Marktführer günstig zu haben
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Ich finde das liest sich bzgl. der Dosimetry so, als wäre der Verkauf schon in trockenen Tüchern.
Die Aufträge sind da.... fehlt nur noch der Kurs :-)
Übersetzung (Google):
Zyklotron-Takelage in Guangzhou, Provinz Guangdong, China, fertiggestellt
IBA stärkt seine Führungsposition auf dem chinesischen Protonentherapiemarkt
Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgien, 15. Juli 2019 - IBA (Ion Beam Applications SA, EURONEXT), der weltweit führende Anbieter von Protonentherapielösungen für die Krebsbehandlung, kündigt heute die Einführung und Montage des 220 Tonnen schweren Cyclone®230 an Zyklotron im Proton International Guangzhou Center in Guangzhou, Provinz Guangdong, China. Dieses innovative Krebszentrum unter der Leitung der Nuklearmedizinischen Industrie in Guangdong, Hengjian, wird mit der Proteus®PLUS * -Lösung von IBA ausgestattet sein, die für die erstklassige Behandlung mit drei integrierten Behandlungsräumen mit integriertem Pencil Beam Scanning (PBS) optimiert ist Cone Beam CT Image Guidance (CBCT) und Ultrahochdosisleistung für die Blitzbestrahlungsforschung.
Herr Han Lianhe, Vorsitzender der Guangdong Hengjian Nuclear Medical Industry Co., Ltd., sowie mehrere andere Investoren und Regierungsbeamte waren ebenfalls anwesend, darunter der offizielle Delegierte der belgischen Botschaft mit Herrn Joris Salden, dem belgischen Generalkonsul in Guangzhou und Frau Catherine Huang, Handelssekretärin. Insgesamt nahmen mehr als 120 Personen an dieser aufregenden Veranstaltung teil, die von lokalen Nachrichten und der Presse berichtet wurde. Diese Art von Veranstaltung unterstreicht die Begeisterung der Menschen, die für IBA arbeiten, ein Unternehmen, das vorbildlichen Kundenservice bietet und vor allem dazu beiträgt, das Leben der Menschen zu verbessern.
Bisher hat IBA weltweit 56 Protonentherapiezentren verkauft, davon sieben in China.
Olivier Legrain, Vorstandsvorsitzender von IBA, kommentierte : ?Wir sind stolz darauf, diesen wichtigen Meilenstein für die Installation einer Anlage von solcher Qualität und Bedeutung in Südchina zu liefern. Die Erfahrung von IBA in der Protonentherapie macht uns zum idealen Partner, um mehr Patienten in ganz China mit Protonentherapie zu versorgen, die von dieser hochmodernen Krebstherapie profitieren werden. Mit einem Marktanteil von 50 Prozent und der Errichtung eines neuen Zentrums in China baut IBA seine Führungsposition auf dem potenziell größten Strahlentherapiemarkt der Welt aus. ?
Herr Han Lianhe kommentierte : ?Heute markiert die Takelage-Zeremonie einen Meilenstein beim Bau dieses Protonentherapiezentrums. Hier in Guangzhou errichten wir dank IBAs Technologieführerschaft in der Protonentherapie eines der modernsten Onkologie-Therapiezentren in Asien.
Über die IBA
IBA (Ion Beam Applications SA) ist ein globales Medizintechnikunternehmen, das sich darauf konzentriert, integrierte und innovative Lösungen für die Diagnose und Behandlung von Krebs zu entwickeln. Das Unternehmen ist der weltweite Technologieführer auf dem Gebiet der Protonentherapie und gilt als die derzeit fortschrittlichste Form der Strahlentherapie. Die Protonentherapielösungen von IBA sind flexibel und anpassungsfähig, sodass Kunden zwischen universellen Protonentherapiezentren in Originalgröße und kompakten Einzelraumlösungen wählen können. Darüber hinaus betreibt IBA ein Geschäft für Strahlendosimetrie und entwickelt Teilchenbeschleuniger für die medizinische Welt und die Industrie. IBA hat seinen Hauptsitz in Belgien und beschäftigt weltweit rund 1.400 Mitarbeiter. Das Unternehmen hat Systeme auf der ganzen Welt installiert.
IBA ist an der europaweiten Börse NYSE EURONEXT notiert (IBA: Reuters IBAB.BR und Bloomberg IBAB.BB). Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter:
Über Guangdong Hengjian Nuclear Medical Industry
Guangdong Hengjian Nuclear Medical Industry Co., Ltd (GHNMIC) ist das erste Unternehmen in China, das sich auf die Entwicklung und den Ausbau der Protonentherapie in China konzentriert. Ab 2013 begannen die GHNMIC und das Krebszentrum der Sun Yat-sen-Universität (CCSYU), gemeinsam an dem ersten Protonenprojekt zu arbeiten, nämlich dem Demonstrationsprojekt für medizinische Geräte in Guangdong Hengjian (Project). GHNMIC ist die Investmentgesellschaft von Project.
