Fortuna Silver Mines Inc.

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10.03.08 17:27

15890 Postings, 8562 Tage Calibra21News von Caylloma
Besitzer von Zinspapieren schlafen gut; Aktienbesitzer dagegen leben gut

10.03.08 21:24

20752 Postings, 7635 Tage permanentDas sind ordentliche Ergebnisse, scheint dem Kurs

aber kurzfristig nicht auf die Beine zu helfen.


30.01.09 13:31

20752 Postings, 7635 Tage permanentDie Preise für Edelmetalle sind

bedingt durch das hemmungslose Vermehren von Papiergeld in den letzten Wochen wieder massiv angestiegen. Die großen Minengesellschaften folgten den Metallpreisen relativ schnell.
Kleinere haben noch kaum reagiert. Somit ist es für mich an der Zeit mich wieder eimal mit Fortuna Silver zu beschäftigen.



30.01.09 13:35

20752 Postings, 7635 Tage permanent2008 and Issues Production Guidance for 2009


Jan 26, 2009
Fortuna Increases Silver Production by 85% in 2008 and Issues Production Guidance for 2009

view PDF

January 26, 2009: Fortuna Silver Mines Inc. (TSX-V: FVI / Lima Exchange: FVI) is pleased to report 2008 production performance figures and provide a 2009 production guidance for its Caylloma Mine, located in southern Peru. The Mine produced 889,782 ounces of silver, an increase of 85% compared to 2007. For 2009 the Company anticipates silver production of 1.6 million ounces, an expected increase of 80% compared to 2008:

 Q I – 2008Q II – 2008Q III – 2008Q IV – 20082008
ore (t)
Head grade     
Ag (g/t)74.785.597.7114.894.5
Zn (%)
Pb (%)
Ag (1)76.478.180.082.479.9
Metal produced     
Ag (oz)140,239186,276243,280291,381861,176
Zn (lb)4,582,1165,794,3166,340,9086,559,10423,276,444
Pb (lb)2,620,5563,599,1324,714,3565,562,89616,496,940
(1) Silver recovery in lead concentrate.

2009 Production Guidance

Metal production2009 (Forecast)20082007
Silver (oz)1,600,000860,000480,000
Zinc (lb)26,900,00023,300,00013,900,000
Lead (lb)21,200,00016,500,0008,300,000
Copper (lb)1,200,000

A Technical report on Reserves and Resources for the Caylloma mine is available on the Company's website at

Mr. Jorge Ganoza, CEO of the Company, commented: "Our team at Caylloma has done a superb job in delivering sustained metal production growth since the start of mining in late 2006. For 2009 we plan this growth to continue. The expected increase in silver is the result of our successful investments in exploration and development of new bonanza style silver veins which began contributing to production in the fourth quarter of 2008."

Fortuna Silver Mines Inc.

Fortuna is a growth oriented, silver and base metal producer focused on mining opportunities in Latin America. Our primary assets are the Caylloma Silver Mine in southern Peru and the San Jose Silver-Gold Project in Mexico. The Company is selectively pursuing additional acquisition opportunities. For more information, please visit our website at

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements in this presentation constitute forward-looking statements and as such are based on an assumed set of economic conditions and courses of action. These include estimates of future production levels, expectations regarding mine production costs, expected trends in mineral prices and statements that describe Fortuna's future plans, objectives or goals. There is a significant risk that actual results will vary, perhaps materially, from results projected depending on such factors as changes in general economic conditions and financial markets, changes in prices for silver and other metals, technological and operational hazards in Fortuna's mining and mine development activities, risks inherent in mineral exploration, uncertainties inherent in the calculation of mineral reserves, mineral resources, and metal recoveries, the timing and availability of financing, governmental and other approvals, political unrest or instability in countries where Fortuna is active, labor relations and other risk factors.

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Jorge Ganoza
President, CEO and Director
Fortuna Silver Mines Inc.

Symbol: TSX-V: FVI / Lima Exchange: FVI

Investor Relations:
Lima office: Carlos Baca - Tel: 51.1.616.6060
Vancouver office: Erin Ostrom - Tel: 604.484.4085



30.01.09 13:37

20752 Postings, 7635 Tage permanentAcquisition Circular Mailed


Jan 27, 2009
Acquisition Circular Mailed

view PDF

January 27, 2009: Fortuna Silver Mines Inc. and Continuum Resources Ltd. are pleased to announce that Continuum Resources has sent to its shareholders a Notice of Meeting and Management Proxy Circular describing the terms of Fortuna Silver Mines' proposed acquisition (the "Acquisition") of all the issued and outstanding securities of Continuum. A meeting of the shareholders of Continuum has been called for February 23, 2009 to approve the Acquisition. Completion of the Acquisition is also subject to certain other conditions including court approval and acceptance for filing by the TSX Venture Exchange.

The terms of the Acquisition provide for the issuance of 0.0564 of a Fortuna common share to be issued for every one Continuum common share outstanding. If the Continuum shareholders approve the transaction and all other conditions are satisfied, completion of the Acquisition is expected to occur on or about March 13, 2009.

The companies currently hold jointly the San Jose Project in Mexico (Fortuna 76%; Continuum 24%). As a result of the Acquisition, Fortuna will own 100% of the San Jose Project, thus strengthening its position in that country.

"Jorge Ganoza"    
Jorge Ganoza, President & CEO

Symbol: TSX.V : FVI / Lima: FVI    

840 - 355 Burrard Street 
Vancouver, BC  V6C 2G8  

office: Erin Ostrom - (604) 484-4085
Lima office: Carlos Baca - (511) 616-6060


"Warren McIntyre"
Warren McIntyre, Director


Symbol: TSX.V : CNU

600 - 595 Howe Street
Vancouver, BC  V6C 2T5

Vancouver office:  (604) 629-0000



30.01.09 15:03

20752 Postings, 7635 Tage permanentIch werde die Eröffnung in Toronto abwarten.

Der Spread der in Deutschland verlangt wird ist ja wahnsinn. Erinnert irgendwie an An- und Verkauf von physischer Ware.


