Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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neuester Beitrag: 26.06.24 14:46
eröffnet am: 29.09.07 00:25 von: nekro Anzahl Beiträge: 24433
neuester Beitrag: 26.06.24 14:46 von: Fuchsbau24 Leser gesamt: 5352624
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19.06.24 08:24

137 Postings, 6202 Tage p2205Rio Tinto Must Be Held Accountable

21.06.24 18:01

15635 Postings, 6258 Tage nekroResources conference

Der ideale Zeitpunkt den Aktienübertrag bekannt zu geben  
Mein  MULTIBAGGER Favorit BOC ;-)))))

24.06.24 16:21

98 Postings, 1089 Tage Fuchs_ReinickeEL 07

Damit zeigt Ishmael Toroama, dass er diese Lizenzen respektiert. Über eine EL 06 und EL 07 habe ich keine Details gefunden. Fragt sich nur noch, ob James Marape auch zu seinen Worten steht.

25.06.24 14:48

64 Postings, 239 Tage Fuchsbau24Denkanstösse: zur Wiedereröffnung der Panguna M.

Reopening the Panguna mine in Bougainville is a complex issue with both potential benefits and drawbacks. Here are some points to consider:

1. Economic Development:
The reopening of the Panguna mine could provide a significant economic boost to Bougainville, creating jobs and revenue that could support the region's development.
2. Resource Revenues:
Mining operations could generate revenue that could potentially support Bougainville's path to independence and self-sufficiency.
3. Infrastructure Development:
The mining industry could lead to improvements in infrastructure such as roads, schools, and healthcare facilities.

1. Environmental Concerns:
Mining activities can have significant environmental impacts, such as deforestation, pollution of water sources, and damage to ecosystems.
2. Social Impacts:
The reopening of the mine could lead to social disruptions, conflicts over land rights, and changes to local cultures and ways of life.
3. Political Implications:
The decision to reopen the mine could have political consequences, including disputes over resource ownership and distribution.

In determining whether the Panguna mine should be reopened to assist Bougainville in becoming independent-ready, it is crucial to consider these factors carefully and involve relevant stakeholders in the decision-making process. Environmental assessments, community consultations, and thorough planning are essential to mitigate potential negative impacts and maximize the benefits for the region.

Ultimately, the decision on whether to reopen the Panguna mine should be made based on a comprehensive understanding of the potential impacts and benefits, taking into account the long-term interests of the people of Bougainville.
"Wanem tingting blo yu? "

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