Ist 3D Druck bzw. Rapid Prototyping "die Zukunft"?
gut analysiert
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3D Systems Corp
Arcam, listed on NASDAQ Stockholm, today received an EBM system order from a major player in the US aerospace industry. The system will be delivered in 2014.
"Our activities in the aerospace industry is growing quickly and we are very happy to see this first order from a new client in the segment",
says Magnus René, CEO of Arcam.
The above information has been made public in accordance with the Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was published on November 25, 2014.
For further information please contact:
Magnus René, CEO Arcam AB
Tel: 46 31 710 32 00, alt. cell: 46 702 79 89 99, or e-mail:
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3D Systems Corp
Wer interesse hat ;-)
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3D Systems Corp
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3D Systems Corp
Mikko Dahlbom von Seeking Alpha, fragt sich ob 3D Systems (DDD) das schwedische 3D Technologie Unternehmen Arcam kaufen wird.
Nachdem 3D Systems in einem unüblichen Schritt weitere 7.500.000 Anteile verkauft hat um 0 Mio. zu generieren, fragt sich der Analyst, was das Unternehmen mit dem Kapital plant. Er vermutet die Übernahme des schwedischen Unternehmens Arcam AB (AMAVF.OB), welches für sein Elektronenstrahlschmelz-Verfahren (EBM- ?Electron Beam Melting?) bekannt ist. Das Verfahren ermöglicht eine additive high-end Verarbeitung von Metallen und könnte eine wichtige Lücke im Unternehmen 3D Systems schließen. Zwar bietet 3D Systems bereits SLM (Selective Laser Melting) Drucker, die Patente liegen jedoch beim deutschen Unternehmen EOS.
Auch diese Lücke wurde jetzt mit den neuen Druckern geschlossen.
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3D Systems Corp
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3D Systems Corp
Mal sehen wie es heute ausgeht.
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3D Systems Corp
?Creates 3D Systems Latin America, a strategic platform to accelerate adoption of 3DS? entire suite of manufacturing solutions
?Gains significant in-region additive manufacturing capabilities, knowhow and deep customer relations for its Quickparts® services
?Multiplexes 3DS? Latin American reseller channel activities with locations in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Mexico
Release Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2014 - 16:00.
ROCK HILL, South Carolina ? November 25, 2014 ? 3D Systems (NYSE:DDD) announced today that it completed the acquisition of Robtec, creating 3D Systems Latin America, headquartered in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Robtec is the largest Latin-American additive manufacturing service bureau and the leading 3D printing and scanning products distributor in the region. 3DS has acquired 70% of the shares of Robtec with the remainder of the shares transferring on the 5th anniversary of the closing.
Recognized as the most trusted and knowledgeable Latin American 3D printing technology resource to the manufacturing sector, Robtec, now 3D Systems Latin America, delivers best-in-class rapid prototyping and custom manufacturing services and brings long-term relationships with leading aerospace and automotive companies, including Embraer, Siemens, Volkswagen, Fiat, CenPra, Visteon and Mercedes.
?We believe that Robtec?s on-the-ground additive manufacturing service bureau capabilities, expanded channel coverage and deep automotive and aerospace customer relationships, combined with their strong strategic and cultural fit with 3DS, present significant benefits for our customers, sizeable growth opportunities for our business and greater value for our shareholders,? commented Avi Reichental, President and CEO, 3DS. ?With key operations in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Mexico, and well-established printer and scanner distribution activities, Robtec represents the cornerstone of our Latin American expansion plans.?
Learn more about 3DS? commitment to manufacturing the future at
About 3D Systems
3D Systems is pioneering 3D printing for everyone. 3DS provides the most advanced and comprehensive 3D design-to-manufacturing solutions including 3D printers, print materials and cloud sourced custom parts. Its powerful digital thread empowers professionals and consumers everywhere to bring their ideas to life in material choices including plastics, metals, ceramics and edibles. 3DS' leading healthcare solutions include end-to-end simulation, training and integrated 3D planning and printing for personalized surgery and patient specific medical and dental devices. Its democratized 3D design and inspection products embody the latest perceptual, capture and touch technology. Its products and services replace and complement traditional methods with improved results and reduced time to outcomes. These solutions are used to rapidly design, create, communicate, plan, guide, prototype or produce functional parts, devices and assemblies, empowering customers to manufacture the future.