Über das Proton International Guangzhou Center
Das Proton International Guangzhou Center (PIGC) ist der Benutzer des Projekts. PIGC etabliert sich als nationales Krebszentrum und erstklassiges Krebsbehandlungsinstitut in Übereinstimmung mit den Grad III-Standards des Onkologiekrankenhauses. PIGC verwendet die genaue und fortschrittliche Protonentherapie als Kerntechnologie und beherrscht konventionelle radiologische Diagnose- und Behandlungstechniken. Die Geräte von IBA umfassen Proteus®PLUS-, PET-CT-, MRI-, CT-, Electron Linacs- und ToMography-Systeme usw. PIGC könnte medizinische Lösungen für Patienten anbieten, einschließlich Operationen, Chemotherapie, Strahlentherapie, biologische Immuntherapie und Rehabilitationsbehandlung für die chinesische Medizin. Basierend auf der Krankheit des Patienten, seiner körperlichen Verfassung, seiner Physiologie und seiner Familie bietet PIGC die individuellsten Lösungen und den besten Service, um die Patienten mit den meisten Anstrengungen zufriedenzustellen.
Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte:
Aymeric Harmant
Global Marketing Director
+32 10 203 796
Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 21 January 2021 - IBA (Ion Beam Applications SA), the world’s leading provider of proton therapy solutions for the treatment of cancer, today provides a trading update ahead of the Company’s full-year results on March 25, 2021.
IBA will report strong results with a positive REBIT and a positive net result for the full year 2020
IBA’s yearly results will be favorably impacted by the EUR 100 million deal signed with CGN Nuclear Technology Development Co., Ltd. (CGNNT) in August. The company has now received the second tranche of EUR 30 million that was due before year-end on the CGNNT agreement, bringing the total received so far to EUR 50 million.
IBA notes a FY20 (unaudited) net cash position of EUR 65 million, providing the business with significant stability to progress on its strategic objectives.
After a record year in 2019, the Other Accelerators business had a strong 2020 with an order intake of 17 systems. Of these, 12 were signed in the second half, indicating a strong recovery of the market after a slower first half as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Dosimetry business has also been particularly resilient and encouragingly has seen little negative impact from the COVID-19 crisis, with order intake 10% above 2019
In addition, IBA provides the following market update.
The Company recently signed a contract with the National Cancer Center (NCC) Korea, for a Proteus®ONE* solution, following a competitive tender process. NCC Korea is already an IBA customer, having purchased a three-room Proteus®PLUS* solution in operation since 2007. The down payment is expected in the coming weeks.
IBA has also been selected for the supply of a multi-room Proteus®PLUS solution in China and contract negotiations are ongoing.
Olivier Legrain, Chief Executive Officer of IBA SA, said: “The global environment continues to hold many challenges, but I am proud of the resilience shown across all of IBA’s business lines. We had previously identified China and its surrounding regions as being of great strategic importance to the Company and momentum here has continued with discussions ongoing for a multi-room Proteus®PLUS deal in China following on from the significant deal with CGNNT as well as the multi-room Proteus®PLUS order in Sichuan that were both secured during Q3.
“There has been an inevitable slow down across other regions, which has impacted installations in the PT and Other Accelerators business overall. On the services side of the business, however, all centers have remained fully operational and have continued to treat patients throughout the crisis, enabling further growth in this revenue line. Looking ahead, order intake in all business units is strong, providing us with visibility for future growth. Importantly, our cash position is stronger than ever, providing us with a solid foundation to continue to innovate whilst further bolstering our resilience.”
Shareholder’s Agenda
Full Year 2020 Results: 25 March 2021
Business Update First Quarter 2021 20 May 2021
Half Year 2021 Results 25 August 2021
Business Update Third Quarter 2021 18 November 2021
, 2021 - In accordance with article 8:4 of the Royal Decree of 29 April
2019 executing the Belgian Code on Companies and Associations, Ion Beam Applications SA (“IBA”) hereby
discloses information in relation to its share buyback program announced on January 12th, 2021.
Under this program, IBA has requested a financial intermediary to repurchase up to 357.000 IBA ordinary
shares on its behalf under the terms of a discretionary mandate agreement with validity until May 31st, 2021,
effective as from January 13th, 2021, to cover the company’s obligations under a long term incentive plan for
certain members of its personnel.
