Ich sage es mal so, aber man hat was gefunden :(
Highlights Tennant Creek-style IOCG mineralisation confirmed at the Parakeet prospect, with maiden drill hole WND17-001 returning an intercept of 8m at 1.74% Cu and 0.42g/t Au from 249m down-hole. Associated stringer (vein)-style mineralisation and pervasive chlorite + sericite alteration adjacent to the main intercept suggests the presence of a potentially extensive hydrothermal system. A follow-up ground Induced Polarisation (IP) survey is planned to systematically test for potential extensions to the known copper-gold mineralisation and to test the broader Parakeet magnetic/gravity anomaly for additional mineralised magnetite ironstone bodies. Additional untested robust chargeability anomaly lies ~300m north of WND17-001. Chalice Gold Mines Limited (“Chalice” or the “Company”) (ASX: CHN) (TSX: CXN) is pleased to advise that assay results from its maiden drilling program at the Warrego North Project in the Northern Territory have confirmed the presence of potentially significant Tennant Creek-style IOCG mineralisation at the Parakeet geophysical prospect. The Warrego North Project is located ~20km north-west of the historical high-grade Warrego copper-gold mine in the western part of the Tennant Creek Mineral Field (Figure 1). Warrego was the largest deposit mined at Tennant Creek with historical production of 1.3Moz of gold and 90,000t of copper from 5 million tonnes of ore at 8g/t Au and 2% Cu. Chalice can earn up to a 70% interest in the Project from Meteoric Resources NL (ASX: MEI) by sole funding $800,000 in expenditure (See ASX announcement dated 15 June 2016). The Company’s first diamond drill hole at Warrego North, WND17-001, targeted a coincidental magnetic-gravity and IP chargeability anomaly (Figures 2 and 3) and intersected interstitial and stringer (vein) style chalcopyrite mineralisation in magnetite ironstone grading 8m @ 1.74% Cu and 0.42g/t Au between 249-257m down-hole depth (Figure 4). The entire magnetite ironstone is mineralised, with the maximum grade of 4.82% Cu indicating potential for high-grade copper similar to other copper-(gold) mines in the Tennant Creek Mineral Field. While the presence of higher copper-gold grades is encouraging, drill hole WND17-001 also intersected lower grade stringer (vein) style mineralisation associated with pervasive chlorite and sericite alteration that suggests the presence of a potentially extensive hydrothermal system at the Parakeet prospect (see Figure 3 and Table 1). Assay results for the remainder of WND17-001 from 299m to end-of-hole depth (401m) are pending although no significant ironstone units were intersected. True widths and the overall orientation of the mineralisation and alteration zones cannot be accurately determined due to the limited amount of available geological information.