Ständig nur rumnörgelt wie sie es machen ist ja auch nicht das Ziel.
This was still the beginning.
Coinbase is for me the best investment story.
Krypton are undoubtedly a new asset class and the prices will rise transactions as well.
This is the game for Coinbase , the last trustable Krypto Trading platform.
And additional will BlackRock bring Coinbase into a new dimension and Liga of trading platform.
Coinbase is a 250 usd Stock and will see this Price, so my forecast, still end of year.
Once it should become a meme stock for young investors, then we will see a huge shortsqueeze and exploding stock prices to 1000 USD. But better is a solid increase based on fundamentals.
And fundamentally it is a 250 USD minimum if you are willing to price in the future and the new Blackrock deal.