Cannabis ein sicherer mid-bigcap- Hafen?
gut analysiert
"Some points after going over the Q1 numbers:
Net loss shrunk by $900K (revenues keep going up and expenses go down means we are on the right track).
$21.4 million in Cash on hand
$4.3 million in receivables
$28.6 million in inventories and other receivables
Assets = $390 million - our market cap is $256 million currently! Based solely on market cap we should be around $0.62 per share
Cost of goods sold will decrease as their Sunens and PEI Hemp farms come online - but their gross margin on cannabis products right now is 51% which from a distributor/manufacturer standpoint is very very good
Curative should get cleared up and direction given on what they plan on doing with it soon.
Auxly implemented a new ERP system tying the companies subsidiaries together - think efficiency!
All the promissory notes are done and hopefully a thing of the past now that everything is in house
2 years of nominal obligations, 2022 is when the long term debt increases substantially - hopefully by then all cylinders are firing!"
"The majority of the first floor of the two-story, 52,000 square foot facility is licenced for production, storage and sale of Cannabis 1.0 Products and 2.0 Products. Licencing amendments for the next phase of the first floor have been submitted to Health Canada and are currently under review. Construction on the second floor of the Dosecann facility is ongoing, and the Company anticipates that construction will be completed and related licencing amendments obtained in 2020, which will increase storage space and triple the total addressable production area, significantly increasing product manufacturing for existing product formats as well as enabling Dosecann to manufacture additional product formats at commercial scale. We continue to tailor our assets and capabilities in order to be a dominant player in the derivative products market by focusing resources towards Dosecann. (Let?s hope the entire facility is complete and licensed THIS YEAR)
KGK has also applied for additional Cannabis Research licences which are currently under review by Health Canada. (Will be interesting to see what the licenses are for, I?d assume something with 3.0)
Sunens Farms Inc. (?Sunens?) is the Company?s large-scale joint venture with partner Peter Quiring, CEO of Nature Fresh Foods. The 1.1 million square foot greenhouse project is currently under construction in Leamington, Ontario. The project will be licenced in multiple phases throughout 2020, the first portion of which included the submission of an evidence package to Health Canada in March 2020, followed by harvest and delivery of cannabis anticipated to commence in the latter portion of 2020 from such initial licenced area. The Company anticipates that the additional licence amendments for the remaining phases will be submitted throughout the course of 2020, and upon receipt of such amendments, the entire cultivation footprint for the project will be licenced. We contributed approximately $98.5 million towards the project. (So they plan to have license amendments for all phases submitted by the end of 2020, I wonder how long the approval process will take and when we can expect the entire facility to be running)
We expect our strategic partnership with Imperial Brands PLC (?Imperial Brands?, see ?Recent Developments? below), will further advance our capabilities in relation to Cannabis 2.0 Products. Under the partnership, Imperial Brands has granted Auxly global vape IP licences for cannabis use. Imperial Brands? subsidiary, Nerudia, has a growing scientific team dedicated to cannabis research and a facility licenced for R&D activities with cannabis.
In addition to its vape IP and R&D, Auxly is leveraging Imperial Brands? complementary expertise to spur new product development and global expansion, including: commercial expansion into new jurisdictions where Imperial Brands? sales and distribution reach is strongest; global brand building in highly regulated markets; consumer insights and intelligence capabilities; product commercialization expertise; scalable operational excellence and supply chain management; and best-in-class governance practices. (Can?t wait to see what products come from this deal along with when we can expect them to hit the market and all the locations/countries they?ll be distributed to)
Capsugel Inc. (?Capsugel?), a subsidiary of Lonza Group Ltd. (?Lonza?), designs, develops and manufactures a wide range of innovative dosage forms for the biopharmaceutical and consumer health & nutrition industries. Capsugel will provide Dosecann with a complete line of equipment for capsule filling and sealing, including a state-of-the-art LEMS® machine, Lonza?s proprietary liquid-filled Capsugel® Licaps® capsules and rights to its capsule filling and sealing LEMS® technology. Dosecann and Lonza will also work collaboratively on new product formulations for cannabis capsule products (This may be a 3.0 play with the Ahiflower oil)
Inverell S.A. (?Inverell?), the Company?s 80%-owned subsidiary based in Montevideo, Uruguay, is one of the largest cannabis cultivators in the region. Due to the slow pace of political and regulatory change in Latin America (?LATAM?) and slow progression of sales opportunities over the past 6-12 months, we chose not to proceed with the development of Inverell?s extraction capabilities. We are evaluating opportunities in respect of extraction services or partnerships for Inverell in Uruguay as well as exploring sales channels into other markets in LATAM and other legal jurisdictions. As of the date of this MD&A, the harvest has commenced for the 2020 growing season. We are also focused on additional opportunities in Europe and North America, in markets with legal cannabis regimes. We are collaborating with Imperial Brands to leverage their regulatory, sales and distribution channels, as well as any other resources available to assess viable markets for our cannabis products. (Mexico could be legalizing soon so I wonder if that could be a target for Inverell. Also wonder if they?ll give an update on extraction and the amount that?s been harvested for 2020 grow season. Additional opportunities in Europe and North America huh, USA anyone??)
