Heißer Tip!!!! T+G WKN 812894

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neuester Beitrag: 15.11.03 00:32
eröffnet am: 07.10.03 13:03 von: matzisn Anzahl Beiträge: 26
neuester Beitrag: 15.11.03 00:32 von: BarCode Leser gesamt: 2166
davon Heute: 2
bewertet mit 0 Sternen

07.10.03 13:03

10 Postings, 7711 Tage matzisnHeißer Tip!!!! T+G WKN 812894

Einer der Lieblingen vom "Oberbayerischen Börsenbrief" ist die Aktie von
T & G ² Inc. (ISIN US87217M1071/ WKN 812894. Dort ist ein immenses Kurspotential vorhanden. Nach der letzten Empfehlung im September gab es einen kräftigen Kursausschlag bis 0,25 cent. Danach gab es wieder eine Korrektur aud aktuell 0,13 cent. Der jetzige Kurs stellt m.E. nach eine günstige Nachkaufgelegenheit dar. Eine Kursverdopplung ist bei neuen Nachrichten bzw. Bestätigung der Erwartung innerhalb weniger Tage drin.... Details zu der Aktie unter www.obb-online.de.  
0 Postings ausgeblendet.

07.10.03 13:19

40576 Postings, 7971 Tage rotgrünBin mal mit

ein paar Stücken rein.Also schauen wir mal, od der Tip gut ist.;-)))  

07.10.03 15:37

30936 Postings, 8724 Tage ZwergnaseHabe auch mal'n paar ? riskiert

Vielleicht wird's ja was.

Grüße von ZN  

07.10.03 16:51

20687 Postings, 9078 Tage preisfuchsja ich auch. man will ja dabei sein *g* o. T.

07.10.03 17:15

2973 Postings, 7690 Tage Optimalund ? kam dann die Meldung ? o. T.

07.10.03 17:17

20687 Postings, 9078 Tage preisfuchsshit noch nicht ausgeführt bin wieder zu geizig o. T.

07.10.03 17:28

30936 Postings, 8724 Tage Zwergnasepreisfuchs, für 0,12

wirste wohl nicht mehr bedient werden. Leg mal'n Schippchen drauf, dann bekommste auch welche. Bin heute in Berlin zu 12,5 bedient worden. Könnte ja mal'n Glückstreffer werden (immerhin noch Nahe ATL. Würde allerdings nicht zu lange zögern. Gr., ZN


07.10.03 17:32

20687 Postings, 9078 Tage preisfuchsich weis noch nicht mal was die so machen.

die 0,12 ist ein blind kauf *g* unter dem motto "kaufen dann wundern"  

07.10.03 17:47

30936 Postings, 8724 Tage Zwergnase Service für preisfuchs: T + G2 "strong buy"

T & G² "strong buy"

Die Experten von "Oberbayerischer Börsenbrief" stufen die Aktie von T & G² (ISIN US87217M1071/ WKN 812894) mit "strong buy" ein.

Wie bereits in dem Report der Experten im Juli berichtet, verspreche das Unternehmensmodell von T & G² ein geradezu immenses Kurspotenzial. Die in Bernardsville, New Jersey, ansässige T & G ² Inc. setze sich aus den beiden hundertprozentigen Tochtergesellschaften Zingo Sales, Ltd. sowie Solutions Technology, Inc. zusammen. Diese beiden Töchter seien in völlig verschiedenen Geschäftsbereichen tätig, was auf den ersten Blick etwas zusammenhangslos erscheinen möge, sich auf den zweiten Blick jedoch als geniale Strategie entpuppe.

Zingo Sales Ltd. sei spezialisiert auf die Vermarktung elektronischer Bingo Systeme. Bingo sei in den USA das Volksspiel Nr. 1, fast jeder zweite Amerikaner sei bekennender Bingo-Spieler. Der Markt hierfür sei enorm. Solutions Technology, Inc. entwickle elektronische Zugangs- und Zeitmanagement-Systeme, welche sich sogenannter biometrischer Merkmale bedienen würden. Jeder kenne diese Art von Zugangssystemen aus diversen neuzeitlichen Hollywoodstreifen.

