Vestas -alles andere als flügellahm

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06.01.17 09:31

176 Postings, 3126 Tage ChalkerTexas

Vestas is to supply turbines totalling 200MW to Alterra Power?s Flat Top wind farm in Texas.  

06.01.17 09:50

79561 Postings, 9261 Tage Kicky3 GW wind energy development agreement RES

with Southern Company subsidiary Southern Power, to develop and construct approximately 3,000 megawatts (MW) of wind power across 10 projects located in various regions within the United States.  All projects are expected to achieve commercial operation between 2018 and 2020.
....RES will serve as the lead developer and balance-of-plant constructor for the projects. Southern Power has signed agreements to purchase wind turbine equipment from both Siemens and Vestas......

das ist natürlich ein riesiges Projekt und sichert die Zukunft für Vestas und Gamesa trotz Trump

06.01.17 09:57

79561 Postings, 9261 Tage KickyGouverneur von Ohio kippt Gesetzentwurf gg Wind

einen Gesetzentwurf,der die Windenergie eingefroren hätte und erklärt sich deutlich für die Schaffung von Arbeitsplätzen, die Teile für die Windenergie herstellen­e-in-ohio/58488

..Gov. Kasich said allowing the bill to become law would ?amount to self-inflicted damage both to our state?s near- and long-term economic competitiveness.?
Now, Ohio?s families and businesses can look forward to more wind growth, taking advantage of the state?s abundant resource. That will create more local jobs and new orders for Ohio?s nation-leading 62 factories that build wind turbine parts..Wind energy has attracted exactly those sorts of high-tech firms to Ohio, creating entirely new employment opportunities. For example, Amazon has built three large new data centers in Ohio, largely because it was able to power them with wind.....


06.01.17 19:50

6270 Postings, 7148 Tage FundamentalDeswegen der Kurssprung intraday

06.01.2017 | 12:52

GlobeNewswire·Mehr Nachrichten von GlobeNewswire

Vestas Wind Systems A/S: Vestas upgrades free cash flow expectations for 2016 to EUR 1,500m-1,600m

Aarhus, Denmark, 2017-01-06 12:51 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

Based on preliminary reporting, Vestas upgrades the expectations for the 2016 free cash flow (incl. the acquisition of Availon Holding GmbH and excl. investments in marketable securities) to EUR 1,500m-1,600m compared to the previous expectation of minimum EUR 1,000m. The improvement is primarily driven by a strong order intake.

As earlier announced, the annual report for 2016 will be disclosed on 8 February 2017.

Contact details Vestas Wind Systems A/S, Denmark Hans Martin Smith, Senior Vice President, Group Treasury and Investor Relations Tel: +45 9730 8209


© 2017 GlobeNewswire  

07.01.17 12:38

114 Postings, 4071 Tage hadeberlHallo zusammen,

ich weiss ja, die Frage, ob es morgen schneit ist einfacher zu beantworten. Was ist Eure Meinung zur  Performence unsere Aktie in den nächsten 5 Jahren.

Vielen Dank  

08.01.17 17:10

114 Postings, 4071 Tage hadeberlGibt

es niemanden der meint, eine fundierte Prognose abgeben zu können?  

09.01.17 10:04

79561 Postings, 9261 Tage Kickykannst ja die früheren Beiträge lesen

andernfalls bin ich hier Moderatorin !
s.#1439 und #1444  

09.01.17 10:11

79561 Postings, 9261 Tage Kickynorwegische ABG mit Buy KZ 650kr

"Også Vestas' ligger godt til mandag morgen efter en stigning på 1,2 pct. til 475,90 kr. Det norske børshus, ABG, har lagt en tyver oven i kursmålet, der nu er 650 kr. Anbefalingen er stadig "køb". .."  

09.01.17 11:12

79561 Postings, 9261 Tage Kickyschwedische Sydbank Kauf mpfehlung

Die Sydbank bleibt bei ihrer Kaufempfehlung für Vestas nach Anhebung des Cash flows. Sie meint,auch der Auftragseingang sei von 9000MW auf 9900 MW angestiegen. Die Anhebung des Cashflows deute darauf hin, dass Vestas selber überrascht war von dem Auftragseingang am Ende des Jahres und die Aufträge auch eine Menge Geld in die Kasse gespült haben. Sie seien nicht überrascht,dass die frühere Prognose von 1 Milliarde überschritten wurde,aber dass es so markant sei, sei überraschend. Dann wiederholt die Sydbank die Überzeugung,dass Vestas ein so grosses Polster an Aufträgen in USA mit über 13000MW habe. dass es bis 2020 reichen werde ( frei übersetzt )  

09.01.17 21:25

176 Postings, 3126 Tage Chalker600 MW to Longroad Energy Holding in USA

Auftrag über 600 MW Turbinenkomponenten to Longroad Energy Holding in die Staaten:  

10.01.17 23:39

176 Postings, 3126 Tage Chalker300MW

Vestas has received a firm and unconditional order in the USA comprising 150 V110-2.0 MW turbines, totalling 300 MW.  