We achieved the following milestones to date in 2020:
Continued to ship and sell Cannabis 2.0 Products to the Canadian market, earning net operating revenues of $9.0 million from cannabis related sales.
Received required licence amendment which allows Robinsons to sell dried cannabis to provincial boards and retail stores.
Received approvals to enter into public contracts in Quebec and are exploring listings for certain products in the province.
Entered into key partnerships and agreements with each of Medical Cannabis by Shoppers Drug Mart and OCAD University, and acquired exclusive global rights to omega- rich Ahiflower® oil from Natures Crops International (?Natures Crops?).
(I wonder what products their developing for Quebec. Hopefully they look into Namaste?s Cannmart platform as another online medical market to Shoppers)"
Alan Dorich June 10, 2020
Headquartered in Toronto, Auxly strives to be a leader in the ?cannabis 2.0? sector of the market. Pictured here is Auxly?s Prince Edward Island manufacturing hub, Dosecann.
When building a business, it can be easy to lose sight of the original mission and get distracted by new demands. But Auxly Cannabis Group Inc. thrives by keeping its attention focused on the goals set by its management team.
?We have a laser focus on our vision and how we develop and manufacture products,? Vice President of Domestic and International Supply Chain and Operations Alan Cooke says. ?[We want to] be the best at what we do.?
Headquartered in Toronto, Auxly (TSX.V ? XLY OTCQX: CBWTF) specializes in cannabis products for the wellness and recreational markets. The firm, which originally started operations as Cannabis Wheaton Income Corp., strives to be a leader in the ?cannabis 2.0? sector of the market, which consists of cannabis derivatives products such as edibles and concentrates used in vaping.
?We have strived to build a business ready to go on day one of 2.0, which we achieved last December,? Cooke says. He notes that Auxly has built up an array of assets, including advanced manufacturing operations and a research arm. ?It?s about taking every element, blending it together and getting this very well-balanced business.?
Its research and development, processing and manufacturing assets include its Dosecann LD Inc. subsidiary on Prince Edward Island, where it manufactures derivatives such as chocolate and chewable products. Auxly also has its KGK Science Inc. subsidiary in London, Ontario, where it researches cannabis and its effects. Kolab Project is another Auxly facility, based in Ottawa, Ontario, facility, which processes cannabis pre-rolls.
On the cultivation side, Auxly has Robinsons, a 27,700 square foot, purpose-built facility in Nova Scotia, which is also expanding to include a massive outdoor growing operation. Auxly is also building a 1.1 million-square-foot greenhouse facility in in Leamington, Ontario, that will be a joint venture with Sunens Farms Inc. ?It?s going to be one of the most state-of-the-art cultivation facilities in North America,? Cooke predicts. ?We?re always looking at new and better ways to do things.?
On a Good Path
Auxly aims to make its supply chain more flexible and agile. ?That?s one of our big projects this year,? Cooke says. ?We?re taking the company from the inbound and outbound and streamlining it. We?re going to have a world-class supply chain function in every area.?
As part of this focus, the company invested in new ERP technology that it is currently rolling out, as well as equipment it is adding to the Sunens location. Cooke is pleased in the company?s progress so far. ?I?ve been in the industry for three years and I can?t tell you how impressed I am with this facility,? he declares. ?This will be an incredibly automated facility that will give us the ability to grow the best quality cannabis.?
This reflects the standards the company set with its Dosecann facility; Cooke says. ?We have always looked through the lens of where is the best place to go for the technology,? he says. ?Everything we do is based around innovation and we believe we are on a very good, strong path for both of these facilities.?
?A Beneficial and Rewarding Relationship?
Auxly has benefited from its recent partnership with Imperial Brands PLC, one of the largest tobacco companies in the world. More than a year ago, the firm invested in Auxly. ?It brought membership from the Imperial team to our board, which brings expertise from a different sphere of the industry,? Cooke says.
It also has given Auxly a partner for potential development, manufacturing and commercialization around the world. ?They give us access to a completely different field to play on,? he continues. ?They have been incredibly supportive.?
?It?s been a beneficial and rewarding relationship for both businesses,? he states. ?It gives us access to a mature R&D, branding, marketing and manufacturing expertise that exists globally, along with the ability to tap into some of the best minds in the consumer-packaged-goods industry. We?ll continue to see that grow over time.? In just one part of the partnership with Imperial Brands, Auxly gains access to Imperial?s global licenses for vaping technology.