In the framework of this share buyback program, IBA repurchased 17.290 IBA shares on Euronext Brussels in
the period from May 7th
, 2021 up to and including May 13th
, 2021, as follows:
The total number of shares purchased under this program therefore amounts to 334.616. As a result, IBA SA
currently holds 808.837 treasury shares (directly and indirectly through its subsidiary IBA Investments SCRL),
representing 2,68% of its share capital
Angehängte Datei: 20210518_iba_share_buy_back_en.pdf
Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, 15 September 2021 –
IBA (Ion Beam Applications S.A., EURONEXT), the world leader in particle accelerator technology, and SCK CEN (Belgian Nuclear Research Center) today announce a strategic R&D partnership to enable the production of Actinium-225 (225Ac), a novel radioisotope which has significant potential in the treatment of cancer.
New perspectives in the treatment of cancer
Nuclear medicine has evolved considerably over recent years with the emergence of radiotheranostics, a modality which combines targeted diagnosis and therapy with radio-isotopes, offering an important alternative in the treatment of many cancers. Radiotheranostics is based on the use of radio-isotopes which, when they disintegrate, emit radiation that enables cancer cells to be precisely located and/or destroyed.
Actinium-225: fighting both prevalent and rare cancers
Among these isotopes, one of the most promising is alpha-emitting Actinium-225. This is due to its useful characteristics: in its decay, it kills cancer cells, having high cytotoxic potency within a very short range (limited to few cancerous cells while sparing surrounding healthy tissues). Moreover its half-life (10 days) enables a smooth process for logistics and centralized distribution. To date, extensive research and numerous studies are underway which aim to tackle both high prevalence cancers including prostate, lung, colon, breast, pancreatic, blood (leukemia and other rare forms) and kidney cancers, but also rarer forms of cancer like glioblastoma, the deadliest form of a very invasive brain cancer.
One of the main challenges to making this therapeutic solution accessible for the greatest number of patients is ensuring the availability of high-quality Actinium-225 in large quantities. By joining their unique expertise and resources, SCK CEN and IBA will be able to work towards the large-scale production of Actinium-225 for patient use. Concurrently, this collaboration will allow them to establish themselves as leading global partners in the production of Actinium-225.
A new generation of nuclear medicine
This strategic R&D partnership consists of an in-depth evaluation of the technical and economic feasibility of the project. Based on the outcome of this first phase, SCK CEN and IBA plan to undertake the construction and commissioning of a production unit on the SCK CEN site in Mol, Belgium.
Alignment with Belgian coalition agreement and European recovery plan
This collaboration highlights the implementation of the Belgian coalition agreement, which pledges significantly more and better cancer treatments and confirms Belgium’s leadership at the forefront of nuclear medicine. It is supported by Pierre-Yves Dermagne, Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Employment, Tinne Van der Straeten, Belgian Minister of Energy, and Thomas Dermine, Belgian State Secretary for Recovery and Strategic Investments.
This initiative is also in alignment with the recent European recovery plan for Belgium – a plan in which the European Commission designated Lutetium-177 and Actinium-225 as promising isotopes.
“We are excited to join forces with such a prestigious and highly experienced partner as SCK CEN” said Olivier Legrain, CEO of IBA. “Considering our global leadership and long-standing expertise in nuclear medicine and proton therapy, we see theranostics as an important addition to our portfolio of activities in the fight against cancer. We look forward to taking the first steps in evaluating the strategic growth potential in this significant new market.”
Eric van Walle, Director General of SCK CEN, commented: “Theranostics have the potential to revolutionize the way we treat cancer. By partnering with IBA, we can use our nuclear knowhow to transform isotopes meant to become radioactive waste into therapeutic compounds. Our complementary expertise will enable us to work towards providing the greatest number of patients with the benefits of this latest generation of nuclear medicine.”
"I am particularly pleased with this unprecedented partnership between two key players with unparalleled expertise," said Pierre-Yves Dermagne, Vice Prime Minister. "This research partnership has promise for the future. One of the two players is recognized worldwide (SCK CEN, a federal research center), while the other is a worldwide leader in the particle accelerator industry (IBA). This union will make it possible to treat patients much more effectively," notes Pierre-Yves Dermagne.
Tinne Van der Straeten, Minister of Energy, stresses the importance of this project and the expertise of both partners. "Belgium wants to remain a world leader in the production of medical isotopes. Therefore, we have provided support in the framework of the European recovery plan to allow SCK CEN to innovate in the field of therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals. SCK CEN and IBA are combining their extensive expertise into this R&D partnership to collaborate on isotopes that can be used in more targeted cancer treatments. I am delighted to support these developments in Belgium and watch them grow.”
“This strategic R&D partnership is one of the first concrete results of the recovery plan, which allocates a total of more than EUR 800 million additional resources to research and development," explains Thomas Dermine, State Secretary for Recovery and Strategic Investments. "Together, SCK CEN and IBA are stepping up the fight against cancer. This is an excellent example of how our country can play a key role in the development of future technologies and techniques worldwide. The medical application of radioisotopes is an area of global excellence for Belgium that the recovery plan aims to consolidate.”
