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22.09.10 20:02

673 Postings, 6907 Tage RalfBauNews stehen an...

Kaufdruck in Kanada nimmt zu!  

27.09.10 09:02

673 Postings, 6907 Tage RalfBau3 bis 5 Millionen Unzen Gold ???

Das wär wirklich unglaublich! Bald wissen wir mehr...

Ron Stewart, Dundee Securities (08/09/10)
"When we visited Continental Gold's Colombia-based Buriticá gold project in June, our initial impression was that they're onto something good leading us to recommend that risk tolerant investors looking for exploration exposure consider CNL as a worthy investment choice. Since that time, the company has been actively drilling with three surface and one underground drill rig and has completed a surface geochemical survey on the property. We expect that news of this drilling is headed for the headlines and wish to remind our readers of some of our thoughts about Buriticá.

Chemistry is the Key to Size and Grade
Buriticá is classified as a carbonate base metal (CBM) gold deposit. Geologically, this class of deposit is believed to form the link between the better-known, high-temperature porphyry and low-temperature epithermal end members. Some of attributes that make this class of deposit particularly appealing are. . .the vein array of a CBM deposit can be vertically extensive [and] the zonation of both the carbonates and base metals provide useful indicators, which point to portions of the vein array that may host better gold grades (bonanza grades are not uncommon). . .Given that economic-grade mineralization has already been established over a vertical distance of up to 450m and remains open at depth, we are of the view that Buriticá could host a 3?5 Moz. gold resource."  

27.09.10 11:57

673 Postings, 6907 Tage RalfBauGold in Kolumbien

Südamerika -

Die Spreu vom Weizen trennen In Südamerika gibt es hier enorme regionale Unterschiede zwischen den einzelnen Ländern. Als "explorationsfreundlich" lassen sich Chile, Uruguay, Kolumbien, Brasilien und Peru einstufen, während bei Ecuador, Venezuela und Bolivien Vorsicht angebracht ist.




27.09.10 13:03

673 Postings, 6907 Tage RalfBauWarum CNL Strong BUY?

Je höher der Gold/Silber Gehalt pro Tonne desto besser

Je höher die anzahl nachgewiesener Tonnen mit einem spezifischen Goldgehalt, umso besser.

Je kleiner das Länder Risiko desto besser.

(Ein Fund in Kuba, Venezuela, Russland, etc. ist nicht das Selbe wie ein Fund in Canada, Kolumbien oder in Schweden)

Je erschlossener das Fund Gebiet, desto besser.

(Ein Fund in einem unerschlossen Jungelgebiet, oder in der Wüste Gobi, ist nicht das selbe wie ein Fund neben einer bestehenden Landstrasse)

Je besser der bestehende Ruf eines Explorers, umso besser.

(Es spielt eine grosse Rolle, ob eine jahrelang bestehende Firma, oder ein gerade eben neu an der Börse gelisteter Explorer einen neuen Gold Fund bekannt gibt)

Je besser ein Explorer finanziert ist desto besser.

(Sehr viele Explorer sind völlig unzureichend finanziert, und können selbst wenn sie 12 Gramm Gold pro Tonne nachweisen, das Gold nicht ohne finanzstarken Partner aus dem Boden holen, weil ihnen selbst das Geld dazu fehlt)

Je weniger Aktien ein Explorer bereits ausgegeben hat, desto besser.

(Explorer finanzieren ihre laufenden Kosten und Explorationausgaben, in den meisten Fällen durch immer weiter Erhöhungen von Aktien)

Je kleiner die bestehende Fremdverschuldung eines Explorers, desto besser.

(Bankkredite, Anleihen, Hedging, etc.)



28.09.10 19:06

673 Postings, 6907 Tage RalfBauAuf, auf und davon

Bei CNL rechne ich bald mit "Super-Bohrergebnisse" aus Kolumbien!!!




28.09.10 20:35

673 Postings, 6907 Tage RalfBauWas ist denn in Kanada los?

Da gehts ja richtig ab...über 7,10$ nun in Kanada!!! Mitmachen bevor die Big-News kommen!!!


28.09.10 20:38

673 Postings, 6907 Tage RalfBauIn Kanada

kann man noch einsteigen...

Continental Gold Ltd
Symbol C : CNL
Typ: Aktie  WKN: A1CW79

Börse: Toronto Stock
StammdatenWertpapiertyp Aktie
Marktsegment Freiverkehr
Branche Edelmetalle
Geschäftsjahr --
Marktkapital. 420,26 Mio. EUR
Symbol LLA
ISIN BMG238501032
WKN A1CW79  

28.09.10 21:13

673 Postings, 6907 Tage RalfBauCNL erreicht neues Jahreshoch!! 7,14$

01.10.10 10:17

673 Postings, 6907 Tage RalfBauGestern mit neunem Jahreshoch 7,19$

Ich rechne heut oder Wochenanfang mit neue Bohrergebnisse aus Kolumbien  

01.10.10 11:24

673 Postings, 6907 Tage RalfBauÜber 3 Millionen Unzen Gold ??? STRONG BUY!!

Canaccord Capital, Morning Coffee (09/27/10)

"The Colombia gold explorer (Continental Gold) continued its upward trek on Friday, extending its two months of gains to over 100% and hitting an all-time high. . .on gold prices? The company has enjoyed a double whammy of late?impressive drill results and gold M&A euphoria. . .Highlights from the first results of its 2010 drill campaign at Veta Sur included: Hole 79, which intersected 14.3 m at 446g/t Au and 166g/t Ag, including 3.0 m at 2106.1g/t Au and 738.7g/t Ag; and separately 5.5 m at 100.2g/t Au and 88.3g/t Ag. . .Additionally, drilling at Hole 63. . .intersected 1.5 m at 64.82g/t Au and 2.7 m at 5.87g/t Au. These results unveiled a newly discovered vein system under a soil geochemical anomaly to the north of the Yaragua vein system and showed potential for further discoveries at Buritica outside of the Yaragua and Veta Sur systems. This first set of drill holes should be followed by the release of consistent drill results over the next six months. While the company is not going to see a resource estimate for the project until H1/11, it will likely start to attract a lot more attention from the drill bit in the interim."

Laurie Curtis,   Clarus Securities Inc. (09/24/10)

"Exploration thus far has revealed that the approximately nine veins (likely more once the veins can confidently be connected) occur in the Yaragua system and appear to comprise a braided vein network 250m?300m vertical and 120m wide over a strike length of 500m. . .Clearly, the regional geochemistry and historic workings are indicative of a much larger system but management has not yet speculated as to the ultimate size potential, suffice to say the geochemical footprint extends far beyond known veins systems to date.

CNL believes [it has] a tiger, but one that needs to be tamed with a focused effort. The expensive adit [sic] program will provide not only exploration intelligence but will essentially comprise development access and relieve likely long-term bottleneck in future mining. This serious approach, as with the current mining program, which generates annual cash flow of about US$7M) is not about proving up quick ounces for the market. The CNL management team assembled by Ari Sussman is engaged to mine and step-by-step and millimeter-by-millimeter, they are pushing to understand the ore body they are defining.

While we anticipate that Buritica will, ultimately, be a high-grade producer (from selective mining), it will be underpinned by a significant +3 Moz. global resource, which we estimate will be of quality grade and ensure long-life production."  

01.10.10 14:19

673 Postings, 6907 Tage RalfBauAktuelle Präsentation!!

Wahrscheinlich extra neuangefertigt für die kommenden News? Jetzt schnell einsteigen in Kanada ( CNL.TO  , WKN: A1CW79  )



Hier ne Faktenübersicht:



02.10.10 11:44

673 Postings, 6907 Tage RalfBauSuper Empfehlung von Top-analyst Craig Stanley



Movers & Shakers: Pinetree Capital's Craig Stanley - Part 1

10/1/2010 4:55:11 PM

"What to look for in a gold stock investment"

Craig Stanley is Vice President of Research for Pinetree Capital (TSX: T.PNP, Stock Forum), a merchant banking firm focused on investing in early stage micro and small cap resource companies. Although Pinetree became well known for uranium back when there was a boom in that commodity in 2006, the company is focused on small-cap mining in general. Its biggest positions currently are in gold and other precious metal related equities and that’s what they’re focused on for the longer term. They still have uranium companies in their portfolio, though, and Pinetree CEO Sheldon Inwentash also runs Mega Uranium (TSX: T.MGA, Stock Forum).

“Some of our big wins we’ve had recently that still have a lot of potential – one is Colossus Minerals (TSX: T.CSI, Stock Forum),” said Stanley. He calls the company’s drill results “ridiculously high grade, the highest grades in the world I’ve ever seen for gold, silver, platinum and palladium.” Another one of Pinetree’s big winners Stanley mentioned is Continental Gold (TSX: T.CNL, Stock Forum) in Colombia.

For Stanley, these companies are examples of great management, with great assets that were open to Pinetree getting in at a very early stage. For Pinetree, however, it’s also about getting the right people in to hold the stock – ones that will be long-term holders.

“It’s a mixture of management and assets. We’ll invest in a company even if it has bad management with good assets if maybe there’s something we can do there,” Stanley added.

As far as the asset goes, Stanley asserts that his company looks for both open ‘pittable’ and underground mining potential. As well, he is not particular in regards to geography either – Pinetree will invest in riskier countries throughout the world.

“Sheldon (Pinetree’s CEO) just wants leverage to gold, that’s his big thing. Sometimes he’ll invest (in a company) even if it doesn’t work at this gold price, will it work at $2000 gold? And if he can get it for cheap then that will make sense,” Stanley stated.

As far as how to value a gold producer, Stanley believes investors should look to a company’s net asset value (NAV) as opposed to price multiples such as P/E, P/CF and P/B. A company’s NAV is calculated by summing up the discounted cash flows (DCF) produced from its mine(s), adding cash and subtracting any debt.  

NAV calculations take into consideration a company’s debt position, as well as the cash flows over an entire mine’s life (and thus the size of a mine’s reserves/resources along with the metallurgical recoveries), and the initial and sustaining capital required to build and operate a mine.

Shares of senior gold producers trade well above NAV, even up to 2.5 times. The reason being is due to the non mean-reverting price performance of gold, where the supply-demand factors that affect base metals are different than that for gold (base metals are consumed as opposed to gold, which is stored).



02.10.10 11:46

673 Postings, 6907 Tage RalfBauTopempflehlung gestern kurz nach Börsenschluß

The Gold Report Interview with Craig Stanley (10/01/10) TGR: All right, let's get into some of the companies you have positions in. You mentioned Colossus Minerals, which has the high-grade gold/PGMs Serra Pelada Project in Brazil. That stock went from about
.50 to a high of over $9. The CEO of Colossus, Ari Sussman, has since launched Continental Gold Ltd. (TSX:CNL), and Pinetree has a position in Continental. Is that a bet on management? Tell us about Continental.

"[CEO] Ari [Sussman] is a great guy; and he has Victor Wall, a very well-known and -respected geologist, as his special advisor. I am going to visit Continental's Buritica gold project next week. It's in Colombia on a very large land package. . .There are some small, artisanal gold mines already on this huge land package, wherein locals are going in and high-grading some veins. But, yes, it's a bet on great management and amazing exploration potential?and, in this case, there's a great corporate structure, as well."

TGR: Does Continental have some drill results coming out soon that could move the share price?

CS: Yes. They are in the midst of a 25,000-meter drill program, though that will be just the beginning. I expect continuous results from these guys.

TGR: Is this strictly a gold project, or are there other metals in the mineralization?

CS: There might be some byproduct silver, but it's primarily a gold project.

TGR: What about Colombia as a jurisdiction?

CS: Colombia has really turned the corner from a political-risk standpoint, and the geology is amazing there. It's relatively under-explored. We have seen a lot of companies list up here on the TSX that have done very well in the oil and gas (O&G) sector, and now we're also seeing that in the mining space. There are still pockets that you probably want to stay away from, but there are a lot riskier places in the world than Colombia right now.


Craig Stanley Bets on Management, Good Assets
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Gold Report  10/01/2010

Pinetree Capital VP of Research Craig Stanley believes that, above all else, junior mining companies need solid management and good assets. And he believes management, in particular, trumps good assets. "We have been known to back management teams even before they have a project, based solely on their history," he says. Pinetree has positions in more than 400 companies and, in this exclusive interview with The Gold Report, Craig offers up some of his favorite gold and base metals plays in the lot.  

05.10.10 14:02

673 Postings, 6907 Tage RalfBauBald heisst es

" TRADING HALT" - der Kurs wird richtig abgehen. Ich würde jetzt auf dem Preislevel in Kanada einsammeln!  

05.10.10 16:19

673 Postings, 6907 Tage RalfBauIn Kanada

gehts wieder richtig ab. Aktuell 6,85 plus 0,24$ ...es kommen weitere Bohrergebnisse - jetzt lieber vorher in Kanada kaufen!
Hier die Bohrergebnisse vor 4 Wochen:
14.3 metres at 446g/t Gold and 166g/t Silver
19.2 meteres at 79.09 g/t Gold
9.30 metres at 6.37g/t gold  and 44g/t silver
8.85 metres at 10.28g/t gold and 11g/t Silver
8.50 metres at 23.67g/t gold and 149g/t silver
7.0 meteres at 91.99 g/t gold
5.9 metres at 21.34g/t gold  and 49g/t silver
5.5 metres at 100.2g/t gold and 88.3g/t silver
4.70 metres at 85.44g/t gold and 71g/t silver
3.90 metres at 31.98g/t gold and 40g/t silver
3.0 metres at 2106.1g/t Gold and 738.7g/t Silver
2.1 metres at 258g/t gold
1.5 metres at 64.82g/t gold
1.2 metres at 61.43g/t gold
2.7 metres at 5.87g/t gold  

08.10.10 17:13

673 Postings, 6907 Tage RalfBauGr. Investor erwirbt grad in Kanada

10.10.10 21:13

673 Postings, 6907 Tage RalfBauHier findet Ihr mehr Infos dazu:

13.10.10 12:14

673 Postings, 6907 Tage RalfBaudie Erfolgsgeschichte von CNL

geht weiter. Die 7$ Dollar Marke wird heute endlich geknackt! :-)))  

13.10.10 16:10

673 Postings, 6907 Tage RalfBauCNL EXPLODIERT grad in Kanada!!

13.10.10 18:45

673 Postings, 6907 Tage RalfBauWowwww

nachlegen bevor die "Big-News"  kommen...besser in Kanada kaufen - in DE kaum Handel!




18.10.10 14:56

673 Postings, 6907 Tage RalfBauIrgendwie wird es allmählich Zeit

fürs News! :-)))  

25.10.10 20:59

673 Postings, 6907 Tage RalfBauAktuell 6,20CAD$

Das Jhreshoch lag bei 7,70CAD$. Tolle Chance für Einstieg - noch bisher keine NEWS!  

30.10.10 14:02

673 Postings, 6907 Tage RalfBauWahnsinns-Entwicklung! 300% innerhalb von 6 Monate

Ende des Jahres stehen wir locker bei 10CAD$.



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