Interessant aber durch aus ja bereits bekannt.... (von gestern)
Today?s Auxly Stock Action in my view Canadian Auxly Market - Today saw some wild trading. The short cartel was trying to close a chunk of its short interest and the market was not allowing it. Shorts have lost about 20% on their position since late November 2020 as described below. Clearly shareholders have been fighting back and need to continue this effort. Again, I will say that the Auxly leadership needs to step up and protect its shareholders from these short attacks. Hopefully they will have positive news soon. Moreover, posters recently reported that as of 11/30/20 short shares went from 1,021,774 to 14,639,923 for the CA stock market. This is an unheard-of increase. Looks like the short cartel was trying to slam this stock assuming that gross earnings would be less than $10M when it was actually over $15M. This short cartel is determined to close this 14M short shares but today they failed. Fight back and do not let them cover. They are caught in a trap that they created. Let the market teach them a lesson on greed that making false derogatory statements about a company has consequences. Maybe the day traders will come in tomorrow and teach this short cartel some manners. How about an explosive short squeeze? US Auxly Stock Market ? Similar wild trading especially during power hour occurred in the US Auxly market. Here too the short cartel was trying to close a chunk of its short interest and the market was not allowing it. Clearly shareholders have been fighting back and need to continue this defense. This short cartel must be stopped. Continue the fight and do not allow shorts to close their positions unless they pay a price that you desire. I say $5.00 a share. There is a cost for being so greedy. Fight Back!! Ask Auxly IR to protect shareholders. This short cartel must be stopped. Best of luck and wealth.