Leadership Through Innovation and Technology
?3DS invented 3D printing with its Stereolithography (SLA) printer and was the first to commercialize it in 1989.
?3DS invented Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) printing and was the first to commercialize it in 1992.
?3DS invented the ColorJet Printing (CJP) class of 3D printers and was the first to commercialize 3D powder-based systems in 1994.
?3DS invented MultiJet Printing (MJP) printers and was the first to commercialize it in 1996.
?3DS Medical Modeling pioneered virtual surgical planning (VSP) and its services are world-leading, helping many thousands of patients on an annual basis.
Today its comprehensive range of 3D printers is the industry?s benchmark for production-grade manufacturing in aerospace, automotive, patient specific medical device and a variety of consumer, electronic and fashion accessories.
More information on the company is available at
About Robtec
Founded in 1994, Robtec is the largest Latin-American additive manufacturing service bureau and the leading in-region 3D printing and scanning products distributor. Headquartered in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Robtec is recognized as a trusted and knowledgeable Latin American additive manufacturing and 3D printing resource to the manufacturing sector that brings two decades of experience providing best-in-class rapid prototyping and custom manufacturing services. Robtec is the leading distributor of 3D Systems personal, professional and production 3D printers and of GOM?s scanning solutions and comes with established long-term relationships with leading aerospace and automotive companies.
More information on the company is available at
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3D Systems Corp
Wünsche allen satte Zugewinne!
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3D Systems Corp
Aber nicht vergessen, morgen ist Feiertag in den USA.
& am Freitag nur verkürzter Handel, wird also normal etwas weniger kommen aus den USA zum Ende dieser Woche.
& dann sind wir schon im Dezember.
Schönen Mittwoch.
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3D Systems Corp
Order for EBM system from European aerospace industry
Arcam, listed on NASDAQ Stockholm, today received an EBM system order from a major player in the European aerospace industry. The system will be used for manufacturing of aerospace components.
"Our activities in the aerospace industry are growing quickly and we are very happy to see this order from a new European client in the segment",
says Magnus René, CEO of Arcam.
The above information has been made public in accordance with the Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was published on November 26, 2014.
For further information please contact:
Magnus René, CEO Arcam AB
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3D Systems Corp
Schönen Abend.
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3D Systems Corp
Zudem wird 3D Systems über die Plattform Premium-Features für Firmenkunden mit erweiterter Produktivität und Workflow-Kontrolle anbieten. 3D Systems will eine Vorschau der neuen Plattform im Rahmen der EuroMold 2014 in Frankfurt präsentieren, die vom 25. bis 28. November stattfindet. Zudem kündigte 3D Systems mit dem Capture Mini ein neues Scan-basiertes Design- und Inspektionssystem an. Pünktlich zur EuroMold 2014 stellte 3D Systems auch gleich drei neue 3D-Drucker vor. (ami)
Nochmal in Deutsch die News ;-)
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3D Systems Corp
3D Systems bietet für den in Israel ansässigen CAD/CAM-Softwareanbieter Cimatron Ltd rund 97 Mio. US-Dollar. Im Detail zahlt 3D Systems 8,97 Dollar je Cimatron-Aktie, was einem Aufpreis von 47,5 Prozent gegenüber dem Schlusskurs von Cimatron-Aktien am vergangenen Freitag entspricht. Mit dem Deal will 3D Systems seine Position im schnell wachsenden 3D-Design-Markt weiter ausbauen.
Darüber hinaus schloss 3D Systems die Übernahme von Robtec ab. 3D Systems (NYSE: DDD, WKN: 888346) hatte zunächst 70 Prozent der Robtec-Aktien übernommen, die restlichen Anteile sollen in fünf Jahren an 3D Systems übergehen. Durch den Robtec-Deal verstärkt 3D Systems seine Quickparts-Aktivitäten in Lateinamerika (Brasilien, Argentinien, Uruguay und Mexiko). Die in Sao Paulo/Brasilien ansässige Robtec gilt als Spezialist für 3D-Herstellungsservices und vertreibt zudem 3D-Drucker- und Scanner-Produkte in Lateinamerika. (ami)
Auch nochmal in Deutsch die News.
