Der Auftrag wird über Selex Elsag abgewickelt....
regulärer VK - wahrscheinlich die große kiste ... irgendwo bei 6.800 EURO - dazu noch weiteres office zeugs dazu .... die schätzung kommt schon hin allerdings: ist das eine initiallieferung - gibt es sowas wie weitere abrufoptionen ... für 42000 filialen werden die 105 stück ja nicht reichen ... dazu wüsste man doch gerne mehr ...
vom Juli 2012:
Finmeccanica strengthens its position in Russia through SELEX Elsag, by providing Russian Post with know-how and technologies to develop and modernize its network, consisting of 42 thousand offices, optimising the logistic network and introducing new digital services.
This is provided for by an important strategic partnership agreement signed today in Moscow by Giuseppe Orsi, Chairman and CEO of Finmeccanica, Massimo Sarmi, CEO of Poste Italiane, and Aleksandr Kiselev, Chief Operating Officer of Russian Post, during the official visit to the Russian Federation of the Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti.
Under the new agreement, a series of joint activities will also take place by the end of 2012, aimed at identifying further business opportunities to provide Russian Post with further Italian expertise.
“This agreement allows us to provide our technologies as support for both Poste Italiane and Russian Post in their quest for innovation, and it represents an important achievement not only for Finmeccanica and SELEX Elsag, but for the entire country”, stated Giuseppe Orsi, Chairman and CEO of Finmeccanica. “The agreement enables us to showcase our technological know-how, in one of the major world economies, which proves the high international competitive capacity of made in Italy technology, of which Finmeccanica is a market leader. This partnership - concluded Orsi – is a significant acknowledgment for SELEX Elsag, which has operated in Russia since the early 90s and boasts internationally acknowledged expertise in the automation and secure management of integrated logistic processes, and it further enhances Finmeccanica’s already well-established presence in Russia”.
SELEX Elsag has been operational in Russia since the early 90s. Since 2000, SELEX Elsag has won the Russian Post tender for the supply of the turnkey automated post office in Moscow, the country’s main logistic hub. The company has subsequently achieved other important contracts from Russian Post in the field of automation and postage sorting, and in particular the project for setting up the technological infrastructure for two Hybrid Mail centres in Moscow and St. Petersburg (2007); the contract for extensions of the post office in Moscow (2010); the contract for setting up a new turnkey system in Rostov-On-Don (2011).