"The Board notes that the current net interest bearing debt level is below the long term target of EUR 1,050 million. The long term net interest bearing debt target is based on harvest volumes of 440,000 tonnes. In the last two years total harvesting volumes are down to 369,000 GWE tonnes. To recover lost volumes and support further organic growth, substantial biomass investments are required, and net interest bearing debt will increase accordingly. Marine Harvest?s strategy of being a global integrated provider of seafood continues, and as previously disclosed the company currently undertakes numerous organic growth projects across all three business areas."
MH wird also weiter kräftig wachsen, dafür jedoch Schulden aufnehmen. Zwar seht das aktuelle Quartal nach Stillstand aus. Jedoch benötigen Investitionen Zeit zu reifen. Die Dividende wurde in Höhe von 3,40 NOK (ca. 34 Eurocent) festgelegt und wurde damit abermals erhöht (Q2 2017: 3,20 NOK).
Aus meiner Sicht läuft alles nach Plan.