GLCC hebt ab +335%
gut analysiert
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Boardmail an "nekro" |
Good Life China
Zurück zu GLCC. 95 % sind korrekt, aber immer abhängig vom Einstiegszeitpunkt. Solche Verluste kann man allerdings auch bei den sogenannten seriösen Aktien einfahren. NASDAQ Bankenwerte, Deutsche Telekom....
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Boardmail an "corth" |
Good Life China
Hätte ich an der Telefonkonferenz teilgenommen, hätte ich die Verantwortlichen gefragt:
- wieso kommt es ihnen nicht in den Sinn, einfach die Dividendenauszahlung für 2008 anzukündigen: würde manche problematischen und kritischen Fragen sofort lösen;
- wieso hängt die gesamte Entwicklung von "wohlwollen" oder "bösen Absichten" eines einziges Mannes ab?
- wieviele Geschäfte zum Ende 2008 nun tatsächlich und real existieren?
- wieso hat man plötzlich doch gewagt, die Dilutaion durchzuführen anstatt angekündigten Rückkaufs?
Das wäre, denke ich, das wichtigste, was momentan zu klären ist.
22.12.2008 14:10
Good Life China Corporation (GLCC) Shareholders Conference
BEIJING, Dec. 22 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Good Life China Corporation (News) (GLCC) announced today that it is scheduling 2 investor conference calls at 11:00AM and 2:00PM this Tuesday, December 23rd.
The company has previously published preliminary results from its investor survey on the Pink Sheets. They can be viewed at (under Research Report menu tab). To date, over 550 visits to the survey were recorded, with 240 participants providing input. The latest results appear basically consistent with the preliminary results published, although over a significantly larger base of respondents.
Topics of the upcoming conference calls include responses to investor questions on;
1. Share buyback 2. Future uplisting to Amex or equivalent 3. Share dilution 4. Audited statements 5. When restricted shares become free trading 6. Status of Disclosure rating by Pink Sheets 7. What's being done re: short-sellers 8. The Company's new business model and anticipated financial impact
The conference call will be hosted by the Company's Corporate Relations consultants, Mina Mar Group and co chaired by The Investors Line, the company's Investor Relations firm. Agenda includes a response to the questions identified above, as well as a question and answer period. The calls are expected to last approximately 45 minutes, with up to 20 investors involved in each call. Participants will be invited from a selection of survey respondents who provided email addresses and wished to be included on the conference call.
It should be noted that the conference call cannot include any confidential or inside information of material importance that has not yet been made available in the public domain.
Safe Harbor statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Certain forward information contained in this release contains forward-looking statements that involve risk and uncertainties, including but not limited to, those relating to development and expansion activities, domestic and global conditions, and market competition.
Get the Facts Right. The issuer works hard to continue to keep our shareholders informed, and news is updated frequently via Press Releases, Pink Sheet filings, and updates to our websites. Other websites not sponsored, or recognized by the Company may provide misleading or disinformation to investors in order to manipulate trading patterns for a given stock. Always look for original content from trusted sources, rather than relying on 'excerpts' or discussion boards that may not give you the whole story. The Securities and Exchange Commission requires financial institutions or brokerage firms to provide their clients with documentation, describing the risks of investing in penny stocks.
*amM - keine Kaufempfehlung
DFB-Pokal 1.Runde '08: RWE-Bayern München 3:4
RWE-Jxxa 2:1
Tabelle 3.Liga: (7) RWE
*amM - keine Kaufempfehlung
DFB-Pokal 1.Runde '08: RWE-Bayern München 3:4
RWE-Jxxa 2:1
Tabelle 3.Liga: (7) RWE
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Boardmail an "0815ax" |
Good Life China
23.12.2008 15:09
Good Life China (GLCC) 2008 Operational Activities
BEIJING, Dec. 23 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Good Life China Corp. (News) (Good Life China, or the "Company") (GLCC) announced today that the Company completed its annual report for 2008. The following is a summary of operational activity
GLCC is a diversified international company active in China. The company focused large and rapidly growing chain of convenience stores serving rural markets.
Good Life's grew from 8 stores in 1999 to almost 2,200 in 2008, becoming the largest chain store network of convenience stores serving more than 2.4 million people in the rural areas of China. In mid 2008 the company changed its model from franchising to licensing.
