Geotec Thermal Generators Inc.
GETC.OB WKN 621903 ISIN US37364Q1040 Last: 0.36 USD
Authorized Shares: 50,000,000 Source: 10KSB ( 04/14/2004 )
Outstanding Shares: 36,981,723 Source: 10KSB/A ( 03/31/2004 )
Public Float: ~ 18,2 Millionen shares
TelcoEnergy Corporation is an international energy resource,services and technology company. TelcoEnergy owns or has under contractsignificant oil and gas reserves in the US, Russia and China and is acquiring additional reserves. TelcoEnergy is also focused on alternative fuel sources and extraction technologies. The Company specializes in the production of non-conventional coal bed methane (CBM). TelcoEnergy is also developing environmentally friendly alternative and reformulated fuels. The Company is utilizing owned technology, joint ventures and strategic alliances to accomplish its growth and international expansion. TelcoEnergy is being acquired by Geotec Thermal Generators, Inc. (GETC.OB)a public company with state-of-the art well fracturing technology. This will allow TelcoEnergy toimmediately become a public company to enable funding and merger and acquisition growth structures. Geotec technology will be utilized by TelcoEnergy in its US, Russian and Chinese projects described below, as well as for Geotec`s own business ventures in the US and South America. TelcoEnergy has found Geotec`s proprietary technology to be particularly suited for fracturing coal bed methane. On March 1, 2004, Geotec Thermal Generators, Inc. announced that it had executed a letter of intent to acquire TelcoEnergy Corporation.
Hier gibt`s alle PRs, die den TelcoEnergy-Merger betreffen:
Es ist zu erwarten, dass die Übernahme von TelcoEnergy durch Geotec, verbunden mit Namens-, Symbol- und CUSIP-Nummernwechsel, nun kurzfristig vollzogen wird. Die aktuelle Market-Cap. von Geotec beträgt ca. 13 Millionen USD. Assets und Revenues von Telco allein dürften um ein Vielfaches höher liegen.
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