im Juni startet in Ameria der "Kartoon Channel"
gut analysiert
June 23 2020 - 09:20AM
GlobeNewswire Inc. Print
Genius Brands International, Inc. (?Genius Brands? or the ?Company?) (Nasdaq: GNUS), a global brand management company that creates, licenses, and broadcasts, multimedia entertainment content for children, today announced that it has come to an agreement with all of its existing senior secured convertible noteholders to have the noteholders pre-pay their Notes for an aggregate of $4 million, three months early and then have the noteholders convert all of their $13.75 million of debt to equity. The Company has agreed to register for resale the shares issued upon conversion of the Notes. The Notes, which were set to amortize over 12 equal monthly payments beginning in September 2020, per terms of the previous agreement negotiated in March, will all be converted into equity shortly after the close. The result will leave the company debt free and with $55 million of cash on the balance sheet.
Andy Heyward, Chairman & CEO of Genius Brands, commented, ?This is a win-win for all parties. The Company today is debt free and holding $55 million in cash. The Company is uniquely positioned to take steps to build Kartoon Channel! into the pre-eminent childrens? broadcaster anywhere, and produce, acquire, and license, the most compelling, forward-thinking programming for children today. We are delighted that our existing senior secured debt holders had the confidence in the Company to pre-pay the $4,000,000 Note obligation and to then convert their entire debt into equity right away.
This is on top of the extremely strong reaction to our all-new comedy-action-adventure animated series for children, Stan Lee?s Superhero Kindergarten, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, and being co-produced with our partner Alibaba to debut concurrently on Kartoon Channel! in the U.S. and Alibaba?s kid?s platform in China. With these latest financing transactions, we have significantly enhanced our balance sheet and have built a solid foundation for growth. We look forward to providing updates on a number of key operational milestones in the days ahead.?
Additional details about the debt conversion are available in the Company?s Form 8-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission today, which is available on the Company?s website and at:
The common stock to be issued pursuant to the conversion of the Notes has not been registered under the Securities Act of 1933 or any state securities laws and, until so registered, may not be offered or sold in the United States or any state absent registration or an applicable exemption from registration requirements.
This news release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy, nor shall there be any sale of these securities in any state or jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such state or jurisdiction.
About Genius Brands International
Genius Brands International, Inc. (Nasdaq: GNUS) is a leading global kids media company developing, producing, marketing and licensing branded children?s entertainment properties and consumer products for media and retail distribution. The Company?s award-winning ?content with a purpose? portfolio includes the upcoming Stan Lee?s Superhero Kindergarten, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger; Rainbow Rangers for Nick Jr.; Llama Llama, starring Jennifer Garner, for Netflix; award-winning toddler brand Baby Genius; adventure comedy STEM series Thomas Edison's Secret Lab; entrepreneurship series Warren Buffett's Secret Millionaires Club; and Stan Lee's Cosmic Crusaders, created with Stan Lee's Pow! Entertainment. Through licensing agreements with leading partners, characters from Genius Brands? IP also appear on a wide range of consumer products for the worldwide retail marketplace. The Company?s new Kartoon Channel! is available in over 100 million U.S. television households via a broad range of distribution platforms, including Comcast, Cox, DISH, Amazon Prime, Sling TV, Apple TV, Roku, Amazon Fire and more. For additional information, please visit
Forward Looking Statements: Certain statements in this press release constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the federal securities laws. Words such as "may," "might," "will," "should," "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "estimate," "continue," "predict," "forecast," "project," "plan," "intend" or similar expressions, or statements regarding intent, belief, or current expectations, are forward-looking statements. While the Company believes these forward-looking statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on any such forward-looking statements, which are based on information available to us on the date of this release. These forward looking statements are based upon current estimates and assumptions and are subject to various risks and uncertainties, including without limitation, our ability to generate revenue or achieve profitability; our ability to obtain additional financing on acceptable terms, if at all; our ability to repay our outstanding debt; the potential issuance of a significant number of shares to our convertible note holders which will dilute our equity holders; fluctuations in the results of our operations from period to period; general economic and financial conditions; our ability to anticipate changes in popular culture, media and movies, fashion and technology; competitive pressure from other distributors of content and within the retail market; our reliance on and relationships with third-party production and animation studios; our ability to market and advertise our products; our reliance on third-parties to promote our products; our ability to keep pace with technological advances; our ability to protect our intellectual property and those other risk factors set forth in the ?Risk Factors? section of the Company?s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and in the Company's subsequent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"). Thus, actual results could be materially different. The Company expressly disclaims any obligation to update or alter statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.
