Eine Chance auf ein paar Prozente ? A0ETWH
gut analysiert
Ich lese immer nur still mit und amüsiere mich dabei manchmal köstlichst ;-)
Was mich bei UPDA noch nicht ganz verzweifeln lässt ist die Tatsache, dass die Umsätze in den letzten Tagen doch sehr gering waren.
Ich hoffe hier warten einige auf baldigst vernünftige News und steigen dann ein.
Wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe müssten auf jeden Fall die Zahlen bis spätestens 20.November kommen. Dann wissen wir auf jeden Fall mal wie es mit den Outstanding shares aussieht und wieviel Geld UPDA noch hat. Naja und was mit den Überarbeitungen los ist wissen wohl nur die Kamalbrüder und Gott
Bis 16.11. geht der Landmark Deal. Naja dann können wir doch drauf hoffen vor dem Quartalsbericht was neues zu hören!
Today we have recieved too many copies of the same e-mail.
Although I can appreciate your sphere of influence, I wish you had
used truth and knowledge prior to igniting our loyal German
investors and friends.
The size of the areas we speak about is hundreds of square
miles,not a city block. We also closedown Production during workover. You should have learned this during your very brief visit to the field. The Landmark4 deal ends the 16th,not today.
As UPDA subsidiary Canyon Creek Oil and Gas, Inc. commences the workover of its various leases throughout Texas, its Catlin Oil and Gas, Inc. subsidiary continues to move forward with the workover of its oil and gas field in Jack County, Texas.
While the preliminary production information gathered as the Catlin workover progresses show significant promise, sustainable production information will not become available until the project has been fully completed. The Catlin production system cannot become fully operational until all of the well connections are completed. During that process, many wells will be turned on, tested, and then again shut-in. As soon as the project is completed and sufficient time has been allowed to determine sustainable production figures, UPDA will make an appropriate announcement.
Jack Baker
Corporate Communications
Ich kann schon verstehen, dass der Kerl genervt ist bei sagen wir 50 emails. Allerdings ist er der PR Manager...
Was er so schreibt zu Catlin, dass die Wells kurz online gehen und dann wieder geschlossen werden ist irgendwie auch nachvollziehbar für mich. Bin kein Profi was solche arbeiten angeht! Allerdings haben wir schon soviel Blabla gehört!
Es klang einfach in den letzen PRs immer wieder anders. Dass die Produktion an bestimmten Wells schon läuft usw.
Naja wenn sie tatsächlich warten bis alle Wells wieder online sind mit konkreten Daten (und darauf bin ich jetzt eingestellt) dann kanns durchaus einen Riesen-Knall-Zock geben bei guten Zahlen.
Naja bis 16. und 20.11. wird dann der kurs wohl noch etwas nachgeben vermute ich.
Was bei uns abgelaufen ist kann ich nicht ganz verstehen. Aufgrund der vielen Ungereimtheiten und der eigentlich für diesen wert schon großen position in meinem depot habe ich nicht nachgekauft.
Verkaufen oder traden werd ich jetzt aber auch nicht. Hopp oder trop wie schon gesagt.
Trotzdem gefällt mir die Informationspolitik nicht. Es ist und bleibt blabla.
Warum z.B. schreiben sie denn nicht in ihre PRs, dass die Wells nach nem kurzen Probelauf wieder abgeschaltet werden, wie es in der email geschrieben ist?
Warum heissts in den PRs immer "... Wells will be turned to production..." usw.?
Aber gut, ich denke Freitag ist immer so ein wenig Hoffnung gegeben, dass es Montag gute News geben kann. Die letzten beiden Freitage gings auch immer ein bisschen nach oben...
Ich hab bei 0,058 nochmal ein wenig nachgekauft um meinen Durchschnittskurs zu drücken und warte jetzt erstmal ab.
Bis 16.11. läuft die Frist und bisher hiess es ja immer, dass sie "above schedule" sind. Also seien wir mal gespannt was diese Woche passiert!
Vielleicht kommen ja auch die Quartalszahlen!
Wir werden sehen
#71866 von la_verite 17.11.06 16:08:18 Beitrag Nr.: 25.487.182
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Folgende Antwort bezieht sich auf Beitrag Nr.: 25486124 von schakal23 am 17.11.06 15:33:03
ich habe gerade die Handelsüberwachung in FRA angerufen, und der sagte mir, daß das XETRA-Orderbuch trotz Anzeige von 50.000 St. im ASK zu 0,050 GESCHLOSSEN ist und keine Order mehr dort ausgeführt wird...