30.01.09 16:28

20752 Postings, 7635 Tage permanentIch werde abwarten und die Aktie zunächst auf

meiner Watchlist belassen.


31.01.09 13:43

20752 Postings, 7635 Tage permanentSchön beschriebene Korrelation zwischen Dollar und




Silber Update

Silber bleibt auch weiter hinter Gold; beide Metalle befinden sich im allgemeinen Kampf gegen die deflationäre Umgebung. Gold profitierte von einigen Ängsten hinsichtlich der Stabilität des Banken- und Kreditsystems, nicht genug allerdings, um zu neuen Höchstständen durchzustarten.

Die Gegenanlage zu Gold und Silber - der US-Dollar - genießt weiterhin seinen Platz an der Sonne. Massenrückkaufe und Fondsliquidierungen zwingen die Investoren, ihr Vermögen in der gefühlt sichersten Anlage zu parken, die es während einer Deflation gibt; und das ist Cash. Tatsächlich zeigt sich im Diagramm des US- Dollar-Index (in rot) versus S&P 500, dass seit dem Beginn der Kreditkrise eine negative Korrelation zwischen Aktien und Cash besteht.

Vor dieser Marktpanik fielen die Märkte und der Dollar im Allgemeinen gemeinsam. Aber als die realen Folgen der Finanzkrise einsetzten, und harte Schläge untereinander ausgeteilt wurden, begann sich der Dollar zu verabschieden und schlug die entgegengesetzte Richtung zu den Aktien ein. Beachten Sie, dass der Dollar stärker steigt, sobald schlechte Nachrichten an der Tagesordnung sind. Gleich nachdem der große Aktien-Sell-Off im November zu Ende gegangen war, kam es zu einer Markterholung und der Dollar sank als Sicherer Hafen - zumindest vorübergehend. In den Nachrichten las man dann über die Folgen der Kreditklemme. Rezession und Massenentlassungen, das sind die Nachrichten, die immer noch dominieren - überall, wo man hinschaut.

Wo parken die Leute ihr Vermögen in Zeiten einer Rezession? Die Antwort ist Cash oder die am nächsten liegenden Derivate; und dahin entwickelt es sich gerade. Was bedeutet das also für’s Silber? Der Chart unten zeigt, wie Silber zu kämpfen hat, unter diesen Bedingungen Dampf unterm Kessel zu bekommen.

Seitdem der Dollar im November sein Top erreichte hatte, wertete Silber um 45% auf und konnte ca. 29% vom seinem Crash aus (von 21,34 $ runter auf 8,47 $) wieder gut machen. Daran zeigt sich deutlich, dass das Geldmetall ’Silber’ vom Industriemetall ’Silber’ ausgebremst wird; die kommerziellen Silberverbraucher schränken ihre Aufträge an die Raffinerien ein und arbeiten vorerst ihre eigenen Lagerbestände ab.

Wie Sie sehen können, brach Silber über den kurzfristigen Widerstand aus (die horizontale Linie). Auf das Metall wartet jedoch ein ungemütlicherer Test im aufsteigenden Kanal, der seit letztem Oktober besteht. Diese Linie wird im Gebiet von 12,30 $ bis 12,50 $ erreicht werden. Es ist vorstellbar, dass Silber von dort aus bis auf die untere Kanallinie, in der Nähe von 10 $, oder tiefer einbrechen könnte. Es hängt alles vom Dollar ab - obwohl wir kürzlich schon die ungewöhnliche Situation hatten, dass Dollar, Gold und Silber gemeinsam stiegen. Diese Situation ist unhaltbar, zudem besteht hier eine Spannung zwischen den Edelmetallinvestoren einerseits (sie erwarten einen Einbruch der Dollarerholung) und den Dollar-Bullen andererseits. Letztere gehen von einer erneuten Flucht in den Dollar aus, wenn der Aktienmarkt wieder anfängt einzubrechen und neue Tiefstände erreicht.

Vielleicht werden sich die beiden Lager gegenseitig aufheben, wodurch der Dollar für eine Weile seitwärts gehen könnte. Die Antwort darauf werden wir erst bekommen, wenn der Aktienmarkt wieder fällt - möglicherweise auf ein Niveau von 500-600. Es ergibt sich folgende Schlussfolgerung: Die Volatilität regiert und somit ist Silber ein Paradies für Trader (für erfahrene Trader allerdings) und solange die Rezession besteht, wird das wohl auch so bleiben. Investoren, die langfristiger denken, sollten bei diesen niedrigen Preisen immer noch Silber kaufen - in Voraussicht auf das Entstehen eines neuen Bullenmarktes, wenn die Rezession endet und die Billionen-Dollar-Bailouts etwas später in Form von Inflation zurückbeißen.

Weitere Silberanalysen können Sie auf unserem Blog bekommen. Hier können Leser auch eine freie Ausgabe von The Silver Analyst bekommen, wie auch Details zum Abonnement. Kommentare und Fragen per E-Mail sind ebenfalls unter erwünscht.