Die Identifikation erfolge hierbei durch Eingabe des Fingerabdrucks oder Abtasten der Netzhaut. Die geniale Strategie von T & G ² Inc. bestehe nun darin, dass die Vermarktung der einzigartigen elektronischen Bingo-Systeme als sogenannte Cash-Cow diene und dadurch die bereits entwickelten revolutionären biometrischen Systeme in den Markt großflächig eingeführt würden. Der Biometrik werde bereits heute ein enormer Zukunftsmarkt prognostiziert.

Wie bereits einleitend erwähnt, erwarte man zu Wochenbeginn bahnbrechende Meldungen bei T & G² Inc. In erster Linie gehe man davon aus, dass es sich hierbei um einen oder mehrere Großaufträge elektronischer Bingo-Einheiten handle. Zudem vermute man, dass diese Aufträge aus dem Staat Kalifornien stammen könnten, was für T & G² einen wahren Quantensprung bedeuten würde. Bisher seien die Bestellungen der elektronischen Bingo-Einheiten in erster Linie aus den im Nordwesten der USA befindlichen Staaten gekommen, welche eine Gesamtbevölkerung von ca. 10 Mio. Menschen hätten.

Der Markteintritt in Kaliformien, mit einer Population von ca. 31 Mio. Bürgern, würde eine Verdreifachung des bisherigen Potenzials bedeuten, ganz abgesehen davon, dass die kalifornischen Mega-Cities deutlich höher technologisiert seien und einen Ruf als Bingo-Eldorado besitzen würden. Vieles deute aktuell auf eine Meldung seitens T & G² bzgl. einer Genehmigung für den wichtigsten Staat Kalifornien noch zu Wochenbeginn hin.

Man solle vergangene Kursausschläge der T & G²-Aktie betrachten, so könne man sich vorstellen, wie sich diese bisher wohl wichtigste Meldung der Unternehmensgeschichte kursmäßig auswirken sollte. Sicherlich würden auch für T & G² die üblichen Risiken gelten, welche mit derart spekulativen Investments verbunden seien. Dennoch biete sich gerade jetzt ein einmaliges Chance-/ Risikoverhältnis. Unser Kursziel von 0,35 EUR, das einem aktuellen Kurspotenzial von 190% entspreche, sehe man hierbei lediglich als erste Zwischenetappe zu langfristig noch deutlich höheren Notierungen.

Die Experten von "Oberbayerischer Börsenbrief" bewerten die Aktie von T & G² mit "strong buy".

Grüße von ZN  

07.10.03 17:55

40576 Postings, 7971 Tage rotgrün5000 Stücke

für preisfuchs? ;-)))klappt nur nich mit 12 Cent, hatte dieselbe Idee mit 3000 Stücken, grins  

07.10.03 18:09

30936 Postings, 8724 Tage Zwergnasevergesst es, ihr beiden

im Moment sind 0,15 Ansage.

07.10.03 18:09

20687 Postings, 9078 Tage preisfuchshahaha am ende ist die wurst fett

und es sind 10.000 stücke so und jetzt gehts rüber nach usa  

07.10.03 18:16

20687 Postings, 9078 Tage preisfuchs0,15 zum us kurs zu hoch 0,11 ist real

so ihr nasen ihr könnt mich mal *g* die kauf ich in usa viele billiger als ihr pappnasen hier in D. in deutschland ist 0,11 ein guter kurs und alles drüber zuviel bezahlt, basta

TTGG  T & G2 (OTC BB)     10/7/2003 11:52 AM
    hide quote      detailed quote      options chain       chart help    

 0.134 Change:
   -0.001 Open:
 0.135 High:
 0.143 Low:
 0.134 Volume:
Percent Change:
 -0.74% Yield:
 n/a P/E Ratio:
 n/a 52 Week Range:
 0.05 to 0.35


07.10.03 18:51

30936 Postings, 8724 Tage ZwergnaseHier mal'n bischen Info"futter"

TTGG -- T & G2 (Squared) (MO)
Class A Com ($0.001)