Und der Makler in FRA braucht trotz Angebot von 400.000 St. im ASK auch nicht auszuführen, wenn es für ihn nicht "sinnvoll" ist...
Leute, ab Montag schließen wir uns zusammen und machen unsere eigene Börse auf, wird dem Kurs dann auch helfen...
#71875 von la_verite 17.11.06 16:22:09 Beitrag Nr.: 25.487.627
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Folgende Antwort bezieht sich auf Beitrag Nr.: 25487409 von MKostolany am 17.11.06 16:15:07
das Problem momentan ist der 400.000er Block in Frankfurt, ich möchte davon 100.000 Haben und bekomme sie nicht, da eine Teilausführung lt. Handelsüberwachung für den Makler wohl "wirtschaftlich nicht sinnvoll" ist . Kann leider nicht erhöhen, da mein Cash nicht ausreicht. Los Leute, legt mal noch jemand 100.000 oder mehr drauf und das ASK wird verschwinden, und läßt dann auch den US-Kurs frei....
Egal, nächste Woche kommt der Quartalsbericht. Das ist die News auf die jetzt warte und schaue, ob es sich noch lohnt hier drin zu bleiben oder nicht.
Die 60-Tage Frist ist abgelaufen ohne News. Überhaupt gabs den ganzen November bisher keine PR. Naja gut, die PR-Arbeit ist einfach ein Wahnsinn!
Was der PR-Manager den ganzen Tag so macht würde mich schonmal interessieren...
warum auch immer: das macht mich schon etwas nervös
wird wirklich eine interessante woche
les den satz immer wieder bei wo aber ich schreibs das erste mal und diese woche wird wirklich interessant.
2 fragen: wieviel umsatz hatten sie wirklich und wieviel verwässerung.
zu freitag:
war doch kein fill and kill. der scheißtyp (entschuldigung für dieses wort) hat in frankfurt einfach nicht teilausgeführt.
Naja egal. Stimmt mich auf jeden Fall ganz positiv, dass vor Veröffentlichung der Quartalszahlen der Kurs nicht in die Knie geht (im Augenblick jedenfalls), sondern sich im grünen Bereich aufhält.
Vielleicht kommt ja doch ne positive Überraschung (in Bezug auf die Anzahl der Shares/Optionen - die Überarbeitung der Quellen dürfte sich im vergangenen Quartal noch nicht bemerkbar gemacht haben)
Wir werden sehen
Angehängte Grafik:

Die Quartalszahlen verzögern sich nun schon 1 Woche. Folgendes wurde am 14.11.06 gemeldet.
UPDA -- Universal Property Development & Acquisition Corp.
Com ($0.001)
Washington, D.C. 20549
FORM 12b-25
Commission File Number: 000-25416
(Check One): |_| Form 10-K and Form 10-KSB |_| Form 11-K |_| Form 20-F
|X| Form 10-Q and Form 10-QSB |_| Form N-SAR
For Period Ended: September 30, 2006
|_| Transition Report on Form 10-K
|_| Transition Report on Form 20-F
|_| Transition Report on Form 11-K
|_| Transition Report on Form 10-Q
|_| Transition Report on Form N-SAR
For the Transition Period Ended:
Read attached instruction sheet before preparing form. Please print or type.
Nothing in this form shall be construed to imply that the Securities and Exchange Commission has verified any information contained herein.
If the notification relates to a portion of the filing checked above, identify the item(s) to which the notification relates:
Universal Property Development and Acquisition Corporation
(Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)
14255 U.S. Highway 1, Suite 209, Juno Beach, Florida 33408
(Address of Principal Executive Office) (Zip Code)
(561) 630-2977
(Registrant's telephone number including area code)
RULE 12b-25(b) AND (c)
If the subject report could not be filed without unreasonable effort or expense and the registrant seeks relief pursuant to Rule 12b-25(b), the following should be completed. (Check box if appropriate.)
|X| (a) The reasons described in reasonable detail in Part III of this form
could not be eliminated without unreasonable effort or expense;
|X| (b) The subject annual report, semi-annual report, transition report on
Form 10-K, Form 20- F, Form 11-K or Form N-SAR, or portion thereof
will be filed on or before the fifteenth calendar day following the
prescribed due date; or the subject quarterly report or transition
report on Form 10-Q, or portion thereof will be filed on or before
the fifth calendar day following the prescribed due date; and
|_| (c) The accountant's statement or other exhibit required by Rule
12b-25(c) has been attached if applicable.
State below in reasonable detail why the Form 10-K, 11-K, 20-F, 10-Q, N-SAR or the transition report portion thereof could not be filed within the prescribed time period. (Attach extra sheets if needed.)
