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https://web.tmxmoney.com/...newsid=7671712232758736&qm_symbol=ARTTORONTO, Oct. 17, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ARHT Media Inc. (?ARHT? or ?the Company?) (TSXV:ART), a global leader in the development, production and distribution of high quality hologram content through its patented Augmented Reality Holographic Telepresence technology, today announced that the Company has booked approximately C$584,000 in revenues from events and equipment to be delivered during a seven week span from September 11 ? November 1, 2018.
?I am extremely pleased to see our strategy of creating distribution channels in various vertical markets begin to deliver repeat and recurring revenues,? commented ARHT CEO Larry O?Reilly. ?Over a period of about seven weeks in September and October ARHT Media will be delivering 21 events (not including client demos), with 17 of those producing aggregate revenue of approximately $425,000. Investment Banking, Pharmaceuticals, Technology, Hollywood, Professional Services, Universities & Science Centres were industries that featured ARHT?s holographic telepresence technology. Event locations include Zurich, London, Turin, Tokyo, Singapore, Shenzhen, Los Angeles, San Diego, Cincinnati, New York, Hartford, Marrakech, Toronto and Halifax.?
?Since adding a new person to our sales team in each of June, July, August and September 2018, as well as opening our demo studio in New York in August 2018, we have seen a huge spike in the number of client demos, which has led to a corresponding increase in sales. The 21 events during this seven week period compares with only two events in the same period last year.?
?We are seeing repeat business from a growing number of international leading brands, as well as third parties buying our display and capture technology to be used on an ongoing basis,? noted ARHT CEO Larry O?Reilly.