11.01.17 13:16

79561 Postings, 9261 Tage KickyGoldman mit Buy KZ angehoben auf 650

11.01.17 13:19

79561 Postings, 9261 Tage KickySocGen senkt Ziel für Vestas auf 515 kr u Hold

unter hinweis auf Trump....

ja manche Analysten sind wie Kühe Wiederkäuer  

11.01.17 13:25

79561 Postings, 9261 Tage KickyKepler Cheuvreux erhöht KZ v. 592 kr auf 620kr

13.01.17 17:00

176 Postings, 3126 Tage ChalkerStarkes Stück!

Largest Ever 8MW Order Lands on MHI Vestas Desk
450MW Borkum Riffgrund 2»+News%29  

16.01.17 12:16

79561 Postings, 9261 Tage KickyGrösster Auftrag jemals über 450MW für MHI Vestas

ja das ist wirklich toll
DONG Energy has decided to build the German offshore wind farm Borkum Riffgrund 2, which is expected to be fully commissioned in the first half of 2019.With this decision, DONG Energy will reach 6.7GW of installed offshore wind capacity, exceeding the 2020 target of 6.5GW installed capacity.

Borkum Riffgrund 2 will have a total export capacity of 450MW, and will feature the largest wind turbines in German waters: 56 units of MHI Vestas? 8MW wind turbines with rotor spans of 164 meters.  

16.01.17 12:26

79561 Postings, 9261 Tage KickyVesta: die bedeutendste Wachstumsgeschichte des

Jahrhunderts. Vestas ist die grösste, erfahrendste Windtrurbinen-Company in der Welt. Vestas  ist ein globaler Wettbewerber und hält den Rekord mit der grössten Windturbine . Es ist gut aufgestellt für den nächsten grossen Sprung in der Windkraft: schwimmende Offshore-Windturbinen-die preiswerte Energie zu der Hälfte der Welt bringen könnte

" Investors looking to get in on of the most significant growth stories of the century have many options, but Vestas  (VWDRY) stands out. The Danish wind turbine equipment maker and installer, with a market cap of nearly $15 billion, is one of the purest pure plays in investment history. It's where the wind blows.... Vestas is in an enviable position. It is widely considered to be the biggest, most experienced wind turbine company in the world. It's a global competitor and holds the record for having produced the biggest wind turbine. It's also poised for the next big leap in wind power -- building and installing floating off-shore turbines -- that could bring cheap, sustainable energy to the roughly half the world's population that lives within a hundred miles of a coastline...."


16.01.17 12:30

79561 Postings, 9261 Tage Kicky225MW Great Western project Oklahoma fertig

30 3.3MW V117 and 63 2MW V100 wind turbines supplied by Vestas. Strom wird an Google verkauft  

20.01.17 15:38

79561 Postings, 9261 Tage KickyGamesa mit Grossauftrag beflügelt auch Vestas

Tilbage i eliteindekset - og toppen - ligger vindmølleselskabet Vestas til et plus på 0,7 pct. til 474,10 kr. fredag middag. Aktien kan have fået investorernes opmærksomhed, efter at den spanske vindmølleproducent Gamesa har fået et par store mexicanske ordre på levering af møller med en samlet kapacitet på 325,5 megawatt.  

24.01.17 13:31

176 Postings, 3126 Tage Chalker110 MW China

Vestas receives 110 MW order in China

The firm and unconditional order comprises 2 MW platform turbines and underlines Vestas' growing presence in China.!NewsView  

24.01.17 14:43

79561 Postings, 9261 Tage KickySteven Mnuchin zukünftiger Finanzminister zu PTC

hat offenbar im letzten Hearing das Festhalten an PTC signalisiert . Auch Jeff Bornstein von General Electric hat bei der Vorstellung des Reports letzte Woche gesagt, er erwarte keine Änderungen beim Chefanalytiker Klaus Kehl von  Nykredit Markets im Gespräch mit Ritzau Finans  

24.01.17 14:46

79561 Postings, 9261 Tage KickyPTC bleibt

" Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) looked to confirm a response Mnuchin gave in a meeting before the hearing, in which he agreed the phaseout of the wind energy Production Tax Credit should remain in place.Grassley specifically said: ?As we discussed, Congress has effectively put in place transition rules for some alternative energy, including wind. The production tax credit is scheduled to phaseout over the next few years, ending in 2020. Based on our conversation, I believe we are in agreement that you would support the current phaseout as part of any tax reform proposal.?
Mnuchin agreed with Grassley saying: ?On this point, I absolutely agree with you. We do need to have phaseout rules when we change things. I support the phaseout of that as you suggested.?.."  

25.01.17 12:33

79561 Postings, 9261 Tage KickyVestas Left behind in the Trump Rally

Vestas und Dong
..." A first candidate is wind giant Vestas Wind (OTCPK:VWDRY), the only big pure play in wind turbines. Vestas could actually be a good buy; its higher margin service business is increasing, according to Chris Bryant:
Services made up 58 percent of the company's 17.1 billion euro ($18.9 billion) order backlog at the end of October, about 8 percentage points higher than a year ago. These contracts typically last between five and 10 years, so they're a reliable source of revenue -- in 2015 they accounted for 13.5 per cent of the total. They're very profitable.  This is a company that had a blowout third quarter (revenues increased by 37% and earnings increased by 50%) and raised 2016 guidance yet again:
Revenues will be 10-10.5 billion euros.
A whopping 1 billion euros of that will be free cash flow.
Order backlog declined by 1B euros but it is still very high at 17.1B euros or 1.7GW. But....

In the meantime, the company should get some support from a rising dollar and the daughter MHI Vestas Offshore ...."  

25.01.17 12:56

79561 Postings, 9261 Tage KickyJP Morgan mit Overweight KZ 648 belassen
Man sei zuversichtlich, dass Vestas in den USA Marktanteile gewonnen habe  

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