SLWF was inside a Cellar Boxing in May ! Since June the 3rd and after a reverse split of 1:1000 the stock went down another 90% with a lot of naked shorts generating all the fall. The problem is that the bashers needed to have this stock again and very fast trading inside the $0.0001 / $0.0002 box, so they could maintain their cellar scheme. They try to do this only in companies with enormous financial problems; a kind of death bet the shorters do like selling options that you think will die out of the money. They short naked, and they expect never to fill their short positions waiting for the total bankruptcy of the company. It?s a kind of safe game for them, but just as the options there?s a risk? And the risk is that the company survives the scheme, because of a financial recovery, or just because of an uncontainable stock rise. Well, that?s very rare, but it?s exactly what?s happening right now with SLWF, rumours of big contracts are leading the stock price to go up, and to go up ver - by: slwf_lover
habt ihr Euch je gefragt,warum der Ceo dauernd Aktien kauft,selbst bei deutlich erhöhten Preisen immer noch?Offenbar wollen die Banken ihn los werden.