Net Profit in 2008 exceeded the fiscal plan of $6.29M million USD for the 2008 fiscal year by a significant margin, and forecast to increase to over $25 million USD by 2011.
Also in 2008 Good Life benefitted from certain policy changes when the Central Government put forth policies that strengthened rural market system construction, establish and improve big market and big distribution. A major thrust to improve rural commodity circulation network, and the emphasis to push forward marketing to Thousands of Villages and Townships further improved policy support system. Creating new financing channel development with a Line of credit of 100 billion Yuan (about $14.6 billion USD) with a preferential rate were other big developments for 2008.
This last year also saw a major development in its E-Commerce sector which has a 10 year track record of gainful operating experience. With the companies E-service system which links purchasing and selling terminal network to cities and towns in a E-commerce platform, which can provide retailers and suppliers with one-station service. The benefits which are "zero-risk". Also, the system also enables outlet members to log in to and conveniently and efficiently to complete an online order and automatic replenishment without leaving outlets.
Throughout 2008 Good Life has monopolized the Chinese consumer markets in rural areas. No other company operation was able to provide full service to clients, especially those from rural areas. Haorizi Co., Ltd has a business of putting logistics, distribution, information and capital flow into a platform, meeting the clients' requirements from various aspects.
With continued support from the Chinese government as well as the Ministry of Commerce forecasters see 2009 as an even bigger fiscal success.
Throughout the year, Haorizi Co., Ltd warehouse network has maintained 3 branches and 3 distribution centers. These structures currently serve over 1,800 outlet members and 800 supplier members. In the next 5 years, Haorizi Co., Ltd plans to invest and set 20 logistic distribution centers in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei and 20 braches ( providing information and logistic distribution service for 30,000 outlet members and 6,000 supplier members, which expectedly brings the enterprise RMB 66.80 million yuan income from software licenses, annual income of RMB 1 billion yuan from logistics and annual income of RMB93.60 million yuan from information maintenance.
The management has set its sights on spinning out the logistics division ( from GLCC into a separate publicly traded vehicle and paying out those proceeds to its wide shareholder base in a form of a onetime benefit. The end result will see all GLCC shareholders retaining their current position plus receiving a second equally same position in the second publicly traded vehicle. The company has instructed its corporate advisors Mina Mar Group to find this targeted vehicle and formulate the transaction. Several possible candidates have been identified so far.
There are more than 50,000 villages and towns and 70 million permanent residents in Hebei Province, and over 3,000 villages and towns, 2,000 urban communities and 16 million permanent residents in Beijing, thus the development space of the market is huge.
Another of the big developments came in 2008 with a Supplier Member Zhenji Group: engaged in producing various spices, which are mainly green quality products, which mainly covered the sales network in the leading cities of Hebei Province and the extensive rural markets could not become involved in. Broadening sales channel and providing good bargains and increased distribution. In addition, the promotion of e-commerce platform not only won profits but also expanded markets for the two parties, with our logistics saving distribution costs for the Zhenji Group.
The staff and management of GLCC wish to extend all of our friends and followers, all the best during this Christmas and New Year holidays. We remind our shareholders that GLCC is conducting 2 conference calls today December 23 2008. One is at 11:00AM EST and the second at 2:00PM EST. The content of these calls will be the same, and if you cannot join us for one, please join us for the other.
Safe Harbor statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Certain information contained in this release contains forward-looking statements that involve risk and uncertainties, including but not limited to, those relating to development and expansion activities, domestic and global conditions, and market competition.
Get the Facts Right. The issuer works hard to continue to keep our shareholders informed, and news is updated frequently via Press Releases, Pink Sheet filings (, and updates to our websites. Other websites not sponsored, or recognized by the Company may provide misleading or disinformation to investors in order to manipulate trading patterns for a given stock. Always look for original content from trusted sources, rather than relying on 'excerpts' or discussion boards that may not give you the whole story. The Securities and Exchange Commission requires financial institutions or brokerage firms to provide their clients with documentation describing the risks of investing in penny stocks.
