AsiaPac Capital Services Ltd.: Deutsche Börse symbol: 5AP. (www, wishes to update its shareholders regarding recent developments in light of the recent cease in trading of its shares.
Company President, Mr. Samuel Lee, advises; “We continue to search for a suitable sponsor for the Frankfurt Exchange in order to allow our shares to begin trading again. In the meantime, shareholders should know that the Company continues to operate normally. A short summary of current operations is included below.”
Our hydro projects are proceeding through the government approval processes. The Tanudan, Upper and Lower Siffu projects are in the contract negotiation phase with the Department of Energy and awaiting release of the signed contracts from the government, while the Dicapan project is under review of the financial requirements. The Talubin project has been submitted for review, but has not yet been processed by the DOE.
Our coal development projects continue apace, primarily at the Toledo prospect, where small scale mining has begun. Additionally, the drilling rig is now onsite and drilling to further delineate the coal field and prove out reserves is scheduled to begin this November.
Our logistics operations continue to operate normally, and the acquisition of Lewisberg Warehousing and Logistics Corp.(Lewisberg) has now been completed.
We will advise our shareholders via our website regarding updates on the retention of a new sponsor in our efforts to see our stock begin active trading once again.
Das Unternehmen ist nicht insolvent, sondern weiterhin aktiv und somit verlieren die Aktien nicht ihre Gültigkeit. Sie werden derzeit nur nicht am Martkt gehandelt! Der Ausdruck "Sponsor" kannn missverstanden werden. Ich denke hier handelt es sich um einen "Broker", über dem der Aktienhandel abgewickelt werden kann und nicht um einen Investor/Sponsor.
Wenn das Unternehmen nicht mehr tätig wäre, warum sollte Lee dann überhaupt eine Meldung über die Fortschritte in den versch. Projekten rausgeben?
Das Asiapac real ist haben wir in der Vergangenheit mehrfach bewiesen!