© Roland Watson


09.02.09 09:36

20752 Postings, 7635 Tage permanentTechnische Analyse

Technische Analyse

Silber-Future (Wochenchart): Trendlinie zurückerobert

Der Blick auf den Wochenchart des Silberpreises verrät, dass es hier in der abgelaufenen Woche zu einer wichtigen Weichenstellung kam: So gelang es dem Edelmetall, das Widerstandsbündel aus der 200-Wochen-Linie (akt. bei 12,18 USD), dem ehemaligen Haussetrend seit dem Jahr 2003 und dem 38,2%-Fibonacci- Retracement (12,59 USD) des Abwärtsimpulses von Juli bis Oktober 2008 zurückzuerobern. Insbesondere die Rückkehr in den alten Aufwärtstrend werten wir als hoffnungsvolles Signal, das neue Kräfte freisetzen dürfte. Die nächsten hartnäckigen Barrieren lauern nun erst wieder in Form verschiedener Hochpunkte aus den Jahren 2006 und 2007 zwischen 14 USD und 15 USD. Die Bedeutung dieser Widerstandszone wird zusätzlich noch durch ein weiteres Fibonacci-Retracement (14,79 USD) unterstrichen. Konstruktiv sind derzeit auch die technischen Indikatoren zu werten. Auf Wochenbasis sind die Trendfolger MACD und Aroon "long" positioniert, während die Oszillatoren RSI und Stochastik noch Spielraum nach oben aufweisen, um weitere Kursgewinne zu begleiten.

Auch "relativ" gute Aussichten

Mit der Rückkehr in den o. g. Aufwärtstrend haben sich die Aussichten für den Silberpreis weiter verbessert. Dabei dürfte sich das Gold-Silber-Ratio weiter zurückbilden, so dass Silber im Vergleich zum Gold outperformen sollte. Als Absicherung für Longinvestments kann die o. g. 200-Wochen-Linie herangezogen werden.

Quelle: HSBC Trinkaus


03.09.09 11:56

20752 Postings, 7635 Tage permanentIch habe meine

Silberscheine (mehr oder minder den Gewinn) in Fortuna Silber umgetauscht. 6000 Stück & 4000 Stück.

Fortuna ist gut aufgestellt und hat den Aufschwung nicht mitgemacht. Negativ ist anzumerken, dass ein Großteil der Umsätze mit Blei und Zink gemacht wird.

Wer sich für Fortuna interessiet sollte sich die letzten Berichte auf der HP durchlesen.





03.09.09 17:58

1353 Postings, 6713 Tage RöttgenGeht endlich los

07.09.09 15:29

20752 Postings, 7635 Tage permanentzu den Perspektiven

aus dem Quartalsbericht, veröffentlicht am 12. August/09:

Second quarter 2009 highlights:

  • Negative US$ 2.98 cash cost per silver ounce, net of by-product credits
  • Historic record sales of US$ 12.86 million compared to US$ 7.77 million in Q2 2008
  • Operating cash flow, before changes in non-cash working capital items, of US$ 5.69 million compared to US$ 2.47 million in Q2 2008
  • Net income of US$ 1.20 million compared to net income of US$ 2.49 million in Q2 2008
  • Cash position and working capital as at June 30, 2009 were US$ 31.17 million and US$ 36.01 million respectively

Die Beiprodukte sind in der Hauptsache Blei und Zink. Beide haben sich im laufenden Q3 wesentlich verteuert. Somit ist zu erwarten, dass die Beiprodukte noch mehr zum Ertrag beitragen. Daneben schwingt sich Silber wieder hoch.



17.10.09 11:57

20752 Postings, 7635 Tage permanentinformative Mail


Hi ...........,

We expect to put out Caylloma (Peru) Q3 production NR early next week at the latest and financials by mid-November along with an earnings call (Jorge Ganoza, President, CEO and Director & Luis Darío Ganoza, CFO, will host the call) which we, in advance, invite you to join (like last Qt, we will send details in a NR).

If you look at the corporate presentation at our web site,

you'll see how the impact of Ag and Au has evolved in our revenue stream since 2007. We expect that for 2009, Ag and Au to account for more than 50%.

We do not hedge Ag nor Au. We have hedged approximately 60% of Pb and Zn production until December 2009 at around US .85 cents/lb.

In my opinion, our Company's valuation compared to our peers lags behind because we have not financed ourselves (issued equity) since the beginning of 2007 and that has put us out of the radar of institutions and brokerage houses; thus we lack major coverage. We are currently working on this issue and also conducting marketing trips (North America & Europe) to increase our market exposure... This year, Versant Partners (Toronto), PI Financial (Vancouver) and just yesterday, Cormark (Vancouver) has initiated coverage.

We expect to achieve the following milestones at our San Jose Ag-Au Project (Mexico) in the upcoming weeks:

1. New NI 43-101 resource estimate

2. Approval of environmental impact study

3. Completion of engineering work

4. Construction permit

5. Purchase of critical equipment by year end

6. Start construction in Q1 2010

7. Start production in 2011

As these milestones are achieved, the market value of our Company should be unlocked.

Feel free to cantact us if you have further questions or concerns.

Stay well,

Carlos Baca

Investor Relations Manager


19.10.09 16:39

20752 Postings, 7635 Tage permanentFortuna Reports Silver Production of 438,186 ounce

Fortuna Reports Silver Production of 438,186 ounces for Third Quarter



VANCOUVER, Oct 19, 2009 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Fortuna Silver Mines Inc. (TSX.V: FVI/Lima Exchange: FVI) - is pleased to announce production figures from the Caylloma silver-zinc-lead mine in Peru for the third quarter 2009. Year to date, Caylloma has produced 1.29-million ounces of silver and is on track to meet the forecast of 1.6-million ounces for the year.

    Third Quarter Highlights

    -   Silver production of 438,186 ounces; 80.1 % increase over Q3 2008
    -   7,365,644 pounds of Zn; 16.1 % increase over Q3 2008
    -   6,391,201 pounds of Pb; 35.5 % increase over Q3 2008

    Operating Highlights

                                    Q III - 2009   Q II - 2009  Q III - 2008

    Processed ore (t)                  105,241.0     100,881.0      89,827.0

    Head grade
    Ag (g/t)                               146.5         160.4          97.7
    Zn (%)                                   3.6           3.8           3.7
    Pb (%)                                   3.0           3.2           2.6

    Ag(1)                                   84.2          86.5          80.1
    Zn                                      88.6          88.6          88.1
    Pb                                      93.2          92.6          92.2

    Metal produced
    Ag (oz)                            438,186.0     468,822.0     243,280.0
    Zn (lb)                          7,365,644.2   7,526,581.6   6,342,699.3
    Pb (lb)                          6,391,201.0   6,587,412.4   4,715,687.8

    (1) Ag recovery in Pb concentrate



A Technical Report on Reserves and Resources for the Caylloma Mine is available at the Company's website at

Jorge Ganoza, President, CEO and Director, commented, "Our Caylloma mine is celebrating its third year anniversary since the start of mining operations in October of 2006. Production has increased 140% over this period of time as a result of investment programs worth approximately USD 30 million. These investments have been self funded by cash flows generated from operations. On behalf of senior management and the Board of Directors I want to take the opportunity to publicly congratulate our staff, employees and contractors for their achievements at Caylloma."