*amM - keine Kaufempfehlung
DFB-Pokal 1.Runde '08: RWE-Bayern München 3:4
RWE-Jxxa 2:1
Tabelle 3.Liga: (7) RWE
*amM - keine Kaufempfehlung
DFB-Pokal 1.Runde '08: RWE-Bayern München 3:4
RWE-Jxxa 2:1
Tabelle 3.Liga: (7) RWE
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Boardmail an "0815ax" |
Good Life China
Angehängte Grafik:

The management has set its sights on spinning out the logistics division ( from GLCC
into a separate publicly traded vehicle
and paying out those proceeds to its wide shareholder base in a form of a onetime benefit.
The end result will see all GLCC shareholders
retaining their current position
receiving a second equally same position in the second publicly traded vehicle.
The company has instructed its corporate advisors Mina Mar Group to find this targeted vehicle and formulate the transaction.
Several possible candidates have been identified so far.
*amM - keine Kaufempfehlung
DFB-Pokal 1.Runde '08: RWE-Bayern München 3:4
RWE-Jxxa 2:1
Tabelle 3.Liga: (7) RWE
*amM - keine Kaufempfehlung
DFB-Pokal 1.Runde '08: RWE-Bayern München 3:4
RWE-Jxxa 2:1
Tabelle 3.Liga: (7) RWE
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Boardmail an "0815ax" |
Good Life China
Grüße + frohe Weihnachten euch allen
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Boardmail an "corth" |
Good Life China
Seit Wochen werden wir bei Goody aber auch bei Mona mit "sensationellen" Pseudo-News tagtäglich überschüttet und die Kurse beider Aktien gehen seitdem nur rapide nach unten. Es (die Nachrichtenflut) ist nur ein Teil der Vernebelungs- und Täuschungsstrategie!
Aber interessant in diesen Tagen war zu lesen, dass es bei Goody angeblich mittlerweile ca. 2200 Läden gibt; also, keine 3300 oder 4000 wie vorher behauptet; auch das kommt nicht von ungefähr - der Betrug ist generalstabsmäsig geplant und wird konsequent durchgezogen!
Über Dividendenauszahlung (2008) nach wie vor kein Wort: kein Wunder, ich denke, eher lässt sich der Winter beide Hände abhacken, als er nur einen Cent auszahlt!
Was haben sie sich übrigens dabei gedacht?! Das es so ewig weitergehen kann?! Zwei-drei mal im Jahr? Unendlich? Und der Kurs soll dabei noch steigen? Sind sie ahnungslose Kinder oder doch raffinierte Verbrecher? Große Frage! Im Bezug auf einen bestimmten Spieler bin ich mir sicher - ein Verbrecher; aber was mich wirklich interessiert - verstehen endlich die Chinesen, auf welches gefährliches Spiel sie sich mit dem Winter eingelassen haben, oder noch nicht?! Oder doch, sie verstehen es sehr wohl und spielen trotzdem mit?
Liest das posting ond die Links zu den Charts von Mona und GLCC sollten euch sagenwas hier los ist...
Gewissenloses Abzockerpack...lügen lügen lügen.....natürlich gross geschrieben...der Thread ist es nicht wert die zeit zu vergeuden IMO !!!!!!!!!
Wünsche allen Schöne Weihnachten & Ab jetzt hilft mit dass diesen Assholes das handwerk gelegt wird !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ab in den Knast...oder Kugel in Kopf...
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Boardmail an "_bbb_" |
Good Life China
Also träumt weiter ...
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Boardmail an "jocyx" |
Good Life China
Sachliche Antworten mit Ausnahme von Beleidigungen kamen keine. Auch auf eine deiner Meinung nach seriösen Quelle für Pinksheets warte ich noch vergebens. Daher ist das bla bla auch berechtigt. Wenn es keine Beleidigung gegeben hätte, dann wärest du sicher auch nicht gesperrt worden :P
Frohe Weihnachten!