The Registrant was unable, without unreasonable effort or expense, to complete the accounting and documentation work which was necessary for the Registrant's independent auditor to complete its review of the Registrant's consolidated financial statements, for the quarter ended September 30, 2006, on or before November 14, 2006. The Registrant entered into new business transactions and relationships, and altered existing relationships, during the quarter ended September 30, 2006, which required the Registrant to provide additional documentation to its independent auditors to complete the financial review process. The Registrant does not have a Chief Financial Officer. As a result, the Registrant was unable, without unreasonable effort or expense, to complete the work necessary to finalize the financial statement review process required for the Registrant's Form 10-QSB for the period ended September 30, 2006 prior to the November 14, 2006 filing deadline. Thus, the Registrant requires additional time to properly complete and file its Form 10-QSB for the fiscal quarter ended September 30, 2006.
For the reasons set forth above, the Registrant could not file its Quarterly Report on Form 10-QSB for the fiscal quarter ended September 30, 2006 prior to the November 14, 2006 filing deadline without unreasonable effort or expense. The Registrant will file its Form 10-QSB for the fiscal quarter ended September 30, 2006 no later than the fifth day after the due date of that Form 10-QSB.
(1) Name and telephone number of person to contact in regard to this notification
Christopher J. McCauley, Vice-President, General Counsel (561) 630-2977
(Name and Title) (Area Code) (Telephone Number)
(2) Have all other periodic reports required under Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 or Section 30 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 during the preceding 12 months or for such shorter period that the Registrant was required to file such report(s) been filed? If the answer is no, identify report(s).
|X| Yes |_| No
(3) Is it anticipated that any significant change in results of operations from the corresponding period for the last fiscal year will be reflected by the earnings statements to be included in the subject report or portion thereof?
|_| Yes |X| No
If so: attach an explanation of the anticipated change, both narratively and quantitatively, and, if appropriate, state the reasons why a reasonable estimate of the results cannot be made.
Universal Property Development and Acquisition Corporation
(Name of Registrant as Specified in Charter)
Has caused this notification to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.
Date: November 14, 2006
By /s/ Kamal Abdallah
Kamal Abdallah, President
Der einzig wichtige Satz aus dieser Erklärung ist der folgende:
"The Registrant will file its Form 10-QSB for the fiscal quarter ended September 30, 2006 no later than the fifth day after the due date of that Form 10-QSB."
Und der Due-Date war der 14.11.2006
--> fünf Tage später ist nach meiner Rechnung dann wohl der 21.11. :-))
Und NEIN... ;) Bei mir is alles im grünen Bereich....
Sag mir mal eine Substanzaktie mit der man auf die Schnelle 100% machen kann! Und mit schnelle meine ich ein paar Tage/Wochen.
Und sag mir mal eine Hot-Stocks Aktie die 99999999999 Fakten zu bieten hat und die mit SICHERHEIT nicht erfunden sind! Also damit meine ich, wenn du nicht mindestens die Vorstände persönlich kennst kannste gleich wieder einpacken!
Also bleib cool und gehe doch in den DAX-Thread. Bei Blue-Chips kannste zumindest ziemlich sicher sein, dass alles mit rechten Dingen zugeht, oder doch nicht (MLP, Enron, EM.TV (wurde ja auch mal als DAX-Kandidat gehandelt -> lol...................)
wer einen Wert nur auf gut Glück kauft...so wie das hier viele machen...naja...wers bracht... Blue pearl z.B. hatt gute News....und gutes Volumen....bin da mit 800 % raus...also erzähl mir nix....geh Lotto spielen...denn das einzige worauf es ankommt sind schliesslich gute News...daraus ergibt sich dann automatisch ein passendes Volumen.... Happy Zogging....
Und erzähl mir nicht, dass du davon wusstest als du eingestiegen bist!
UPDA hat theoretisch Substanz für die Zukunft. Hier kann auch viel passieren, wenn der Wyoming Deal gut über die Bühne geht oder die Förderquoten steigen. Allerdings ist beides nicht sicher - genauso wie es vor einem Jahr bei Blue Pearl war!
Also erzähl mir auch nix...
TUESDAY , NOVEMBER 21, 2006 09:29 AM
JUNO BEACH, Fla., Nov 21, 2006 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- On November 20, 2006, UPDA filed its current quarterly financial report and SEC Form 10Q-SB and restated all of its financial reports from September 2005 through the most recent. As demonstrated by those filings, UPDA continues to expand its asset base and grow its revenues and revenue potential. The Board of UPDA is pleased to reflect on its initial 18 months of operation and proud to describe the accomplishments it has achieved during that time.