Fortuna Silver Mines Inc.

Fortuna is a growth oriented, silver and base metal producer focused on mining opportunities in Latin America. Our primary assets are the Caylloma Silver Mine in southern Peru and the San Jose Silver-Gold Project in Mexico. The Company is selectively pursuing additional acquisition opportunities. For more information, please visit our website at

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements in this presentation constitute forward-looking statements and as such are based on an assumed set of economic conditions and courses of action. These include estimates of future production levels, expectations regarding mine production costs, expected trends in mineral prices and statements that describe Fortuna's future plans, objectives or goals. There is a significant risk that actual results will vary, perhaps materially, from results projected depending on such factors as changes in general economic conditions and financial markets, changes in prices for silver and other metals, technological and operational hazards in Fortuna's mining and mine development activities, risks inherent in mineral exploration, uncertainties inherent in the calculation of mineral reserves, mineral resources, and metal recoveries, the timing and availability of financing, governmental and other approvals, political unrest or instability in countries where Fortuna is active, labor relations and other risk factors.

    Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor the Investment Industry Regulatory
    Organization of Canada accepts responsibility for the adequacy or
    accuracy of this release.


    Jorge Ganoza
    President, CEO and Director
    Fortuna Silver Mines Inc.

    Symbol: TSX-V: FVI/Lima Exchange: FVI



SOURCE Fortuna Silver Mines Inc.


26.10.09 14:33

20752 Postings, 7635 Tage permanentFortuna Silver Increases Indicated

Fortuna Silver Increases Indicated Resources at San Jose by 112% to 37.6 Million Ag Eq ounces

October 26, 2009 8:30 AM ET


VANCOUVER, Oct. 26 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - Fortuna Silver Mines Inc. (TSX.V: FVI / Lima Exchange: FVI) - is pleased to announce an updated NI 43-101 compliant mineral resource estimate for the San Jose Project located in southern Mexico. Indicated Resources have increased 83% to 2.69 million tonnes with contained silver equivalent ounces increasing 112% to 37.6 million. Silver and gold grades in the Indicated Resource category have increased by 12% to 295 g/t and 4% to 2.27 g/t, respectively. The new resource estimate will serve as the basis for pre-feasibility level engineering studies projected for completion by year end.

At a cut-off grade of 150 g/t Ag Equivalent, the Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resources for the Trinidad Zone at San Jose are estimated at:



Indicated Mineral Resource: 2.69 million tonnes grading 295 g/t Ag and 2.27 g/t Au containing 37.6 million Ag Equivalent(1) ounces Inferred Mineral Resource: 2.41 million tonnes grading 262 g/t Ag and 2.11 g/t Au containing 30.4 million Ag Equivalent(1) ounces (1) Silver equivalency estimates were derived using metal prices of US $13.75/oz for silver and US$856.16/oz for gold (36-month average + 24 month future metal prices as of July 31, 2009). Metallurgical recoveries were estimated at 92.5% for silver and 91.5% for gold based on metallurgical testing completed by Metcon Research of Tucson, Arizona.


A detailed table of the estimated mineral resources by resource category and by silver equivalent cut-off grade is included below under the heading "San Jose Resource Estimate".


The resource estimate incorporates data from 196 core drill holes totaling 64,204 meters and 908 underground channel samples. Previously reported NI 43-101 compliant resources for San Jose were estimated at 1.47 million tonnes grading 263 g/t Ag and 2.19 g/t Au in the Indicated category and 3.9 million tonnes grading 261 g/t Ag and 2.57 g/t Au in the Inferred category (see March 31, 2007 Technical Report available on the company website ( and on SEDAR).


Mr. Jorge Ganoza, CEO and Director of the Company commented: "Although the resource estimation process suffered delays, the wait has been worthwhile. Our staff and consultants have delivered good news with overall improvements to the quality of the San Jose resource. We look forward to the granting of environmental approvals and construction permits in the coming weeks as the next milestones for the project."



San Jose Resource Estimate



The updated mineral resource estimate for San Jose was prepared by Michael J. Lechner of Resource Modeling Inc. and by Donald F. Earnest of Resource Evaluation Inc. Mr. Lechner and Mr. Earnest have acted as independent qualified persons as defined by the Canadian National Instrument 43-101. The Mineral Resources reported herein were estimated using the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) Standards on Mineral Resources and Reserves. This resource estimate is based on all data available through June 30, 2009.