Incredible Work
Auxly?s key assets include its staff, which consists of people who are ?focused on being No. 1 at what we do,? Cooke says. Auxly?s co-founder and CEO, Hugo Alves, is an industry pioneer who has assembled the right mix of experience and talent to ensure that Auxly executes on its strategy. The commercial team at Auxly, headed by Chief Commercial Officer Jeff (J.J.) O?Neill, brings experience in consumer-packaged-goods to this new industry. Cannabis is also a heavily regulated industry in Canada, and Cooke highlights the contribution of key members including Vice President of Regulatory Affairs and Associate General Counsel Vladimir Klacar.
?He not only does an incredible job with his team and making sure we?re always compliant, but also that we are operating at the highest quality level in every single thing we do,? Cooke says. ?He is an incredible guy who drives that agenda every single day.?
Going forward, Auxly will pursue its vision of being a global leader in branded cannabis products that deliver on the company?s consumer promise of quality, safety and efficacy. The company came out of the gates strong for 2.0, posting the highest first quarter cannabis 2.0 sales of its peer group, beating out big players like Canopy Growth, Aphria and Aurora. ?That was through great planning, great innovation and great teamwork,? Cooke says. The company continues to work hard to keep up with strong consumer demand.
?As we grow, it?s not just about how we scale,? he states. ?It?s about how we meet that demand and how we continue to push the envelope, get faster and more productive whilst continuing to maintain our extremely high standards on the quality of our products and introducing new, exciting additions to our product offering.?
However, the company has no intentions of limiting itself to the Great White North. As it pushes its boundaries, ?We will look at new geographical options when the opportunities arise,? Cooke says. ?We expect our products will be well received in many countries across the world.?
Auxlys Joint-Venture-Partner Sunens Farms erhält Anbaulizenz in Großanlagen
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15. Juni 2020 07:30 ET | Quelle: Auxly Cannabis Group Inc.
TORONTO, 15. Juni 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Auxly Cannabis Group Inc. (TSX. V - XLY) ("Auxly" oder das "Unternehmen"), ein Konsumgüterunternehmen auf dem Markt für Cannabisprodukte, freut sich bekannt zu geben, dass sein Joint-Venture-Partner Sunens Farms Inc.("Sunens") eine Standard-Anbaulizenz von Health Canada für die erste Phase seiner vollautomatischen, eigens errichteten, 1,1 Millionen m2 großen Gewächshausanlage in Leamington, Ontario, erhalten hat.
Die Sunens-Anlage ist in Betrieb und das Team wird sofort mit dem Anbau von hochwertigem Bio-Cannabis innerhalb des lizenzierten Gebiets beginnen. Diese Standard-Anbaulizenz ermöglicht sunens, nach der Ernte ohne zusätzliche behördliche Genehmigungen mit dem Massenverkauf von Cannabis zu beginnen. Sunens hat sich eine große und vielfältige genetische Bibliothek gesichert, die aus über 200 einzigartigen Stämmen besteht. Cannabis, das aus der Sunens-Anlage geerntet wird, wird die Produktion von Auxlys Markenderivaten-Cannabisprodukten unterstützen, die in der Dosecann-Anlage des Unternehmens in Prince Edward Island hergestellt werden.
Ein Medienausschnitt, der diese Ankündigung begleitet, steht ihnen zur Verfügung, indem Sie auf das Bild oder den untenstehenden Link klicken:
Diese erste Phase des lizenzierten Gebiets umfasst ca. 360.000 m2 Anbau-, Verarbeitungs- und Lagerfläche. Das Unternehmen geht davon aus, dass die zusätzlichen Lizenzänderungen für die verbleibenden Phasen im Laufe des Jahres 2020 eingereicht werden und nach Erhalt solcher Änderungen der gesamte Anbaufußabdruck für das Projekt lizenziert wird.
"Nachdem wir mehrere Jahre damit verbracht haben, Cannabis-Anlagendesign und optimale Anbauumgebungen zu erforschen und mehr als 25 Jahre Erfahrung mit dem Bau von Tausenden Von-A0-Hektar-Gewächshäusern von Weltklasse in ganz Nordamerika zu haben, haben wir das gebaut, was wir für die ultimative Cannabis-Anbaueinrichtung halten. Wir haben auch hart daran gearbeitet, ein sehr erfahrenes Team zusammenzustellen, von Anbau, Betrieb und Compliance, um Sunens zu ermöglichen, ein Führer in der Branche zu sein. Unser Ziel ist es, Bio-Cannabis von höchster Qualität zu den geringstmöglichen Kosten zu produzieren", sagt Peter Quiring, CEO von Sunens.