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Boardmail an "corth" |
Good Life China
Co-Brand Project with North American Packaging Company
Financial Presentation ? North American Packaging Company
*amM - keine Kaufempfehlung
DFB-Pokal 1.Runde '08: RWE-Bayern München 3:4
RWE-Jxxa 2:1
Tabelle 3.Liga: (7) RWE
*amM - keine Kaufempfehlung
DFB-Pokal 1.Runde '08: RWE-Bayern München 3:4
RWE-Jxxa 2:1
Tabelle 3.Liga: (7) RWE
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Boardmail an "0815ax" |
Good Life China
Filing Intent To pay cash and stock dividends
*amM - keine Kaufempfehlung
DFB-Pokal 1.Runde '08: RWE-Bayern München 3:4
RWE-Jxxa 2:1
Tabelle 3.Liga: (7) RWE
*amM - keine Kaufempfehlung
DFB-Pokal 1.Runde '08: RWE-Bayern München 3:4
RWE-Jxxa 2:1
Tabelle 3.Liga: (7) RWE
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Boardmail an "0815ax" |
Good Life China
5454 ch de la Côte-de-Liesse
Mont-Royal, QC, H4P 1A5
Phone: 514.344.5000
Toll Free: 800.361.3233
FAX: 514.344.4949
*amM - keine Kaufempfehlung
DFB-Pokal 1.Runde '08: RWE-Bayern München 3:4
RWE-Jxxa 2:1
Tabelle 3.Liga: (7) RWE
*amM - keine Kaufempfehlung
DFB-Pokal 1.Runde '08: RWE-Bayern München 3:4
RWE-Jxxa 2:1
Tabelle 3.Liga: (7) RWE
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Boardmail an "0815ax" |
Good Life China
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Boardmail an "corth" |
Good Life China
"GLCC wird seinen Weg gehen. Die Chance hier gute Gewinne zu machen sehe ich größer als das Risiko eines Totalverlusts. "
Die 52-Wochen-Performance beträgt jetzt -99,87%. Am 26.12. war in Amerika Handel: Eröffnung 0,0011$
Ende: 0,0009$
Für jeden, der noch einigermassen denken kann, ist das "Totalverlust"
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Boardmail an "jocyx" |
Good Life China
Und dann wird aus dem "Totalverlust" ein sauberes Renditeobjekt. Ich erinnere dich dann an deine glorreichen Voraussagen :P
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Boardmail an "corth" |
Good Life China
29.12.2008 14:49
Good Life China Corporation (GLCC) Logistics Candidate
BEIJING, Dec. 29 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Good Life China Corporation (News) (GLCC) announced today that it has identified 2 separate public companies which it will acquire (or has began the acquisition process already). The original targeted candidate is a UK based PLC company Robox A I PLC description: Equity, ISIN GB00B2NPLL36, WKN A0NBLU, Symbol: 5RB quoted on the German Deutsche-Boerse. . The 2nd public company is a USA based issuer who came forth unsolicited after the conclusion of the shareholders tele conference held last week, and remains a possible option for the issuer.
Mr. Yves Yang, the company spokesperson, said, "The company's management sees Robox as a great vehicle with its share price of $1.00 as the best suitable option for its logistics division. We are well underway with the Robox transaction, and although the 2nd USA based company is attractive we can not release its name until we have reached a more concrete ground with them. Mr. Garr Winters, the company's Secretary, has advised Good Life management and Ms. Jia, the company's CEO, that he intends to seek legal guidance with a securities lawyer as to the best way to provide the GLCC shareholder base with entry into Robox. The options currently in consideration include a straight share exchange agreement, free trading shares with some managed leak out to prevent a rapid share decline and obviously with a significant premium paid to all GLCC shareholders. Alternatively, a new share distribution of Robox to the Good Life shareholders is an option. In order to keep the dilution to a minimum Mr. Winters suggestion that the key management of Good Life China follow his example and receive no new shares of Robox. This proposal was accepted by the Good Life board. (For services as a Secretary of Good Life China Mr. Winters receives compensation of $1.00 per year plus stock for services rendered. Mr. Winters is a philanthropist. He has never sold any stock in the companies he acts as a Secretary or an advisor and instead donates 100% these stock proceeds to charity)."
The issuer continues to work with the packaging company (see filings on Pink Sheets) and distributions the issuer intends to make to its broad shareholder base. Mr. Yves Yang added, "2009 indeed is shaping up to be a very promising year for Good Life China. We anxiously await arrival of our advisors to the home office here in Beijing in January to conclude all of these pending business matters."
In other company news, the issuer's corporate advisor on behalf of the issuer has served notice to Westmount Resources, an OTCBB quoted company, that Good Life China intends to issue a statement of claim (a complaint in USA) in an Ontario, Canada court for certain business matters, as per the issuers filings and notice of intent dating back to May-June 2008 unless it receives relief from Westmount or its direct managers. Mr. Yves Yang concluded, "This was the original targeted merger or split off company for our logistics division and after the transaction became frustrated we looked at other markets and were introduced to Robox. One way or another we remain committed to transforming Good Life China into a larger more stronger entity."