65 LaGrande Ave.
Berkeley Heights
NJ 07922-1466
Phone: 908-508-9008
Company Website: http://www.solu-usa.com

James M. Farinella, Pres. & CEO

Shares Outstanding: 118,555,744 as of 2003-05-15

Estimated Market Cap: 16.005M as of 2003-10-06

Current Capital Change:
shs decreased by 1 for 8 split
Record Date:
Pay Date: 2002-02-21

Dividends: None

State of Incorporation: MO

Company Notes:
Formerly=International Mercantile Corp. until 2-02

Class Notes:
Capital Change=shs decreased by 1 for 31 split. Pay-date=7-31-97.
Capital Change=shs decreased by 1 for 7 split. Pay-date=8-11-00
Capital Change=shs decreased by 1 for 11 split. Pay date=07/12/2001.

Company News and Press Releases From Other Sources:
T&G2 Receives Order for 30 Gaming Units in the Western Region of United States

BERNARDSVILLE, N.J., Sep 24, 2003 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- T & G2 (OTCBB:TTGG) announced today that its wholly owned subsidiary, Zingo Sales, Ltd. (ZINGO) received an initial order for 30 of its electronic bingo gaming units in the state of California. The gaming facility placed the order once local authorities approved Zingo's electronic bingo games.

The machines to be installed within the next 7 days, will utilize Zingo's fast action "Ultimate Games". As a result of the approval of Zingo's games, the Company anticipates additional orders in this lucrative market. This market has historically been a high-yielding market and the Company expects these trends to continue. Additionally, approvals and orders are anticipated shortly in other municipalities in this region.

The Company currently has approximately 100 gaming units installed and operating, with an additional 50 gaming units in inventory. The Company currently has sufficient cash to meet all current and future orders. Zingo anticipates generating approximately $90,000 per month in net cash flow once 300 gaming units are installed and operating.

"We are now at a point with the units installed and ordered that TTGG will be about break even as a company once cash flow reaches expected levels." stated T & G2's CEO, James M. Farinella, "The exciting thing is that we have not even begun to market in the many other regions of North America. Sales are not as much a concern as managing the explosive growth that we are experiencing."

About T&G2

T & G2 is an emerging, fast-paced, technology driven provider of leading edge systems and related software, specializing in two distinct, yet rapidly growing markets, Electronic Interactive Bingo Games and related Electronic Bingo Gaming Systems, and Personnel Time and Attendance Management.

The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides a safe harbor for forward-looking statements made on behalf of the company. All such forward-looking statements are, by necessity, only estimates of future results and actual results achieved by T & G2 (TTGG) may differ materially from these statements due to a number of factors. TTGG assumes no obligations to update these forward-looking statements to reflect actual results, changes in assumptions or changes in other factors affecting such statements. You should independently investigate and fully understand all risks before making investment decisions.


T & G2 Achieves listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange

BERKELEY HEIGHTS, N.J., Sep 22, 2003 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- T & G2 (OTCBB:TTGG) (BERLIN, FRANKFURT SYMBOL:TG6) (WKN 812 894) announced today that it has been granted permission to trade it's shares on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSE). TTGG was also listed on the XETRA, which is the FSE's electronic trading system and is technically an exchange in itself.

The FSE is the 4th largest stock exchange in the world. The FSE is the most liquid market in Germany comprising over 80% of all German trading. With the listing on the FSE and the XETRA, TTGG gains wider market audience access for TTGG shares. Institutional access will mainly be attained through the XETRA trading system.

During the first week of September and for the second time, TTGG's President/CEO spent time on a comprehensive tour of Germany to introduce the Company to professionals involved in the German Markets. This expansive tour including meeting money managers, institutional investors, analysts and other professionals well versed in the German Markets. Additionally, TTGG attended the Frankfurt Small Cap Conference on September 2nd and 3rd.

James M. Farinella, President of T & G2, commented, "We are very pleased to have been approved for trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. The Frankfurt Exchange will enhance the opportunity for German and European investors to become shareholders of T & G2 and will provide substantially improved liquidity in our common stock overall."

T & G2 is comprised of two wholly owned subsidiaries - Solutions Technology, Inc. an emerging leader in Time and Attendance using Biometrics and Zingo Sales, Ltd. a technologically advanced provider of electronic bingo that enhances the enjoyment of Bingo for players in Bingo and Casino style facilities.