-------------------------------------------------- Indicated Mineral Resources

-------------------------------------------------- Contained Metal

Ag Eq ----------------------------

Cutoff Tonnes Ag Eq Ag Eq Ozs Ag Ozs Au Ozs

(g/t) (000) (g/t) Ag (g/t) Au (g/t) (000) (000) (000)

-------------------------------------------------- 50 4,636 292 196 1.56 43,465 29,163 232

-------------------------------------------------- 75 4,018 327 220 1.74 42,231 28,422 224

-------------------------------------------------- 100 3,478 364 246 1.92 40,725 27,486 215

-------------------------------------------------- 125 3,043 400 271 2.10 39,153 26,497 205

-------------------------------------------------- 150 2,690 435 295 2.27 37,596 25,504 196

-------------------------------------------------- 175 2,370 471 321 2.45 35,930 24,429 187

-------------------------------------------------- 200 2,102 508 346 2.63 34,314 23,382 177

-------------------------------------------------- 225 1,883 542 370 2.79 32,823 22,416 169

-------------------------------------------------- 250 1,685 578 396 2.96 31,315 21,433 160


-------------------------------------------------- Inferred Mineral Resources -------------------------------------------------- Contained Metal Ag Eq ---------------------------- Cutoff Tonnes Ag Eq Ag Eq Ozs Ag Ozs Au Ozs (g/t) (000) (g/t) Ag (g/t) Au (g/t) (000) (000) (000) -------------------------------------------------- 50 4,020 272 181 1.48 35,199 23,389 192 -------------------------------------------------- 75 3,497 304 202 1.65 34,151 22,735 185 -------------------------------------------------- 100 3,074 334 222 1.80 32,963 21,988 178 -------------------------------------------------- 125 2,681 366 244 1.97 31,545 21,061 170 -------------------------------------------------- 150 2,411 392 262 2.11 30,357 20,293 164 -------------------------------------------------- 175 2,137 421 282 2.26 28,922 19,351 155 -------------------------------------------------- 200 1,883 452 304 2.41 27,393 18,379 146 -------------------------------------------------- 225 1,696 479 321 2.56 26,113 17,522 140 -------------------------------------------------- 250 1,545 503 337 2.69 24,958 16,747 133 --------------------------------------------------

*Estimates of contained metal may vary due to rounding errors.


Resource Estimation Methodology



Three-dimensional wireframe envelopes were constructed for each vein in the San Jose deposit based on a combination of lithology and silver equivalent grades. Block grades were estimated inside of the three-dimensional wireframes by inverse distance interpolation methods using two-meter-long composites of drill hole and underground channel samples. Voids created by historic underground mining of the deposit were also modeled with three-dimensional wireframes where cavity survey data were available and these voids were deleted from the resource model. Above the 1450m elevation level, all material within the vein wireframes was excluded from the resource model due to incomplete coverage of the cavity survey data in areas with inaccessible mine workings. MineSight(R) software was used to construct the block model which consists of blocks with a dimension of 2 meters along each side. The percentage of each block contained inside of each wireframe was stored for computing tonnage. A dynamic anisotropy search ellipse method which matched drill hole composite and block centroid distances from the hanging wall surfaces was used for the primary veins (Bonanza, Trinidad, Paloma, and Fortuna). These four veins represent 86% of the total San Jose wireframe volume. A single pass inverse distance-cubed method was used to estimate block grades for the secondary veins. A bulk density factor of 2.61 g/cm(3) based on systematic density determinations was used to tabulate resource tonnage. Mineral resources were classified into Indicated and Inferred categories using the distance to composite sample data and the number of drill holes containing the composites used to estimate each block. Blocks with three holes within 33m, two holes within 23m or one hole within 13 meters were classified as Indicated Resources with Indicated Resources being further restricted to the Bonanza, Trinidad, Paloma, and Fortuna vein structures. All other blocks within the wireframes were classified as Inferred Resources. Resources were tabulated using silver equivalent cutoff grades.


A full NI 43-101 compliant report authored by M. Lechner of Resource Modeling Inc. and D. Earnest of Resource Evaluation Inc. will be available on within 45 days of this news release.



Fortuna Silver Mines Inc.



Fortuna is a growth oriented, silver and base metal producer focused on mining opportunities in Latin America. Our primary assets are the Caylloma Silver Mine in southern Peru and the San Jose Silver-Gold Project in Mexico. The Company is selectively pursuing additional acquisition opportunities. For more information, please visit our website at .



Qualified Persons



Michael J. Lechner of Resource Modeling Inc. and Donald F. Earnest of Resource Evaluation Inc. are the Qualified Persons as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and are responsible for the accuracy of the technical information in this news release.



Forward-Looking Statements



Certain statements in this press release constitute forward-looking statements and as such are based on an assumed set of economic conditions and courses of action. These include estimates of future production levels, expectations regarding mine production costs, expected trends in mineral prices and statements that describe Fortuna's future plans, objectives or goals. There is a significant risk that actual results will vary, perhaps materially, from results projected depending on such factors as changes in general economic conditions and financial markets, changes in prices for silver and other metals, technological and operational hazards in Fortuna's mining and mine development activities, risks inherent in mineral exploration, uncertainties inherent in the calculation of mineral reserves, mineral resources, and metal recoveries, the timing and availability of financing, governmental and other approvals, political unrest or instability in countries where Fortuna is active, labor relations and other risk factors.



Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD Jorge Ganoza President, CEO and Director Fortuna Silver Mines Inc.

Symbol: TSX-V: FVI / Lima Exchange: FVI


SOURCE Fortuna Silver Mines Inc.

Copyright 2009 PR Newswire


27.10.09 18:06

20752 Postings, 7635 Tage permanentFortuna Receives Approval of Environmental Impact

Fortuna Receives Approval of Environmental Impact Study for San Jose Mine

October 27, 2009: Fortuna Silver Mines Inc. (TSX.V: FVI / Lima Exchange: FVI)
is pleased to inform that on October 23rd, 2009, the "Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales" (Mexican Environmental Agency) delivered the authorization of the Environmental Impact Study for full mine and mill construction and operation at the San Jose silver-gold project, located in the southern State of Oaxaca, Mexico.

The Environmental Impact Study authorizes the construction and future operation of the San Jose Mine, including the underground workings, processing plant, tailings facility and other surface infrastructure for a 1,500 tonne per day operation within an area of ninety-two hectares.

The permit contemplates a processing plant that will use conventional flotation for production of high grade silver- and gold- bearing concentrates. Test work indicates this metallurgical process allows for recoveries of 88% for both metals (see Fortuna release dated January 15, 2009) without the use of cyanide. The primary source of industrial water for the project will be from a gray-water treatment facility located thirteen kilometers from the mine site.

