Aus Andrews presentation :
Key quotes from preso: . focus remains on commencing production on traditional markets and expanding on battery . this week Daimler announced 10 EVs by 2022 committing $11B . currently at back end of all the hard work . production based on support of offtake "partners" . debt financing based on "updated BFS" . Updated BFS has been an enormous body of work in last year . had to address many aspects, particularly social . unable to update market as "partners" have not allowed them to disclose info . BFS is very comprehensive to meet German standards and requirements of debt financiers . BFS still on target for Q2, likely next 2-3 weeks . BFS long awaited but will be well rewarded . 60ktpa is the beginning... added value coming . OTA long term exclusive arrangements . working on a number of agreements for balance of 60ktpa. announcement when BFS ann. . supportive Debt finance partners . grid power cost saving in the order of $70-80/T opex in 2-3 years . Kilombero bridge completed a month ago (was previously a constraint on the 40ktpa) . upgraded resources 30M T, 15-20 years + mine life . more definition of resource required by financiers (electromagnetic survey indicates huge body of graphite for future demand . Epanko has very nice rock ! . crystalline, cheetah like structure like Charlie the Cheetah. . chart comparison with other graphite Co's showed high grade and large flake which is saleable to many markets . Feasibility study (battery) due July ? . produced spherical grade graphite as full production scale (200T sample ?) which met spec . very experienced board, on the ground in Tanzania and with graphite (Frey) . have $4.5M in bank which will take us to debt financing position . 10% of shareholders in Germany ! . last CR attracted aus largest fund (Colonial)
News flow next couple months.. . updated BFS . further agreements to support 60ktpa . debt financing . battery feasibility study (July ?)