Tesla Fehlercode Analyse :
APP_W207 Autosteer temporarily unavallable What this alert means: Autosteer is temporarily unavailable. This could be a temporary condition caused by an external factor, such as: ? Missing or faded lane markers. ? Narrow or winding roads. ? Poor visibility due to rain, snow, fog, or other weather. ? Extremely hot or cold temperatures. ? Bright light due to other vehicle headligh s, direct sunlight, or other light sources. This alert will also be present if you exceeded the manimun speed limit for Autosteer with Autosteer active. In this case, Autosteer will not be available for the rest of your current drive. What to do: Continue to your destination. If Autosteer is not available by the time you reach your destination, and remains unavailable during your next planned drive, check for the following: ? Damage or obstruction caused by mud, ice, snow, or other environmental factors ? Obstruction caused by an object mounted on the vehicle, like a bike rack ? Obstructions caused by adding paint or adhesive products like wraps, stickers, or rubber coatings to your vehicle ? A damaged or misaligned bumper If there are no obvious obstructions, or if you find damage to the vehicle, schedule service at your convenience. Your vehicle is OK to drive in the meantime. PASSENGER AIRBAG
Heißt bei schlechter Sicht Schnee Eis, Sonnenlicht geht Nix mehr..Hahah Geht euch ja auch so, deshalb warten wir alle immer , und sagen Stau dazu..lol hahaha