Other Permits

On April 28, 2009, the "Comision Federal de Electricidad" (Mexican Federal Energy Commission) issued the permit to connect to the national power grid for up to five megawatts; sufficient power to cover the requirements of a 1,500 tonnes per day mine operation. The future transformer sub-station site will be located within five hundred meters of the main high voltage power line which runs through the Company's property.

Management now looks forward to the approval of the "Estudio Técnico Justificativo" (change of land use) in the coming days; this permit will allow the commencement of construction activities.

Jorge Ganoza, CEO and Director, commented, "I would like to acknowledge our project team and consultants for achieving this milestone. This is an immense step towards bringing the San Jose project into construction. Our staff has obtained this critical authorization within the planned time frame and we keep moving towards breaking ground early next year."

Qualified Person

Mr. Miroslav Kalinaj, P. Geo., is the Company's Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43 101 and is responsible for the accuracy of the technical information in this news release.

Fortuna Silver Mines Inc.

Fortuna is a growth oriented, silver and base metal producer focused on mining opportunities in Latin America. Our primary assets are the Caylloma Silver Mine in southern Peru and the San Jose Silver-Gold Project in Mexico. The Company is selectively pursuing additional acquisition opportunities. For more information, please visit our website at

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Jorge Ganoza
President, CEO and Director
Fortuna Silver Mines Inc.

Symbol: TSX.V: FVI / Lima Exchange: FVI

Investor Relations:
Lima office: Carlos Baca - Tel: 51.1.616.6060
Vancouver office: Erin Ostrom - Tel: 604.484.4085


05.11.09 13:44

20752 Postings, 7635 Tage permanentÜberraschungspotential

Diese Daten sind aus der letzten Präsentation:

Revenue: 2007 US$ 29.5 M Revenue: 2008 US$ 24.7 M Est. Revenue: 2009 US$ 41 M

Metal price assumptions:

$ /


Ag US 12.50/oz

Zn US $ 1,330/t

Pb US $ 1,330/t


Den aktuellen ca. 17,30 $/oz , Basis der Umsatzkalkulation ist 12.50/oz


Noch extremer sind die Verhältnisse bei Blei und Zink:







10.11.09 13:40

20752 Postings, 7635 Tage permanentEin schöne Zusammenfassung

Fortuna Silver: An Emerging Mid-Tier Silver Producer
Source: Midas Letter, James West  08/31/2009

Fortuna Silver Mines Inc. (TSX.V:FVI) is producing silver profitably from its silver mine in Peru, and will soon begin construction of its second mine in Mexico, making it a mid-tier silver producer with cash flow of over US$ 100 million per year. But the market isn't properly valuing the company. That, at least, is the confident assertion of Jorge Ganoza, Fortuna's president.

"First of all, the company is now profitable," he said. "Within a relatively short period of time, we have established Fortuna as a junior silver producer, and secondly, we are building and engineering, with the aim of starting construction next year, what will be our second producing mine. This will propel Fortuna into the ranks of mid-tier producer, with revenues on the order of US$100 million per year."

"We are already generating revenue in the range of US$40–$45 million a year, so I think the market is not giving us sufficient valuation for our silver-gold project in Mexico. I believe that as we achieve the milestones at San Jose—the permitting, the engineering, the start of construction, commissioning—then we will see the market value us more appropriately."

"We own 100% of the mines under our control, so we are in control of our own destiny in that regard."

According to the company's most recent financial statements, the company is indeed profitable, reporting net income of CA$1.2 million, or $0.01 per share. But can Fortuna maintain profitability if the price of the metals it produces do not increase over time?

"Even if metal prices were to stay flat, Fortuna would not only remain profitable and grow, the company would flourish," said Ganoza. "At current market prices for the metals we produce, we have excellent margins. We have a margin of 100% over cash costs for the metals we are mining. Our cost of production is US$44 per tonne, and our rock is worth over US$110 per tonne. In silver terms, our cash cost was negative US$2.98 per silver ounce, net of by-product credits. "

Caylloma Mine, Peru

Fortuna continues to grow organically through exploration on its existing holdings, having recently released an updated National Instrument 43-101 compliant resource estimate that featured:
"We're going to go from the current 1.6 million ounces per year of silver, to over 5 million ounces of silver per year. We have a strong balance sheet with no long term debt and over US$ 30 million in the bank; we expect to finish the year adding to that cash position. Consequently, financing growth should not be an issue."

  • Proven and Probable Mineral Reserves are estimated at 4.03 million tonnes averaging 156 g/t Ag, 0.55 g/t Au, 1.70% Pb and 2.58% Zn.
  • Contained silver is estimated at 20.3 million ounces, representing a 304% increase in silver ounces in the Proven and Probable reserve categories over the previous resource and reserve estimate (43-101 Technical Report published October 3, 2006).
  • Inferred Mineral Resources are estimated at 1.3 million tonnes averaging 187 g/t Ag, 0.29 g/t Au, 1.92% Pb and 3.25% Zn.
  • Contained silver in the Inferred Resource category is estimated at 7.7 million ounces.

2008 saw record production from operations. The company's Caylloma silver-lead-zinc mine in Peru achieved a 77% increase in silver production over 2007 with comparable growth projected this year. The company is targeting production of 1.6 million ounces of silver in 2009, at a cash cost of US$1.86 per ounce net of by-product credits.

The silver- and base metal-rich epithermal deposits of the Caylloma Mining District of southern Peru have been worked intermittently since the start of the Spanish colonial period. Located within one of the more important metallogenic provinces of the Andes, past production is estimated at over 200 million of ounces of silver. Fortuna Silver Mines, through its wholly owned Peruvian subsidiary, Minera Bateas S.A.c., controls over 9,000 hectares within the Caylloma Mining District.