3D Sys bleibt dran, erweitert seine Geschäfts- und Vertriebsfelder in Südamerika stark.
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3D Systems Corp
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3D Systems Corp
Neue All-In-One Geräte, auch interessant für am Thema interessierte.
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3D Systems Corp
Sieht mal wieder noch den inzwischen leider berühmten -5% aus, mal sehen ob wir es heute noch dahin kommen.
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3D Systems Corp
BofA Merrill Lynch Research
Charlotte ( - 3D Systems-Aktienanalyse von Analyst Wamsi Mohan von BofA Merrill Lynch Research:
Laut einer Aktienanalyse erwartet Wamsi Mohan, Aktienanalyst bei BofA Merrill Lynch Research, im Hinblick auf die Aktien von 3D Systems Corporation (ISIN: US88554D2053, WKN: 888346, Ticker-Symbol: SYV, NYSE-Symbol: DDD) weiterhin eine unterdurchschnittliche Kursentwicklung.
Anlässlich einer Branchenstudie zum 3D Druck-Sektor nehmen die Analysten von BofA Merrill Lynch auf die Euromold-Messe Bezug.
Nach Ansicht von Analyst Wamsi Mohan könnte es bei 3D Systems Corp. den Höhepunkt des organischen Umsatzwachstums geben. Bezüglich des langfristigen Margenprofils würden Risiken herrschen. Der Aufbau der wiederkehrenden Erlöse dauere länger als ursprünglich angenommen.
Bei 3D Systems liege der Fokus auf der Integration der vielen Übernahmen und dem Aufbau einer konsequenten Story rund um die verschiedenen Aktiva des Unternehmens.
Die Aktienanalysten von BofA Merrill Lynch Research bestätigen in ihrer 3D Systems-Aktienanalyse das "underperform"-Rating sowie das Kursziel von 40,00 USD.
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3D Systems Corp
Bei einer Registrierung bis zum 15. Januar 2015 erhalten die Konferenzbesucher stark rabattierte Preise.
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3D Systems Corp
New York ( - 3D Systems-Aktienanalyse von Analyst Holden Lewis von Oppenheimer:
Aktienanalyst Holden Lewis vom Investmenthaus Oppenheimer rechnet bei den Aktien von 3D Systems Corporation (ISIN: US88554D2053, WKN: 888346, Ticker-Symbol: SYV, NYSE-Symbol: DDD) laut seiner aktuellen Aktienanalyse weiterhin mit einer überdurchschnittlichen Kursentwicklung.
Das Modell sei an den Robtec- und den anstehenden Cimatron-Deal angepasst worden. Die Umsatz- und Ergebnisprognosen hätten unverändert Bestand. Die Schätzungen zum organischen Wachstum seien aber reduziert worden. Unter dem Strich mindere dies aber nicht den Enthusiasmus bezüglich der Story.
Die EuroMold-Messe habe die Investitionen von 3D Systems Corp. in die Serienproduktion verdeutlicht. Auf kurze Sicht könnte das Wachstum noch belastet sein. Im Hinblick auf die mittelfristige Entwicklung der Serienfertigung ist 3D Systems nach Ansicht von Analyst Holden Lewis gut aufgestellt, um zu profitieren.
Die Argumente, dass es bei 3D Systems zu einem Bruch gekommen sei, halten die Analysten von Oppenheimer für unbegründet. 2014 sollte beim organischen Wachstum und den Margen den Boden darstellen. Der Pessimismus unter den Investoren sei hoch. Dies sei für 2015 eine gute Grundlage.
Die Aktienanalysten von Oppenheimer stufen in ihrer 3D Systems-Aktienanalyse den Titel nach wie vor mit "outperform" ein und bekräftigen das Kursziel von 57,00 USD.
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3D Systems Corp
?3DS earns 43rd spot in Forbes? 2014 list of top 100 U.S. small companies
?Forbes also named 3DS 13th Most Innovative Growth Company in 2014
Release Date: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 - 09:00.
ROCK HILL, South Carolina, December 03, 2014 ? 3D Systems (NYSE:DDD)
today announced that it was named one of America?s Best Small Companies in Forbes? 2014 list of the top 100 public companies in the U.S. with less than $1 billion dollars in sales. 3DS claimed the 43rd spot in the distinguished annual report, which ranks firms based on earnings growth, sales growth, return on equity and stock performance vis-à-vis an industry peer group, over both 1- and 5-year periods.