Hugo Alves, CEO von Auxly, fügte hinzu: "Der Erhalt dieser Anbaulizenz für die erste Phase des Sunens-Projekts ist ein weiterer wichtiger Meilenstein für Auxly. Die Geschwindigkeit, mit der das Joint-Venture-Projekt im Vergleich zu seinen Kollegen entwickelt, konstruiert und lizenziert wurde, zeugt von der harten Arbeit und dem Engagement eines sehr fokussierten und fähigen Teams. Sunens wird Auxly eine konsistente, qualitativ hochwertige und kostengünstige Quelle für Bio-Cannabis bieten, was uns eine größere Rückverfolgbarkeit und Flexibilität bei der Entwicklung und Herstellung unserer Markenprodukte bietet. Wir konzentrieren uns auf die Umsetzung gegen unseren Businessplan und Sunens ist ein wichtiger Teil unserer Strategie. Dies ist ein sehr glücklicher Tag für alle bei Auxly."
"Hugo Alves" CEO
Über Auxly Cannabis Group Inc. (TSX. V: XLY)
Auxly ist ein internationales Cannabis-Unternehmen, das sich dafür einsetzt, innovative, effektive und hochwertige Cannabisprodukte auf den Märkten für Medizin, Wellness und Erwachsenen zu bringen. Auxlys erfahrenes Team aus Branchen-Erstbewegern und unternehmungslustigen Visionären hat sich ein diversifiziertes Angebot an Roh-Cannabis, starke klinische, wissenschaftliche und operative Fähigkeiten und führende Forschungs- und Entwicklungsinfrastruktur gesichert, um vertrauenswürdige Produkte und Marken in einem expandierenden globalen Markt zu schaffen.
Erfahre mehr bei und bleibe auf Twitter auf dem Laufenden: @AuxlyGroup; Instagram: @auxlygroup; Facebook: @auxlygroup; LinkedIn: unternehmen/auxlygroup/.
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Eine Reihe von Faktoren könnte dazu führen, dass die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse wesentlich von einer Schlussfolgerung, Prognose oder Projektion abweichen, die in den zukunftsgerichteten Informationen in dieser Pressemitteilung enthalten sind, einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf, ob: Sunens ist in der Lage, seine Anbaulizenz zu behalten und ist in der Lage, alle anderen erforderlichen behördlichen und behördlichen Genehmigungen und Genehmigungen für den Betrieb seiner Anlage und des Geschäfts zu erhalten und aufrechtzuerhalten. , und ob solche Genehmigungen und Genehmigungen rechtzeitig eingeholt werden können; und die allgemeinen wirtschaftlichen, finanziellen, regulatorischen und politischen Bedingungen, unter denen das Unternehmen tätig ist, bleiben unverändert. Weitere Risikofaktoren werden in der jahresinfos-Form der Gesellschaft für das am 31. Dezember 2019 abgelaufene Geschäftsjahr vom 13. Mai 2020 ausgewiesen.
Von Zeit zu Zeit ergeben sich neue Faktoren, und es ist dem Management nicht möglich, alle diese Faktoren vorherzusagen oder im Voraus die Auswirkungen jedes solchen Faktors auf das Geschäft von Auxly oder das Ausmaß zu beurteilen, in dem ein Faktor oder eine Kombination von Faktoren dazu führen kann, dass die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse wesentlich von den ergebnissen abweichen, die in zukunftsgerichteten Informationen enthalten sind. Die zukunftsgerichteten Informationen in dieser Version basieren auf Informationen, die derzeit verfügbar sind und was das Management für vernünftige Annahmen hält. Zukunftsgerichtete Informationen sprechen nur für solche Annahmen ab dem Datum dieser Veröffentlichung. Darüber hinaus kann diese Veröffentlichung zukunftsgerichtete Informationen enthalten, die Externen Branchenquellen zugeschrieben werden und deren Richtigkeit von Auxly nicht überprüft wurde. Der Zweck zukunftsgerichteter Informationen besteht darin, dem Leser eine Beschreibung der Erwartungen des Managements zu liefern, und solche zukunftsgerichteten Informationen sind möglicherweise für keinen anderen Zweck geeignet. Leser sollten sich nicht übermäßig auf zukunftsgerichtete Informationen in dieser Pressemitteilung verlassen.
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Aber ohne dich, frankie7373.
Aber Halo ;-)
Gutes Beispiel im Sektor ist Cannabis science.
Bei Auxly war von vornherein klar, dass erst ab 2020 das Geschäft anläuft. Das wurde hier auch mehrfach 18/19 geschrieben.
Mit ihrem Geschäftsmodell sind sie nicht im direkten Verkauf wie die Konkurrenz tätig.
Dann war schnell klar, dass du das vom Wichel kopiert hat. Schäm dich!
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