The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides a safe harbor for forward-looking statements made on behalf of the company. All such forward-looking statements are, by necessity, only estimates of future results and actual results achieved by T & G2 (TTGG) may differ materially from these statement due to a number of factors. TTGG assumes no obligations to update these forward-looking statements to reflect actual results, changes in assumptions or changes in other factors affecting such statements. You should independently investigate and fully understand all risks before making investment decisions.


T & G2 Enters Into Bingo and Gaming-Facility Joint Venture; Enhances Recurring Revenue Stream

BERNARDSVILLE, N.J., Sep 15, 2003 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- T & G2 (OTCBB: TTGG) announced today that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Zingo Sales, Ltd. (ZINGO) has entered into a 50-50 joint-venture with a West Coast-based gaming company. The joint-venture, called "Buffalo Bingo" enable's Zingo to secure additional recurring revenue streams within its core business of electronic Class II bingo and related games and services market.

The Buffalo Bingo joint-venture is primarily set up to invest in Bingo and other gaming-related services. Every transaction entered into will be based on the generation of monthly recurring revenue streams to Zingo and T&G2.

Buffalo Bingo strengthens Zingo's relationships within the Class II gaming market and its ability to distribute its products throughout the gaming industry. Zingo will now participate in the revenue generated from all phases of the joint-venture's gaming operations. This includes the facility operations to game distribution. Buffalo Bingo has already invested in one such operation obtaining a 20% interest in the income generated from operations. Zingo, through Buffalo Bingo, has the exclusive right of first refusal to buy into additional facilities opened by this gaming operations company.

"To be able to strengthen our presence in the charitable bingo industry and improve our ability to distribute our full range of products is really special," said James M. Farinella, T&G2's Chief Executive Officer. "The Buffalo Bingo joint-venture greatly improves our ability to generate monthly cash flow."

Hier der Chart: Kommen von ÜBER 800 $, derzeit nahe all time low:


Sieht wirklich interessant aus, Glückwunsch matzisn  

07.10.03 18:51

20687 Postings, 9078 Tage preisfuchsnur mal zur info

um euch ein wenig die euphorie zu bremsen mit schnell kaufen und so. der kurs wird in usa gemacht um wenn der obb toll schreibt, ist das noch lange kein kauf.
so toll ist das ding derzeit nicht gestellt. d.h. von eile keine spur und wer über e 0,12 kauft hat selber schuld, oder sollte besser in den usa ordern.

datum    open   high   low  close volume
09/02/03 0.150 0.165 0.150 0.155 282,700
09/03/03 0.160 0.170 0.153 0.165 461,500
09/04/03 0.160 0.170 0.160 0.165 77,100
09/05/03 0.165 0.165 0.158 0.160 205,400
09/08/03 0.160 0.165 0.158 0.158 159,900
09/09/03 0.158 0.160 0.151 0.151 389,200
09/10/03 0.150 0.150 0.145 0.150 155,500
09/11/03 0.150 0.155 0.143 0.145 229,400
09/12/03 0.150 0.150 0.143 0.143 134,500
09/15/03 0.150 0.155 0.143 0.155 354,100
09/16/03 0.155 0.155 0.130 0.143 2,318,300
09/17/03 0.145 0.145 0.125 0.130 471,900
09/18/03 0.130 0.135 0.115 0.125 1,434,200
09/19/03 0.125 0.140 0.125 0.135 843,100
09/22/03 0.155 0.177 0.150 0.170 2,235,800
09/23/03 0.174 0.174 0.140 0.150 1,418,600
09/24/03 0.158 0.165 0.150 0.155 482,200
09/25/03 0.164 0.165 0.135 0.145 423,200
09/26/03 0.145 0.150 0.140 0.145 265,000
09/29/03 0.150 0.150 0.141 0.143 351,000
09/30/03 0.141 0.145 0.130 0.145 496,900
10/01/03 0.145 0.145 0.130 0.130 75,800
10/02/03 0.130 0.140 0.130 0.140 89,800
10/03/03 0.130 0.140 0.127 0.130 316,400
10/06/03 0.130 0.140 0.130 0.135 142,100