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Kartoon Studios Inc
23. Juni 2020 - 09:20 Uhr
GlobeNewswire Inc.
Genius Brands International, Inc. (?Genius Brands? oder das ?Unternehmen?) (Nasdaq: GNUS), ein globales Markenmanagementunternehmen, das Multimedia-Unterhaltungsinhalte für Kinder erstellt, lizenziert und sendet, gab heute bekannt, dass es zu einem Vereinbarung mit allen bestehenden vorrangig besicherten wandelbaren Anleihegläubigern, dass die Anleihegläubiger ihre Schuldverschreibungen drei Monate früher für insgesamt 4 Mio. USD im Voraus bezahlen und die Schuldner dann ihre gesamten Schulden in Höhe von 13,75 Mio. USD in Eigenkapital umwandeln. Die Gesellschaft hat zugestimmt, die beim Umtausch der Schuldverschreibungen ausgegebenen Aktien zum Weiterverkauf zu registrieren. Die Schuldverschreibungen, die ab September 2020 gemäß der im März ausgehandelten vorherigen Vereinbarung mehr als 12 gleiche monatliche Zahlungen amortisieren sollten, werden alle kurz nach dem Abschluss in Eigenkapital umgewandelt. Das Ergebnis wird das Unternehmen schuldenfrei und mit 55 Millionen US-Dollar in der Bilanz belasten.
Andy Heyward, Vorsitzender und CEO von Genius Brands, kommentierte: ?Dies ist eine Win-Win-Situation für alle Parteien. Das Unternehmen ist heute schuldenfrei und hält 55 Millionen US-Dollar in bar. Das Unternehmen ist einzigartig positioniert, um Schritte zum Aufbau des Kartoon Channel zu unternehmen! in den herausragenden Kindersender überall einsteigen und das überzeugendste und zukunftsorientierteste Programm für Kinder von heute produzieren, erwerben und lizenzieren. Wir freuen uns, dass unsere bestehenden vorrangig besicherten Schuldner das Vertrauen in das Unternehmen hatten, die Schuldverschreibungsverpflichtung in Höhe von 4.000.000 USD im Voraus zu bezahlen und ihre gesamte Schuld sofort in Eigenkapital umzuwandeln.
Dies kommt zu der extrem starken Reaktion auf unsere brandneue Comedy-Action-Abenteuer-Zeichentrickserie für Kinder, Stan Lees Superhelden-Kindergarten mit Arnold Schwarzenegger, hinzu, die gemeinsam mit unserem Partner Alibaba produziert wird, um gleichzeitig auf Kartoon Channel zu debütieren! in den USA und Alibabas Kinderplattform in China. Mit diesen jüngsten Finanzierungstransaktionen haben wir unsere Bilanz erheblich verbessert und eine solide Grundlage für Wachstum geschaffen. Wir freuen uns darauf, in den kommenden Tagen einige wichtige operative Meilensteine ??auf den neuesten Stand zu bringen. ?
Weitere Einzelheiten zur Umschuldung finden Sie in dem heute bei der Securities and Exchange Commission eingereichten Formular 8-K des Unternehmens, das auf der Website des Unternehmens und unter verfügbar ist.
Die Stammaktien, die im Rahmen der Umwandlung der Schuldverschreibungen ausgegeben werden sollen, wurden nicht gemäß dem Securities Act von 1933 oder einem staatlichen Wertpapiergesetz registriert und dürfen bis zu ihrer Registrierung weder in den USA noch in einem Staat ohne Registrierung angeboten oder verkauft werden eine anwendbare Ausnahme von den Registrierungsanforderungen.