As reflected in the Company\'s Report for the Quarter Ended September 30, 2006, during the first nine months of this year, UPDA more than doubled the value of its assets, from $3 million to over $7 million and the value of its property and equipment more than three-fold, from under $2 million to over $6 million. During that nine-month period, UPDA also increased its revenue to over $1.6 million where it had posted negative revenue during the same period a year before.
During the nine months ended September 30, 2006, UPDA also completed its transition from a joint-venture business model to a fully integrated oil and gas producer. With the establishment of UPDA Operators, Inc. and Ambient Wells Services, Inc., UPDA has positioned itself to fully and aggressively exploit the potential of its continued expansion. UPDA has also recently completed the establishment of an internal human resources department, expanded its legal department, refined and restructured its bookkeeping and accounting and created formal committees to identify further acquisitions and perform due diligence to investigate their suitability and propriety.
During the third quarter, UPDA Operators was certified to operate oil and gas fields in the State of Texas. Upon receipt of this certification, UPDA Operators undertook to workover and revitalize the oil and gas properties owned by UPDA subsidiaries. Presently, work is being performed on the properties owned by UPDA subsidiary Catlin Oil and Gas, Inc. in Jack County, Texas as well as the properties owned by UPDA subsidiary, Canyon Creek Oil and Gas, Inc., in Archer, Coleman, Palo Pinto and Young Counties, Texas. The results from these efforts continue to show great promise.
Finally, the company decided to restate parts of its financial results to reflect and clarify certain aspects that pertain to treatment of unlettered prefer convertible shares. The result affected neither revenues nor assets. However, the restatement did increase UPDA\'s accumulated deficit and additional paid in capital. The company took this step based on recommendations from its financial advisors.
As UPDA continues to grow and prosper, the Board and Management will continue to promote transparency and disclosure. We have recruited an in-house investment relations team to inform our diverse and active group of international shareholders and we have enhanced the content of our website, www.universalpropertydevelopment.com to report our most recent developments. In addition, as demonstrated by this recent filing and the restatements, as well as the method and manner of our daily operations, UPDA intends to conduct its business with integrity and restraint, providing our partners, vendors, shareholders and potential shareholders with a conservative and compliant representation of the value of transactions and the expectation of results.
Statements contained in this press release that are not based upon current or historical fact are forward-looking in nature. Such forward-looking statements reflect the current views of management with respect to Future events and are subject to certain risks, uncertainties, and assumptions. Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described herein as anticipated, believed, estimated, expected, or described pursuant to similar expressions.
SOURCE: Universal Property Development and Acquisition Corporation
Universal Property Development and Acquisition
Jack Baker, 561-630-2977 (Investor Relations)
Copyright Business Wire 2006
Tuesday, November 21st, 2006 09:43 AM EST
Quarterly Report
Results of Operations - For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2006
Oil and natural gas sales. For the three months ended March 31, 2006, oil and natural gas sales revenue was $85,078, compared to none for the same period during 2005. Oil sales were $70,047 and natural gas sales were $15,031. The revenues were the result of our producing wells in the Canyon Creek subsidiary, formed as a joint venture in late 2005. For the three months ended March 31, 2006, oil sales volume was 1,167 barrels, compared to none for the same period in 2005. For the three months ended March 31, 2006, gas sales volume was 2,746 thousand cubic feet (MCF, compared to none for the same period in 2005.
Oil and gas production costs. Our production costs were $4,526 and other cost of goods sold were $6,251 for the three months ended March 31, 2006.
Depreciation and depletion. Our depreciation and depletion expense was $5,043 and none for the three months ended March 31, 2006, and March 31, 2005, respectively. The increase was a result of our entry into the energy business, and our recent purchases of office equipment.
General and administrative expenses. General and administrative expenses increased by $134,644 to $188,533 for the three months ended March 31, 2006, compared to the same period in 2005. The increase was primarily related to increases in compensation expense associated with an increase in personnel required to administer our growth and entry into the energy business.
Interest expense, net. Interest expense, net decreased by $12,060 to $670 for the three months ended March 31, 2006 when compared to the same period in 2005. The decrease was due to lower outstanding debt over the quarter.
Income tax expense. Our effective tax rate was 25% during the three months ended March 31, 2005 and remained steady at 25% for the three months ended March 31, 2006.
Net loss after minority interest. Net loss decreased by $5,574,613 to $384,626 for the three months ended March 21, 2006 compared to the same period in 2005. The reasons for this decrease include the large decrease in stock issued for consulting fees and services due to the new management team, our exit from the real estate business, and our entry into the energy business.