The issuer will provide further details as they become available.
Safe Harbor statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Certain forward information contained in this release contains forward-looking statements that involve risk and uncertainties, including but not limited to, those relating to development and expansion activities, domestic and global conditions, and market competition.
Get the Facts Right. The issuer works hard to continue to keep our shareholders informed, and news is updated frequently via Press Releases, Pink Sheet filings, and updates to our websites. Other websites not sponsored, or recognized by the Company may provide misleading or disinformation to investors in order to manipulate trading patterns for a given stock. Always look for original content from trusted sources, rather than relying on 'excerpts' or discussion boards that may not give you the whole story. The Securities and Exchange Commission requires financial institutions or brokerage firms to provide their clients with documentation, describing the risks of investing in penny stocks.
*amM - keine Kaufempfehlung
DFB-Pokal 1.Runde '08: RWE-Bayern München 3:4
RWE-Jxxa 2:1
Tabelle 3.Liga: (7) RWE
*amM - keine Kaufempfehlung
DFB-Pokal 1.Runde '08: RWE-Bayern München 3:4
RWE-Jxxa 2:1
Tabelle 3.Liga: (7) RWE
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Boardmail an "0815ax" |
Good Life China
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Boardmail an "einstein16" |
Good Life China
BEIJING, Jan. 5 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Good Life China Corporation ( (GLCC) Further to the company various announcements and filings from December 23, 2008 to December 30th 2008 (see Pink Sheets and description below).
1. Supplemental Information- Filing Intent To pay cash Dec 25, 2008 and stock dividends
2. Supplemental Information- Financed Co Shareholders Dec 25, 2008 Dividend .70c Split off
3. Supplemental Information- Financial Presentation Dec 23, 2008 - North American Packaging Company
4. Supplemental Information- Co-Brand Project with Dec 23, 2008 North American Packaging Company
Mr Yves Yang, the company spokesperson, said "We wish to use this news release opportunity to explain the 3 different pending and or in progress transactions with Good Life. The 1st one is where GLCC board and management has made a decision to split off the Good Life China logistics department into a separate wholly owned publicly traded subsidiary. In the summer months of 2008 this was to be an OTCBB company. Due to the OTCBB non performance, this matter has been forwarded to our litigation barristers who are dealing with this matter. Coming off a failed OTCBB up list we looked at other markets such as UK, Germany, France and Canada as an alternative. The GLCC management selected Robox, a UK company Symbol: 5RB quoted the Deutsche-Boerse (, as the best candidate. We remain on course with those plans of spinning off the logistics in Robox. The expected time line for this transaction is end of 1st quarter 2009.
The 2nd transaction, which is unrelated to the 1st one involves certain financing and co branding transaction we entered into as financiers and white label providers to a Montreal Canada based packaging company; Stuart Packaging. This is a company with about 10-13 million dollars in revenues who is in a IPO stage (see filings on Pink Sheets). Our intentions remain to either distribute these proceeds in cash or in stock to our shareholders once that transaction is completed. Right now a USA based public company has been identified and the transaction is proceeding as tabled, and as per everyone's understanding. We are very pleased with this progress to date as our participation in this financing and business venture could topple $ 1.3 million dollars. The expected time line for this transaction is end of 2nd quarter 2009 at latest.
The 3rd transaction is part and parcel with our earlier distribution of dividends in April 2008 of 0.70c. We had not forgotten our promises made. As a company we remain committed to our shareholders. Although the stock market globally has not performed to anyone's expectations the Good Life China management here in Beijing has accepted the proposals set forth by our advisors companies namely, Mina Mar Group, with the assistance of The Investors Line and Merger Law Group to assist us in formulating these transactions. It is our intent to see when all is said and done a return of the values to our shareholders of not only 70c but perhaps even far greater than originally planned. If I can add that this new creative, and planned redistribution may see all of GLCC shareholders reap the rewards of our hard work and not only those who were shareholders of record in April 2008."
The issuer will provide further details as they become available.
Safe Harbor statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Certain forward information contained in this release contains forward-looking statements that involve risk and uncertainties, including but not limited to, those relating to development and expansion activities, domestic and global conditions, and market competition.
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Boardmail an "karibik" |
Good Life China
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