financial video  content, and distributing it across multiple platforms to investors and  financial professionals. InvestmentPitch.com specializes in producing  short three minute videos based on news releases and research reports.  InvestmentPitch is currently raising $500,000 from the sale of 5 million  units at $0.10, by way of an offering memorandum. For more information  email bmorgan@investmentpitch.com.


Quelle: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/05/03/...+03-May-2012+HUG20120503

Beste Aussichten für die Zukunft!


04.05.12 21:49

4186 Postings, 4614 Tage carpe_diem# Week in Reviw

Graphite Week-in-Review: Focus Metals Trading Halted, Flinders Adds Yet More Talent to Management Team & Standard Graphite Identifies a ‘Significant’ Conductor



04.05.12 21:50

4186 Postings, 4614 Tage carpe_diem# Graphite-Conference, CEO & Key Note Stimmen


Graphite Bull Run Forecast: 10 Express Bites of Today’s Graphite Industry

With 15 companies in attendance and key note addresses delivered by Chris Berry, founder of House Mountain Partners and Simon Moores, Graphite Market Specialist at Industrial Minerals, yesterday’s Graphite Express conference it was a good way to get a quick and direct overview of the graphite industry and its constituent companies. The conference was a speed-dating format with each company having 5 minutes to showcase their graphite endeavours. Given the express format of the conference, here are 10 express bites of Today’s graphite industry..



04.05.12 21:54

4186 Postings, 4614 Tage carpe_diem# 668

Aussage des CEO's & Präsidenten von Standard - hier unterstreicht er vor allem die Bedeutung der EM-Gutachten im Rahmen der pre drilling work. Ganz wichtiger Punkt den Chris Bogart u.a. indirekt anspricht, ist die progn. Ökonomität des Projektes. Im Graphit Space gelten die gleichen Regeln wie in allen anderen Rohstoffbranchen: Nur ein Bruchteil der Projekte (< 1%) wird überhaupt mal die Chance haben, eine wl. Mine zu werden.

Chris Bogart, President and CEO of Standard Graphite (TSXV: SGH) commented that exploration is risky and a with a graphite project you must consider size, tonnage, marketability. Having a variety of graphite projects gives Standard Graphite the ability “to reload” with a new project if another is determined to be non-economic. He also added that “EM (electromagnetic) conductors are very important for graphite exploration” and more so than for other resources.

Quelle: http://www.graphiteblog.com/2012/05/...-todays-graphite-industry.html


04.05.12 21:59

4186 Postings, 4614 Tage carpe_diem# Informatives Video für alle "Neueinsteiger"

04.05.12 22:00

4186 Postings, 4614 Tage carpe_diem# 670

04.05.12 22:02

4186 Postings, 4614 Tage carpe_diem# Heute Graphit-Conference in NY mit SGH

 Murdock Capital Graphite Symposium: Focus Metals, Strike Graphite, Galaxy Capital and more



05.05.12 10:28

4186 Postings, 4614 Tage carpe_diem# Starker Ausblick

Graphite proving resilient in tough markets, constrained supply expected 




05.05.12 16:48

4186 Postings, 4614 Tage carpe_diem# Graphene News

 B, C or N adatoms effects on the transport properties in zigzag graphene nanoribbons



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