Diese Pressemitteilung stellt weder ein Angebot zum Verkauf oder die Aufforderung zur Abgabe eines Kaufangebots dar, noch findet ein Verkauf dieser Wertpapiere in einem Staat oder einer Gerichtsbarkeit statt, in dem ein solches Angebot, eine solche Aufforderung oder ein solcher Verkauf vor der Registrierung oder Qualifizierung gemäß rechtswidrig wäre die Wertpapiergesetze eines solchen Staates oder einer solchen Gerichtsbarkeit.
Über Genius Brands International
Genius Brands International, Inc. (Nasdaq: GNUS) ist ein weltweit führendes Kindermedienunternehmen, das Markenunterhaltungseigenschaften für Kinder und Konsumgüter für den Medien- und Einzelhandelsvertrieb entwickelt, produziert, vermarktet und lizenziert. Das preisgekrönte Portfolio des Unternehmens für ?Inhalte mit Zweck? umfasst den kommenden Superhelden-Kindergarten von Stan Lee mit Arnold Schwarzenegger; Rainbow Rangers für Nick Jr.; Llama Llama mit Jennifer Garner für Netflix; preisgekrönte Kleinkindmarke Baby Genius; Abenteuer-Komödie STEM-Serie Thomas Edisons Secret Lab; Unternehmer-Serie Warren Buffetts Secret Millionaires Club; und Stan Lees Cosmic Crusaders, kreiert mit Stan Lees Pow! Unterhaltung. Durch Lizenzvereinbarungen mit führenden Partnern erscheinen Charaktere aus dem geistigen Eigentum von Genius Brands auch auf einer Vielzahl von Konsumgütern für den weltweiten Einzelhandelsmarkt. Der neue Kartoon Channel des Unternehmens! ist in über 100 Millionen US-Fernsehhaushalten über eine breite Palette von Vertriebsplattformen verfügbar, darunter Comcast, Cox, DISH, Amazon Prime, Sling TV, Apple TV, Roku, Amazon Fire und mehr. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter
Zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen: Bestimmte Aussagen in dieser Pressemitteilung stellen "zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen" im Sinne der Wertpapiergesetze des Bundes dar. Wörter wie "können", "könnten", "werden", "sollten", "glauben", "erwarten", "antizipieren", "schätzen", "fortfahren", "vorhersagen", "prognostizieren", "projektieren", "Plan", "Absicht" oder ähnliche Ausdrücke oder Aussagen in Bezug auf Absicht, Überzeugung oder aktuelle Erwartungen sind zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen. Obwohl das Unternehmen diese zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen für angemessen hält, sollte kein unangemessenes Vertrauen in solche zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen gesetzt werden, die auf Informationen beruhen, die uns zum Zeitpunkt dieser Veröffentlichung zur Verfügung standen. Diese zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen basieren auf aktuellen Schätzungen und Annahmen und unterliegen verschiedenen Risiken und Ungewissheiten, einschließlich unserer Fähigkeit, Umsatz zu generieren oder Rentabilität zu erzielen. unsere Fähigkeit, wenn überhaupt, zusätzliche Finanzmittel zu akzeptablen Bedingungen zu erhalten; unsere Fähigkeit, unsere ausstehenden Schulden zurückzuzahlen; die potenzielle Ausgabe einer erheblichen Anzahl von Aktien an unsere Inhaber von Wandelanleihen, wodurch unsere Anteilseigner verwässert werden; Schwankungen der Ertragslage von Periode zu Periode; allgemeine wirtschaftliche und finanzielle Bedingungen; unsere Fähigkeit, Veränderungen in der Populärkultur, in Medien und Filmen, in Mode und Technologie zu antizipieren; Wettbewerbsdruck von anderen Anbietern von Inhalten und innerhalb des Einzelhandelsmarktes; unser Vertrauen in und unsere Beziehungen zu Produktions- und Animationsstudios von Drittanbietern; unsere Fähigkeit, unsere Produkte zu vermarkten und zu bewerben; unser Vertrauen in Dritte, um unsere Produkte zu bewerben; unsere Fähigkeit, mit dem technologischen Fortschritt Schritt zu halten; unsere Fähigkeit, unser geistiges Eigentum und die anderen Risikofaktoren zu schützen, die im Abschnitt ?Risikofaktoren? des jüngsten Jahresberichts des Unternehmens auf Formblatt 10-K und in den nachfolgenden Einreichungen des Unternehmens bei der Securities and Exchange Commission (der ?SEC?) aufgeführt sind. ). Daher können die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse erheblich abweichen. Das Unternehmen lehnt ausdrücklich jede Verpflichtung ab, Aussagen aufgrund neuer Informationen, zukünftiger Ereignisse oder aus anderen Gründen zu aktualisieren oder zu ändern, sofern dies nicht gesetzlich vorgeschrieben ist.