07.10.03 19:01

20687 Postings, 9078 Tage preisfuchsschnell kaufen *g*

07.10.03 23:02

20687 Postings, 9078 Tage preisfuchsauch die hat in D bald mehr umsatz wie in usa??

TTGG  T & G2 (OTC BB)     10/7/2003 3:25 PM
    hide quote      detailed quote      options chain       chart help    

 0.132 Change:
   -0.003 Open:
 0.135 High:
 0.143 Low:
 0.132 Volume:
Percent Change:
 -2.22% Yield:
 n/a P/E Ratio:
 n/a 52 Week Range:
 0.05 to 0.35
After Hours Trading
10/7/2003 4:04:00 PM  Last:
 0.133  Change:
  +0.001  Volume:

wenn ich mir das bid/ask in D ansehe frage ich mich schon! also käufe in D bis 0,115 sind günstig und bis 0,12 okey aber drüber????
(kann morgen anders aussehen, aber erst wenn der kurs in usa steht, der kurs in D interessiert keine sau)

14.10.03 16:41

4719 Postings, 7747 Tage leobmwnot bad baby - not bad !! o. T.

14.10.03 17:53

20687 Postings, 9078 Tage preisfuchswar gut diese in usa zu ordern

& G2 Subsidiary Shows 30% Growth in Orders Received in September; 100% Growth In Unit Placement and 500% Revenue Growth Anticipated In the 4th Quarter of 2003  
       TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2003 10:00 AM
- BusinessWire

BERNARDSVILLE, N.J., Oct 14, 2003 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- T & G2 (TTGG) announced today that from August to September 2003, its wholly owned subsidiary, Zingo Sales, Ltd. (ZINGO) experienced a growth rate of 30% in orders received. Zingo now has 130 gaming units with the "Ultimate Games" installed and operational.

Zingo expects a growth rate of 100% in orders and installations for the electronic bingo units during the fourth quarter of 2003. Depending on how quickly local jurisdiction approvals are obtained, Zingo may experience larger-than-anticipated growth in orders and installations. Most of the growth in orders will come from the West and Northwest regions. However, additional business could be garnered from different regions as well.

Revenue growth is expected to be 500% in the fourth quarter 2003 compared to the third quarter of 2003. Cash flow from all units installed in the third quarter is increasing weekly. The revenue ramp-up period for each electronic bingo unit is approximately 60 to 90 days. Additionally, Zingo expects to begin generating revenues from its previously announced Buffalo Bingo joint-venture (see press release of Sept 15, 2003). If this venture does begin to generate cash flow in the fourth quarter then revenues for the quarter will be even larger.

Zingo's gaming units are capable of playing regular "Session" bingo and three fast-action "Ultimate Games" -- "Doubletime," "Hotball," and "Bullet." These fast action games allow the player to play an electronic form of bingo that is more exciting than the typical session bingo. These "bonanza" style games allow gaming facilities to offer a wider variety of games to their players. These fast action games are interactive and competitive in nature, as they allow the players to compete against each other for a prize jackpot.

"We believe that the third quarter was the tip of the iceberg," stated T&G2's President & CEO, James M. Farinella. "There is tremendous demand for our electronic bingo games, and in time, we believe we will capture a significant share of the overall market. We believe the growth in revenues and game unit orders to continue at this rapid pace into and through next year."

About T&G Squared

T & G2 is an emerging, fast-paced, technology driven provider of leading edge systems and related software, specializing in two distinct, yet rapidly growing markets, Personnel Time and Attendance Management, and Electronic Class II Interactive Games and related Electronic Bingo Gaming Systems.

The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides a safe harbor for forward-looking statements made on behalf of the company. All such forward-looking statements are, by necessity, only estimates of future results and actual results achieved by T & G2 (TTGG) may differ materially from these statements due to a number of factors. TTGG assumes no obligations to update these forward-looking statements to reflect actual results, changes in assumptions or changes in other factors affecting such statements. You should independently investigate and fully understand all risks before making investment decisions.