Revenues Year to Date by Geographic Section
All revenue from sales of crude oil and gas during the three months ended March 31, 2006 were in the State of Texas.
Capital Resources and Liquidity
As shown in the consolidated financial statements, as of March 31, 2006, the Company had cash on hand of $291,482, compared to $132,935 as of December 31, 2005. The Company had negative net cash flows from operations for the three months ended March 31, 2006 of $318,792, compared to $175,457 for the same period in 2005 due principally to the efforts of the management team to settle or reduce older payables.
The Company had negative cash flows from investing activities for the three months ended March 31, 2006 of $1,312,661, compared to $21,354 in the same period in 2005 due to investments in oil and gas leaseholds including expenditures for revitalization of the wells.
Cash inflows from financing activities during the three months ended March 31, 2006 consisted of $1,790,000 of cash raised through the sales of Class B Convertible Preferred Stock, compared to inflows of $214,182 from sales of common stock and notes payable during the same period in 2005.
We had losses of approximately $385,000 for the three months ended March 31, 2006, and do not currently generate positive cash flows from operations. In order for us to continue during the next twelve months we will need to secure approximately $1.5 million of debt or equity financing. While we expect to raise the additional financing in the future, there can be no guarantee that we will be successful.
Disclosures About Market Risks
Like other natural resource producers, we face certain unique market risks. The two most salient risk factors are the volatile prices of oil and gas and certain environmental concerns and obligations.
Oil and Gas Prices
Current competitive factors in the domestic oil and gas industry are unique. The actual price range of crude oil is largely established by major international producers. Pricing for natural gas is more regional. Because domestic demand for oil and gas exceeds supply, there is little risk that all current production will not be sold at relatively fixed prices. To this extent we do not see the Company as directly competitive with other producers, nor is there any significant risk that the Company could not sell all production at current prices with a reasonable profit margin. The risk of domestic overproduction at current prices is not deemed significant. The primary competitive risks would come from falling international prices which could render current production uneconomical.
It is also significant that more favorable prices can usually be negotiated for larger quantities of oil and/or gas product, such that the Company views itself as having a price disadvantage to larger producers. Large producers also have a competitive advantage to the extent they can devote substantially more resources to acquiring prime leases and resources to better find and develop prospects.
Oil and gas production is a highly regulated activity which is subject to significant environmental and conservation regulations both on a federal and state level. Historically, most of the environmental regulation of oil and gas production has been left to state regulatory boards or agencies in those jurisdictions where there is significant gas and oil production, with limited direct regulation by such federal agencies as the Environmental Protection Agency. However, while the Company believes this generally to be the case for its production activities in Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and New Mexico, it should be noticed that there are various Environmental Protection Agency regulations which would govern significant spills, blow-outs, or uncontrolled emissions.
In Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas and New Mexico specific oil and gas regulations exist related to the drilling, completion and operations of wells, as well as disposal of waste oil. There are also procedures incident to the plugging and abandonment of dry holes or other non-operational wells, all as governed by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, Oil and Gas Division, the Texas Railroad Commission, Oil and Gas Division, the Kansas Corporation Commission, Oil and Gas Division or the New Mexico Oil Conservation Division.
Compliance with these regulations may constitute a significant cost and effort for UPDA. No specific accounting for environmental compliance has been maintained or projected by UPDA to date. UPDA does not presently know of any environmental demands, claims, or adverse actions, litigation or administrative proceedings in which it or the acquired properties are involved or subject to or arising out of its predecessor operations. In the event of a breach of environmental regulations, these environmental regulatory agencies have a broad range of alternative or cumulative remedies to include: ordering a clean up of any spills or waste material and restoration of the soil or water to conditions existing prior to the environmental violation; fines; or enjoining further drilling, completion or production activities. In certain egregious situations the agencies may also pursue criminal remedies against the Company or its principals.
Forward-Looking Information
Certain statements in this Section and elsewhere in this report are forward-looking in nature and relate to trends and events that may affect the Company's future financial position and operating results. Such statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provision of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The terms "expect," "anticipate," "intend," and "project" and similar words or expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These statements speak only as of the date of this report. The statements are based on current expectations, are inherently uncertain, are subject to risks, and should be viewed with caution. Actual results and experience may differ materially from the forward-looking statements as a result of many factors, including changes in economic conditions in the markets served by the company, increasing competition, fluctuations in raw materials and energy prices, and other unanticipated events and conditions. It is not possible to foresee or identify all such factors. The company makes no commitment to update any forward-looking statement or to disclose any facts, events, or circumstances after the date hereof that may affect the accuracy of any forward-looking statement.
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