The veins range from 1 to 25 meters in width and range up to 4 kilometers in length. Ore grade shoots are generally subvertical in orientation within the plane of the vein, having lengths of tens to hundreds of meters and extending to more than 300 meters in a down-dip direction.

The Caylloma Mine is located 225 road kilometers or approximately 4 hour driving time northwest of Arequipa, Peru in mountainous highlands at an elevation of 4500 meters above sea level. The mine, processing plant and related infrastructure are located in the Caylloma Mining District, 14 kilometers northwest of the town of Caylloma. The mine is connected to the national power grid and water is locally available.

San Jose Mine, Mexico

The 100%-owned San Jose Project is a high-grade silver and gold bearing epithermal vein system located in the state of Oaxaca in southern Mexico. The company is currently working on completing the 43-101 compliant mineral resource estimate.

Current mineral resources are:

  • Indicated category: 1,471,000 tonnes @ 262.6 g/t Ag, 2.19 g/t Au (17.7 M oz Ag Eq.)
  • Inferred category: 3,898,000 tonnes @ 260.6 g/t Ag, 2.57 g/t Au (49.1 M oz Ag Eq.)

Fortuna is also currently in the process of advancing with engineering studies for the development of the San Jose deposit, including mine and processing plant design, tailings dam engineering and the water supply project.

The San Jose Project has an approved Environmental Impact Statement for all its current onsite activities granted by the "Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales" (SEMARNAT, Mexican Environment Agency). Fortuna is also negotiating a collaborative agreement with the community.

San Jose will not use cyanide to process its precious metal ore. The metallurgical process will use conventional flotation to recover silver and gold from sulphide ore in the form of a concentrate. This is the process route that was used by previous local operators at San Jose who were in low scale production for many years until Fortuna purchased the mine in October 2006.

On April 28th, the "Comisión Federal de Electricidad" (Mexican Federal Energy commission) approved the feasibility study for power consumption at the San Jose Project, allowing for connection to the national power grid for up to five megawatts.

New Opportunities

"In the meantime we are looking for new opportunities in acquisitions, as well as through the exploration of our present surrounding land holdings," explained Ganoza. "But the exciting short term growth will come from the new mine in Mexico. The project numbers are not reflected in our market valuation."



12.11.09 22:55

20752 Postings, 7635 Tage permanentErgebnisse

Fortuna Reports Record Revenue of US$ 13.23 Million and Mine Operating Income of US$ 7.07 Million in Q3 of 2009


14.11.09 09:46

20752 Postings, 7635 Tage permanentPoor man's gold may be an investor's treasure

Commodities Corner

Myra P. Saefong

Nov. 13, 2009, 7:00 a.m. EST

Poor man's gold may be an investor's treasure

Silver's a severely undervalued 'investment opportunity of a lifetime'

By Myra P. Saefong, MarketWatch

TOKYO (MarketWatch) -- Silver's not so much a poor man's gold anymore and investors may soon realize that the white metal's the real treasure.

True, at $17 per ounce, silver is cheap -- trading around 60 times less than gold's record price of more than $1,100. But year to date, it's climbed 52% in value compared with gold's rise of around 25%, according to data from FactSet Research.

Silver is a precious metal, after all, one that has historically outperformed gold in a bull market and doubles as an industrial metal -- and supplies of it are depleting at a much more rapid pace.



"Silver is unique in terms of being both a monetary and an industrial metal," the Bullion Services Team at GoldCore said in a recent report, pointing out that it's severely undervalued. "Silver remains the investment opportunity of a lifetime."

Gold's prices have climbed nearly 11% in the last two months. In that same time span, silver's up by only 3.1%.

And "investors looking for returns continue to wager on higher gold prices, whether it be on concerns over equity or currency markets ... or to make quick short-term profits," according to CPM Group's latest Precious Metals Advisory.

But investors would be better served to turn their eye toward silver.

"Silver is highly correlated to the safe haven of gold and is, in effect, a leveraged sister of the precious yellow metal," according to GoldCore, an international bullion dealer. "Thus, informed investors use gold more for wealth preservation purposes and silver in order to make a return."


'Silver remains the investment opportunity of a lifetime.'



Bullion Services Team, GoldCore


That's particularly important to keep in mind as investors change the way they perceive the paper-asset markets.

As stocks, currencies, bonds and other paper assets have begun to disappoint investors, investor attitudes have been shifting, said Mark Leibovit, chief market strategist for

"What begins as a trickle ends as a tidal wave when the panic peaks [and] when public revulsion at the U.S. dollar begins, the tidal wave will become a tsunami," he said.

Under that scenario, "silver, far more volatile than gold, will benefit most," he said.

A split personality

Forced to pick just one, Chris Mayer, editor of Agora Financial's Capital and Crisis said he'd rather own gold. Others disagree.

"Silver does not have the same appeal as gold," said Mayer.

"What did India's central bank buy in record amounts ... [and] what did China double its reserves of this year? Gold," he said. "They aren't buying silver."

"It's not like comparing oil with [natural] gas, where you are comparing the energy equivalent of the two and there is some economic incentive when the gaps get very wide to switch to one or the other at the margin," said Mayer. "That doesn't exist with silver and gold."

And when the global industry remains mired in a slow growth pattern, the market's not going to see sky-high prices for a metal whose "lion share of demand comes from its industrial applications," said Jon Nadler, a senior analyst at Kitco Metals.

It's really silver's "precious side that is holding it up right now," said Ed Bugos, director of mining finance at Strategic Metals Research and Capital. "Its industrial side would be over valued" with the ratio of silver to other commodities having made new highs.

SLV 17.15, +0.23, +1.36%

The investment figures for silver show this loud and clear.

"Silver's allure as an investment is evermore appealing as a hedge against fading fiat currencies that are getting inflated into oblivion," said Scott Wright, an analyst at financial-services company Zeal LLC.

This is "measurable via skyrocketing investment demand" for physical bullion and exchange-traded funds, he said, pointing out that the iShares Silver Trust (NYSE:SLV) has already increased its holdings by 29% in 2009.