22.10.03 09:33

4719 Postings, 7747 Tage leobmwNews !!


Press Release Source: T & G2

T&G2 Receives Order for 16 Electronic Bingo Units in the Western Region of United States
Tuesday October 21, 3:00 pm ET

BERNARDSVILLE, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oct. 21, 2003--T & G2 (OTCBB: TTGG - News) announced today that its wholly owned subsidiary, Zingo Sales, Ltd. (ZINGO) received another order for 16 more of its electronic bingo units in the state of California. The machines to be installed within the next 10 days, will utilize Zingo's fast action "Ultimate Games".
Zingo will now have approximately 45 units in operation in the state of California and approximately 100 Ultimate Bingo units in the Northwest. At the end of September, Zingo had approximately 100 units in operation. With this order, Zingo is well on its way to not only meeting but also exceeding its projections for the fourth quarter of this year.

Each approval that is attained makes future approvals easier to be obtained not only in this lucrative market but in other regions as well. Also, Zingo is beginning to gain some real good momentum in the area and many of the bingo facilities are becoming aware of Zingo's exciting products.

"We anticipate the order flow for our electronic bingo units to remain steady for some time. We also expect the revenue in the California market to reach its recurring income potential much quicker than in other markets," stated T & G2's CEO, James M. Farinella. "Additionally, we are starting to see some real progress with many business opportunities within the European community."

About T&G2

T & G2 is an emerging, fast-paced, technology driven provider of leading edge systems and related software, specializing in two distinct, yet rapidly growing markets, Electronic Interactive Bingo Games and related Electronic Bingo Gaming Systems, and Personnel Time and Attendance Management.

The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides a safe harbor for forward-looking statements made on behalf of the company. All such forward-looking statements are, by necessity, only estimates of future results and actual results achieved by T & G2 (TTGG) may differ materially from these statements due to a number of factors. TTGG assumes no obligations to update these forward-looking statements to reflect actual results, changes in assumptions or changes in other factors affecting such statements. You should independently investigate and fully understand all risks before making investment decisions.



22.10.03 10:21

1294 Postings, 7706 Tage kramna,dann werd ich die euch die woche auch noch

gesellschaft leisten:)
muss nur nochn bisschen was flüssig machen*g*
bis spädder

12.11.03 16:18

739 Postings, 7672 Tage smokyPlatzt die Bombe bei TTGG?

Noch vor einer Woche: Tagesumsätze im Bereich um 40Tsd , höchstens 90 Tsd.
Der Kurs dümpelt so vor sich hin.
Seit  10.11. starke Bewegungen - scheinbar ohne News
In den letzten zwei Tagen massive Umsätze im Mio-Bereich. Heute in einer Stunde 1,1 Mio.
Heute der zweite dicke Tagessprung um  + 12 Prozent

Was sagen Euere Recherchen?


14.11.03 17:07

5952 Postings, 8631 Tage grenkeNa ich bin drinn zu knapp unter 0,13 o. T.

14.11.03 23:57

699 Postings, 7721 Tage kaguewas ist da im busch?

Beobachte die Aktie jetzt schon einige Wochen. Rein vom Produkt her recht interessant (meine eher die Identy Sytems denn die Bingo Geschichte). Hab jedoch keine Kannzahlen zur Firma, weder auf deren Homepage noch sonst wo gefunden.
Kann mir jemand dazu was sagen (Bilanz, KGV, Berichte etc.)

Überleg gerade ob ich was riskieren soll...  

14.11.03 23:59

699 Postings, 7721 Tage kaguetausche Kennzahlen gegen Kannzahlen... o. T.

15.11.03 00:32

69033 Postings, 7643 Tage BarCode@Kague

Hier die wichtigsten Zahlen vom 12.11. für die ersten 9 Monate (alle in Dollar):

TOTAL ASSETS        334,563

 Revenue            25,224  
COST OF SALES        12,493

GROSS PROFIT         12,731            

     Total Operating Expenses               1,776,210

LOSS BEFORE OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE)           (1,763,479)

Aber danach kannst du bei solchen otc-Werten nicht gehen. Da gehts nur drum, ob du an deren Zukunft glaubst oder nicht.
Die erwrten mit ihren Bingo-Automaten im 4. Quartal erst wirklich an Umsätze zu kommen.
Ist 100% spekulativ nach dem Motto: alles oder nichts.

Gruß BarCode

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