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Kartoon Studios Inc
Timeline for
2002, May 24th, $1.21
2003, June 7th, $1.69
2004, June 25th, $4.57
2005, July 29th, $2.65
2011, June 17th, $35.10
2014, July 3rd, $67.48
2015, Nov 6th, $114.06
2018, June 1st, $359.93
2020, June 23rd, $466.26
I believe we are holding baby Netflix in our hands. Tomorrow, trade them wisely.
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Kartoon Studios Inc
GNUS NEWS: Genius Brands International to Retire All Senior Secured Convertible Debt
Download as PDFJune 23, 2020
Company Becomes Debt Free and has $55 million in Cash on the Balance Sheet
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif., June 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Genius Brands International, Inc. (?Genius Brands? or the ?Company?) (Nasdaq: GNUS), a global brand management company that creates, licenses, and broadcasts, multimedia entertainment content for children, today announced that it has come to an agreement with all of its existing senior secured convertible noteholders to have the noteholders pre-pay their Notes for an aggregate of $4 million, three months early and then have the noteholders convert all of their $13.75 million of debt to equity. The Company has agreed to register for resale the shares issued upon conversion of the Notes. The Notes, which were set to amortize over 12 equal monthly payments beginning in September 2020, per terms of the previous agreement negotiated in March, will all be converted into equity shortly after the close. The result will leave the company debt free and with $55 million of cash on the balance sheet.
Andy Heyward, Chairman & CEO of Genius Brands, commented, ?This is a win-win for all parties. The Company today is debt free and holding $55 million in cash. The Company is uniquely positioned to take steps to build Kartoon Channel! into the pre-eminent childrens? broadcaster anywhere, and produce, acquire, and license, the most compelling, forward-thinking programming for children today. We are delighted that our existing senior secured debt holders had the confidence in the Company to pre-pay the $4,000,000 Note obligation and to then convert their entire debt into equity right away.
This is on top of the extremely strong reaction to our all-new comedy-action-adventure animated series for children, Stan Lee?s Superhero Kindergarten, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, and being co-produced with our partner Alibaba to debut concurrently on Kartoon Channel! in the U.S. and Alibaba?s kid?s platform in China. With these latest financing transactions, we have significantly enhanced our balance sheet and have built a solid foundation for growth. We look forward to providing updates on a number of key operational milestones in the days ahead.?
Additional details about the debt conversion are available in the Company?s Form 8-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission today, which is available on the Company?s website and at:
The common stock to be issued pursuant to the conversion of the Notes has not been registered under the Securities Act of 1933 or any state securities laws and, until so registered, may not be offered or sold in the United States or any state absent registration or an applicable exemption from registration requirements.
This news release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy, nor shall there be any sale of these securities in any state or jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such state or jurisdiction.
About Genius Brands International
Genius Brands International, Inc. (Nasdaq: GNUS) is a leading global kids media company developing, producing, marketing and licensing branded children?s entertainment properties and consumer products for media and retail distribution. The Company?s award-winning ?content with a purpose? portfolio includes the upcoming Stan Lee?s Superhero Kindergarten, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger; Rainbow Rangers for Nick Jr.; Llama Llama, starring Jennifer Garner, for Netflix; award-winning toddler brand Baby Genius; adventure comedy STEM series Thomas Edison's Secret Lab; entrepreneurship series Warren Buffett's Secret Millionaires Club; and Stan Lee's Cosmic Crusaders, created with Stan Lee's Pow! Entertainment. Through licensing agreements with leading partners, characters from Genius Brands? IP also appear on a wide range of consumer products for the worldwide retail marketplace. The Company?s new Kartoon Channel! is available in over 100 million U.S. television households via a broad range of distribution platforms, including Comcast, Cox, DISH, Amazon Prime, