Eine Mio Unzen Gold in Australien...was meint ihr?

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19.09.12 05:12

1622 Postings, 5515 Tage heller-goisernNews vom 19/9

Millennium Minerals draws closer to first gold pour from Nullagine
Wednesday, September 19, 2012 by Bevis Yeo

Millennium Minerals (ASX: MOY) remains on track to start first gold pour from its Nullagine Gold Project in Western Australia late this month with the SAG mill now operating in steady state at design capacity.

The SAG mill had started commenced hot commissioning on ore on 15 September with first ore fed into the SAG mill over the weekend and was progressively loaded up with ore and grinding media over the last few days.

Pre-commissioning and dry commissioning has also been completed through the facility due to excellent progress on the final piping, electrical and instrumentation elements of the plant and supporting infrastructure.

Completion of construction has been on time and is forecast to be in line with the A$87 million capital budget.

Millennium has also received final reagent supplies of cyanide, gas and lime.

Nullagine gold production

Production for Nullagine is planned for an average rate of 72,000 ounces of gold per annum at a site cash cost of $756 per ounce.

Project metrics include an internal rate of return of 40% and revenue of $773 million over the 7.5 year mine life.

Nullagine hosts a 1.33 million ounce gold resource contained within seven deposits on granted mining leases.

The largest deposit is Golden Eagle, which contains 62% of the total Resource inventory.
Quelle proactivinvestor  

19.09.12 07:52

1115 Postings, 5466 Tage alexis62es geht los

Nullagine Gold Project- Operating in steady state at design

und endlich sieht man die fertiggestellten Produktionsanlagen  

19.09.12 08:07

1361 Postings, 5766 Tage Braindead0195sehr schön!! :-)

19.09.12 09:12

1612 Postings, 5563 Tage Lieschen muellerYess baby!! Das Ask bei den Koalas leert sich..

Das sieht richtig gut aus.

Über die letzten Tage ist die 0,027 dann die 0,028 A$ komplett leergesaugt worden. jetzt liegen noch einige wenige kleine Pakete bei 0,03. = entspricht z.Zt. 0,024 Euro.
Ich habe die letzten Tage noch versucht für 0,021 - 0,022 Euro einige zu ergattern. Habe in Stgrd und Fra Aufträge liegen.. nix zu machen. ich kauf mir nun doch noch welche für 0,023. Mir doch egal..

Hurra.. Auf gehts Moy.. Würd jetzt gern mal ne Woche auf dem Betriebsgelände rumhängen und gugge.. Ist schon nice, wenn man beinahe drei jahre die Bude beobachtet, immer wieder verbilligt, mehrere KE mitmacht und dabei die Progression des Projektes verfolgen kann.
Wenn ich da an andere Unternehmen denke, deren Informationspolitik quasi nichtexistent ist, das Management  keine Infos rauslaesst, die Kleininvestoren  völlig im Dunklen tappen. Da lobe ich mir Moy, das hat Hand und Fuß. So siehts aus.  
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19.09.12 10:35

1115 Postings, 5466 Tage alexis62lieschen mu

... Du sagst es ....  

19.09.12 10:36

7 Postings, 4550 Tage PartyPauleLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 19.09.12 11:18
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Regelverstoß - gesperrte Werbe ID



19.09.12 12:25

1612 Postings, 5563 Tage Lieschen muellerOptionen.

Mal sehen wie lange der 0.03A$ Deckel hält. Die Optionen sind beinahe am Geld. Wäre denkbar, die großen Jungs versuchen den Kurs unter 0,032 bis 0,033 zu halten. Die MOYOB werden in Aus bei 0,3 Cent gehandelt.

Erst ab 0,032 sollten also die meisten Optionen gezogen werden. Sonst lohnt sichs m.M. nicht.
Schauen wir mal. Was denkt ihr?  

25.09.12 08:42

190 Postings, 4799 Tage FilbiremusNews 24/9 March 2012 Quarterly Activities Report

25.09.12 10:34

1612 Postings, 5563 Tage Lieschen muellerorderbook Aussies:

Wurde hier dankenswerterweise von Chinasky schon einmal erklärt, aber hier nochmal zur Erklärung für die Leute, die das noch nicht kennen:

grün = wolle kaufe, rot =  wolle verkaufe..
Zahlen über den Balken = Anzahl Orders
farbl. Unterteilungen in den Balken = Größe der einzelnen Aufträge.
Horizontale Achse = sharepreis ( zb. 3 =   0,03AUD)
Vetrtikale Achse = Anzahl Stücke.

jede Menge Abstauber - Kauforders für 0,029 AUD, oberhalb von 0,03 ziemlich leergefegt.
In Fra liegen noch 1 mio für 0,024, entspricht ~ 24.000 Euro.

Das dauert nicht mehr lange.. n.m.M.  
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25.09.12 14:01

1 Posting, 5120 Tage hotsharesHallo, eine Frage an alle

wie hoch könnte der Kurs von MM überhaupt steigen innerhalb der nächsten 1-3 Jahre?
Vorausgesetzt der Produktionsplan und der Goldpreis sind stimmig.
Ich sehe hier auch vor allem die Menge an shares (über 3 Milliarden).
Eure Meinungen würden mich interessieren.  

26.09.12 05:16

1622 Postings, 5515 Tage heller-goisernNews vom 26/9

Millennium Minerals receives 12 month A$0.054 price target from Patersons Securities
Wednesday, September 26, 2012 by Proactive Investors
Expansion opportunity and potential for third party tolling and joint ventures are some of the upside takeaways that Millennium Minerals offers, according to Patersons Securities.

Millennium Minerals (ASX: MOY) has received a buy recommendation from Patersons Securities with a twelve month price target of A$0.054, almost double the last trade of A$0.029.

This is based on the company approaching first gold pour from its 100% owned Nullagine Gold Project in Western Australia’s Pilbara region that could produce 80,000 ounces of gold at a cash cost of A$815 per ounce over a seven year mine life in Paterson’s base case scenario.

Nullagine is on schedule and within its A$87 million budget with an expansion study due to be completed shortly that may call for plant capacity to be doubled to 3 million tonnes per annum.

This is expected to be funded from free cash flow.

Millennium is low geared with total depth of A$53 million though a large portion of this is expected to be repaid with proceeds of about A$45 million from the January 2013 exercise of 1.5 billion options priced at A$0.03 each.

At current gold prices, Millennium’s hedging is also seen as relatively benign with a total of 94,100 ounces forward sold at A$1,673 per ounce and put options over 10,500 ounces at A$1,600 per ounce.

The following is an extract from the report

Investment Highlights

Expansion production scenario. The plant has been over-engineered and can be upgraded relatively simply to 2 million tonnes per annum by the addition of a ball mill and two leach tanks for A$10 million to A$15 million.

To expand ore production, Millennium need only add a nightshift crew.

At 2 million tonnes per annum, Patersons estimates production will increase to 95,000 ounces of gold per year while cash costs decrease to A$758 per ounce from A$815 per ounce.

This will also increase the DCF valuation to A$302 million and price target to A$0.06.

Exploration will be the next key driver. The company has budgeted A$10 million for exploration activities in 2013 to extend its current resource reserve base at Nullagine.

First mover in the area. The Nullagine project can take advantage of being the only large scale plant within 500 kilometres, creating additional third party toll treating, joint venture and acquisition opportunities.

Millennium has been a consolidator of the ground around the Golden Eagle plant, entering into deals with Northwest Resources (ASX: NWR), Wakeford Holdings, Novo Resources (CNSX: NVO) and the Creasy Group to co-develop, toll treat or farm out nearby deposit.

The company is acquiring a 70% interest in the gold rights associated with tenements immediately southwest of Golden Eagle and has entered into an equal joint venture with Northwest to develop four deposits within 20 kilometres of the plant.

27.09.12 08:38

1361 Postings, 5766 Tage Braindead0195morgen leute

schlaft ihr alle noch??

wir sind über drei!! :-)  
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27.09.12 08:44

1361 Postings, 5766 Tage Braindead0195und hier

noch mal ein jahresrückblick
sieht echt geil aus!!  
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p.gif (verkleinert auf 85%) vergrößern

27.09.12 08:44

190 Postings, 4799 Tage FilbiremusSuper!

Jetzt diese Woche noch die News vom ersten Gold,dann kann es nur noch besser werden;-)  

27.09.12 09:47

1622 Postings, 5515 Tage heller-goisernAlso

Die drei haben wir in Australien heute geschaft So langsam kommt Leben rein.MOY Millennium Minerals Limited FPO  

Total Trades Total Volume Last Trade V.W.A.P*
195 54,588,247 3.1 3.07
* Volume Weighted Average Price
Number (s) Time
Last Traded Price Volume Change Value Number
of Trades
185 - 195 4:10:37 pm 3.1 2,200,000 0.1 $68,200 11
184 3:58:11 pm 3.2 10,000 0.1 $320 1
182 - 183 3:57:14 pm 3.1 270,000 0.1 $8,370 2
171 - 181 3:55:45 pm 3.2 1,079,581 0.1 $34,547 11
170 3:09:32 pm 3.1 33,000 0.1 $1,023 1
158 - 169 3:07:55 pm 3.2 760,305 0.1 $24,330 12
157 2:33:44 pm 3.1 200,000 0.1 $6,200 1
145 - 156 2:33:26 pm 3.2 865,587 0.1 $27,699 12
143 - 144 1:56:15 pm 3.1 131,789 0.1 $4,085 2
141 - 142 1:50:00 pm 3.2 358,000 0.1 $11,456 2
139 - 140 1:36:51 pm 3.1 320,000 0.1 $9,920 2
127 - 138 1:29:09 pm 3.2 1,300,630 0.1 $41,620 12
126 12:58:45 pm 3.1 100,000 0.1 $3,100 1
125 12:54:16 pm 3.2 200,000 0.1 $6,400 1
124 12:44:51 pm 3.1 34,500 0.1 $1,069 1
123 12:39:11 pm 3.2 50,000 0.1 $1,600 1
122 12:35:41 pm 3.1 25,000 0.1 $775 1
116 - 121 12:35:25 pm 3.2 302,984 0.1 $9,695 6
95 - 115 12:17:33 pm 3.1 8,780,295 0.1 $272,189 21
90 - 94 11:49:14 am 3.2 1,000,000 0.1 $32,000 5
85 - 89 11:46:43 am 3.1 2,119,705 0.1 $65,711 5
84 11:40:41 am 3 37,500 0.1 $1,125 1
75 - 83 11:38:36 am 3.1 6,250,000 0.1 $193,750 9
73 - 74 11:34:01 am 3 212,000 0.1 $6,360 2
56 - 72 11:33:00 am 3.1 6,447,145 0.1 $199,861 17
54 - 55 10:57:27 am 3 58,000 0.1 $1,740 2
50 - 53 10:40:56 am 3.1 562,500 0.1 $17,437 4
46 - 49 10:34:11 am 3 403,059 0.1 $12,092 4
43 - 45 10:29:56 am 3.1 500,000 0.1 $15,500 3
39 - 42 10:29:49 am 3 1,318,218 0.1 $39,547 4
38 10:26:27 am 2.9 350,000 0.1 $10,150 1
35 - 37 10:26:11 am 3 1,850,000 0.1 $55,500 3
34 10:22:16 am 2.9 150,000 0.1 $4,350 1
1 - 33 10:19:55 am 3 16,308,449   $489,253 33  

27.09.12 11:49

1612 Postings, 5563 Tage Lieschen muellerEs kommt Leben rein.

Ich habe doch tatsächlich gestern noch einmal einige Stücke zu 0,023 bekommen in Frankfurt.. Leider nur 50.000 Stk. aber besser als nix.
Ich frage mich wer haut die Dinger jetzt noch für unter 0,03 AUD raus?
Naja. Mir recht.  

27.09.12 12:45

1612 Postings, 5563 Tage Lieschen muellerweils einfach schön ist:

In D gibts auch keine mehr für 0,024 ( ~0,03AUD).

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02.10.12 05:21

1622 Postings, 5515 Tage heller-goisernNews vom 2/10

Millennium Minerals' is Australia's newest gold producer
Tuesday, October 02, 2012 by John Phillips
Millennium has now transitioned to become Australia's newest gold producer from the Nullagine Gold Mine - under the leadership of CEO Brian Rear. The gold pour marked the successful completion of the commissioning of the process facilities.

Millennium Minerals (ASX: MOY) is now Australia's newest gold producer after the company completed its maiden gold pour from the Nullagine Gold Mine in the East Pilbara District of Western Australia.

The milestone gold pour marked the successful completion of the commissioning of the process facilities.

Brian Rear, chief executive officer, commented: “The company’s first gold pour is a very significant achievement marking our transition to Australia’s newest gold producer.

"I would like to thank our dedicated employees and our contractors who have delivered a functioning mine and production facility in less than 12 months site activity to budget and on time, an exceptional effort.

"I would also thank our shareholders and our financiers for their strong support and providing the company with the financial backing to achieve our objectives. We are now focused on maintaining continuous operation of the plant and achieving our planned production objectives from October onwards”.

Nullagine currently hosts a 1.33 million ounce gold resource contained within 7 deposits on granted mining leases, with the largest deposit known as Golden Eagle located 10 kilometres south of the township of Nullagine. Golden Eagle contains 62% of the total resource.


Millennium's share price has recently moved in line with the run up to production - and now with the successful first gold pour - the company has become a revenue earner with a very strong production and cash generating profile.

Average gold output is planned at 72,000 ounces per annum at a site cash cost of $756 per ounce. Proactive Investors could see Millennium increasing production to 100,000 ounces per annum from all deposits based on studies underway.

Millennium is low geared with total debt of A$53 million though a large portion of this is expected to be repaid with proceeds of about A$45 million from the January 2013 exercise of 1.5 billion options priced at A$0.03 each.

With a forecast EBITDA of $773 million and a project IRR of 40%, the projects economics still indicate that Millennium is undervalued relative to its peers.

Proactive Investors  

02.10.12 08:49

1361 Postings, 5766 Tage Braindead0195unser

baby gießt sein erstes gold!!! :-)  

03.10.12 06:51

2125 Postings, 5445 Tage Starbikerunser baby

macht heute 10% plus in Australien!  

03.10.12 07:37

2125 Postings, 5445 Tage Starbikerhat

leider nicht gehalten  

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