From the start of this year through the end of October, total silver holdings in exchange-traded funds were up 36.3%, according to data from CPM Group.

The sale of silver coins and minted bars also offers a good gauge of demand.

Over at The Perth Mint, total silver ounces sold as coins and minted bars is five times higher in the 2008-2009 year compared with 2005-2006, according to data from the Mint, which is owned by the Government of Western Australia. During the same period, gold ounces sold as coins and minted bars have more than doubled.

U.S. Silver Eagle coin sales were up 72.6% in October from a month ago -- up 106.2% from October 2008, CPM Group data showed.

"Although fabrication demand is important, it is investment demand that tends to have a more dynamic effect on silver prices," said Chintan Parikh, a commodity analyst at CPM Group in New York.

"This is because of the larger dollar volumes of money that can be involved with investment demand, the speed and intensity with which investment demand trends can rise, fall and reverse course, and the ultimately total discretion that investors have over whether they wish to be involved in silver at all," he said.

Fame and fortune

But while some agree that benefits for silver's precious metal characteristics have outweighed the pluses from its industrial uses, that industrial label may soon turn out to be of lesser hardship.

"The industrial uses for silver are numerous and generate substantial additional demand for silver outside its precious metal usage," said Patrick Kerr, managing director at Amerifutures Commodities & Options.

True, silver's suffering from a falloff in demand from the photography world as consumers turn to the digital age, but industries are finding other uses for the versatile metal, including medical applications, and actually consuming supplies as they use them.

"Silver is consumed and gone forever in most applications," said Julian Phillips, an editor at On the other hand, "huge efforts are made to recover gold, so essentially it is not consumed."



Gold's much higher value prompts great efforts to recycle it. In fact, "all the gold mined in the world ever is still with us, but a huge amount of silver has been used in photography, mirrors and other industrial uses in the last 200 years," according to the GoldCore report. "The low price of silver makes recovery and recycling uneconomic."

So "industrial demand has been outstripping mining supply for most of the last 20 years, driving above-ground supply to historically low levels" and silver production has been flat in recent years, while demand has been increasing, the report said.

As a result, refined silver stocks are near an all-time low, with stocks dropping from around 2.2 billion ounces in 1990 to around 300 million ounces today, it said.

"At one time, silver was more expensive than gold, but that was in the days of Egypt's Pharaohs," said Phillips.

And while no one wants to say that will ever happen again, most analysts expect that silver prices will soon react to gold's recent gains.

Prices for silver could spike to $18.25 or even $20 between now and December, according to CPM Group.

GoldCore expects to see prices at well over the nominal high of $50 an ounce and, eventually, surpass the inflation-adjusted high of some $130 per ounce in the coming years.

"Ultimately, silver tends to exhibit its largest spurts in the latter stages of a major gold up legs," said Zeal's Wright. "Once speculators and investors start to get excited about this metal, it can really fly -- and fast."


04.12.09 10:02

20752 Postings, 7635 Tage permanentFortuna veräußert

Wie ich im Bärenthread gepostet habe sind die Aktien von Fortuna Silver und Mines Management veräußert worden. Bei beiden hatte ich nach kurzer Haltezeit signifikante Gewinne. Diese wollte ich kurzfristig sichern.

Es handelt sich nich um eine generelle Abkehr von Edelmetallinvestments. Crescent Gold bleibt im Depot und Eastmain Resources soll weiter zugekauft werden.:
Eastmain soll langfristig zu einer größeren Position aufgebaut werden. Aktuell halte ich 8000 Anteile.
Bei Crescent Gold handelt es sich um eine Sondersituation (vgl. hierzu den entsprechenden Thread). Nach meine Auffassung ist in den nächsten Wochen sowohl eine Verdoppelung des Kurses als auch eine Halbierung möglich, wobei ich die Möglichkeit der Verdoppelung (vgl. Thread) als größer ansehe.

Fortuna Silver halte ich nach wie vor für ein aussichtsreiches Investment wobei mir die Sache kurzfristig zu heiß gelaufen ist.



14.12.09 15:54

4308 Postings, 8583 Tage NukemSie ist da!

Sehr gute News. Jetzt ist fundamental der Weg frei!  

26.05.10 15:18

20752 Postings, 7635 Tage permanentIch habe eine Kauforder für Fortuna Silver an der

TSX plaziert.

Die Quartalsergebnisse waren gut, die letzten Bohrergebnisse waren gut, Zink und Blei sind für dieses Jahr zum größten Teil über den Terminmarkt abgesichert.

Das Unternehmen veröffentlichte gute Explorationsergebnisse des oberen Bereichs der Animas-Ader der Caylloma Mine in Peru. Die besten Ergebnisse waren:

• ANIS016010: 2222 g/t Ag, 9,64 g/t Au, 1,17% Pb und 3,02% Zn über 9,2 m
• ANIS016210: 431 g/t Ag, 0,45 g/t Au, 0,53% Pb und 0,26% Zn über 11,8 m
• ANIS015610: 520 g/t Ag, 0,45 g/t Au, 0,47% Pb und 0,32% Zn über 7,6 m
• ANIS015910: 305 g/t Ag, 0,64 g/t Au, 0,91% Pb und 2,33% Zn über 8,2 m
• ANIS015810: 508 g/t Ag, 0,42 g/t Au, 1,51% Pb und 3,76% Zn über 4,1 m

Weiterhin hat das Unternehmen durch Oberflächenproben und Kartierung den Don Luis II Aderprospekt untersucht. Die Ader weist hohe Goldgehalte auf, Kanalproben ergaben bereits Ergebnisse wie 9,9 g/t Au und 347 g/t Ag sowie 10 g/t Au und 94 g/t Ag.

Die Analysten von Cormark behalten die Kaufempfehlung und das Kursziel von 2,90 CAD bei.

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