Group Overview
Strong performance across all business lines
Ongoing commitment to stakeholder approach, delivering the best offering to our customers and investing for long-term sustainable growth whilst meeting ESG targets
Strong balance sheet maintained, with EUR 91 million unaudited net cash (30 June 2021: EUR 69 million)
Olivier Legrain, Chief Executive Officer of IBA commented: “IBA has continued to perform strongly in the second half of 2021 with solid progress across all business units. We have a highly active pipeline of new opportunities and are particularly excited about the marked revival in proton therapy activity in the important US market. Our Other Accelerators and Dosimetry businesses have also been exceptionally strong in the second half of the year with encouraging momentum as we approach 2022.
“A core component of our roadmap towards sustainable growth is investment in future innovation to deliver strategic impact. In this regard, we were pleased to provide updates on a range of initiatives at the recent ASTRO conference, as well as several strategic partnerships, including in the promising field of radiotherapeutics. We are very excited about future prospects across our business lines and are in a confident position to achieve long-term profitability, with our stakeholder approach underpinning all of our business activities.”
Business Unit Highlights (including post-period end)
Proton Therapy
13 Proteus®ONE[1] and 8 Proteus®PLUS1 projects currently ongoing. Strong pipeline of new global opportunities with significant activity in the US and Asia
Contract signed for a five room Proteus®PLUS System in China including a multi-year service contract
Post-period end, finalized contract with Advocate Radiation Oncology in Florida, which previously selected IBA’s Proteus®ONE for its new Radiation Oncology Centre, including a multi-year service contract
Post-period end, announced updates at ASTRO, including expansion of strategic partnership with RaySearch within Flash and proton ARC therapy projects, and the launch of Campus, the world’s first online proton therapy platform
Other Accelerators (RadioPharma, Industrial) and Dosimetry
Strong performance in Other Accelerators in the third quarter, with 23 machines sold in the year to date of which 11 machines were sold in Asia
Strategic R&D partnership announced with SCK CEN to enable the production of Actinimum-225 (Ac-225), a novel therapeutic radioisotope which has significant potential in the treatment of cancer
Post-period end, announced a strategic partnership with TRAD Tests & Radiations to enable the development of a new radiation processing module, addressing an increasing unmet need in the sterilization market
Dosimetry revenues and order book have continued to strengthen, further demonstrating the success of the business unit’s recent product launches
During the third quarter of 2021, IBA’s performance has continued to accelerate with strong progress across all business lines. Our pipeline is very active, particularly in the US and in Asia, and, coupled with the robust balance sheet and predictable revenue base of the services business, provides encouraging visibility for the period ahead. Whilst we are confident about business performance, the ongoing complex situation with the pandemic means that we are still unable to provide reliable financial guidance. We will provide a further update at the time of the 2021 full year results in March 2022.
Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 1 February 2022 - IBA (Ion Beam Applications SA), the world leader in particle accelerator technology, today provides a trading update ahead of the Company’s full-year results on 24 March 2022.
IBA will report FY21 Group sales in line with the prior year, with a positive REBIT and net profit at Group level and profitability across all business lines.
High order intake across all business lines
Proton Therapy saw a continued revival in activity with five systems (nine rooms) sold in Asia, Europe and the US, compared with two systems sold in the prior year
Other Accelerators had another excellent year with more than 30 systems sold, up from 17 systems last year
The Dosimetry business has continued to perform well with order intake in line with the prior year
Equipment and Services backlog at a new all-time high of EUR 1.2 billion
Highly active pipeline, particularly in the US and Asia, with continuing momentum providing significant visibility for 2022 and beyond
All time high net cash position of EUR 130.3 million (unaudited) at year end, providing the business a solid foundation to progress its strategic objectives
Olivier Legrain, Chief Executive Officer of IBA, commented: “IBA performed exceptionally well in 2021, with a high order intake and profitability demonstrated across all business lines. IBA’s market leading product offerings in proton therapy, other accelerators, radiopharmaceuticals and dosimetry have driven this momentum, which continued to build throughout the year. We have entered 2022 in a strong position with an active global pipeline for all businesses, particularly in the US and Asia. Our record high cash position provides us with a solid foundation from which we can explore other growth areas such as theranostics, whilst achieving our goal of long-term sustainable profitability.”
IBA will publish its consolidated results for the full year 2021 on Thursday, 24 March 2022 at 7am CET.
In addition to the press release, Olivier Legrain, Chief Executive Officer, and Soumya Chandramouli, Chief Financial Officer, will host a conference call and webcast, conducted in English, to present the 2021 full year results, followed by a Q&A session.
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