This is 3DS? second major distinction from Forbes in 2014. In July, the company ranked 13th in Forbes? list of the Most Innovative Growth Companies with a market capitalization under $10 billion. This annual index singles out the top 100 companies that have demonstrated continued growth through innovation, and is calculated using a proprietary formula from Credit Suisse HOLT, which determines an ?innovation premium? based on investors? beliefs that a company ?will continue to come up with profitable new growth.?
?It is a tremendous tribute to everyone at 3DS to be named as one of America?s Best Small Companies in 2014 by Forbes, after being recognized by the publication for our innovative growth potential earlier this year,? said Avi Reichental, President and CEO, 3DS. ?These accolades reflect the unified commitment of our global team, the strong fundamentals of our business, and our ability to deliver long-term value to our customers by offering the most comprehensive portfolio of 3D products and services available today.?
Learn more about 3DS? commitment to manufacturing the future at
About 3D Systems
3D Systems is pioneering 3D printing for everyone. 3DS provides the most advanced and comprehensive 3D design-to-manufacturing solutions including 3D printers, print materials and cloud sourced custom parts. Its powerful digital thread empowers professionals and consumers everywhere to bring their ideas to life in material choices including plastics, metals, ceramics and edibles. 3DS' leading healthcare solutions include end-to-end simulation, training and integrated 3D planning and printing for personalized surgery and patient specific medical and dental devices. Its democratized 3D design and inspection products embody the latest perceptual, capture and touch technology. Its products and services replace and complement traditional methods with improved results and reduced time to outcomes. These solutions are used to rapidly design, create, communicate, plan, guide, prototype or produce functional parts, devices and assemblies, empowering customers to manufacture the future.
Leadership Through Innovation and Technology
?3DS invented 3D printing with its Stereolithography (SLA) printer and was the first to commercialize it in 1989.
?3DS invented Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) printing and was the first to commercialize it in 1992.
?3DS invented the ColorJet Printing (CJP) class of 3D printers and was the first to commercialize 3D powder-based systems in 1994.
?3DS invented MultiJet Printing (MJP) printers and was the first to commercialize it in 1996.
?3DS Medical Modeling pioneered virtual surgical planning (VSP) and its services are world-leading, helping many thousands of patients on an annual basis.
Today its comprehensive range of 3D printers is the industry?s benchmark for production-grade manufacturing in aerospace, automotive, patient specific medical device and a variety of consumer, electronic and fashion accessories.
More information on the company is available at
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3D Systems Corp
Arcam, listed on NASDAQ Stockholm, today received an order for five Arcam Q10 systems from Lima Corporate in Italy.
Lima Corporate is a customer to Arcam since 2007 and has a comprehensive program of orthopaedic products manufactured in Arcam EBM systems. The product program is based on Lima Corporate?s proprietary Trabecular Titanium technology. Lima Corporate currently has the largest number of Electron Beam Melting machines, for additive manufacturing, in the world dedicated to the medical device sector.
"This investment will help us grow our production for Trabecular Titanium even faster. Arcam is the leading supplier of titanium additive manufacturing systems and we turned to them with confidence, having used several of their products for serial production for years", says Luigi Ferrari, CEO of Lima Corporate.
"This deal confirms the potential of the Arcam Q10 as a volume production system for the medical implant industry. We truly look forward to help Lima Corporate further grow their production of implant products?, says Magnus René, CEO of Arcam.
Das Leben ist eines der Schönsten ...
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3D Systems Corp
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3D Systems Corp
3D Systems hat sich mit zahllosen Übernahmen einen regelrechten Gemischtwarenladen zusammengekauft und das zu teils horrenden Preisen.
Könnte künftig schwer zu managen sein und hoher Abschreibungsbedarf entstehen.
Arcam dagegen ist eine organisch wachsende Firma, die selber eine starke Forschungs- und Entwicklungsabteilung hat.
Ich denke, der bisherige Track Record von Arcam spricht da auch für sich,
weshalb ich mich nach der kürzlichen Korrektur für Arcam entschieden habe.
Das Leben ist eines der Schönsten ...
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3D Systems Corp
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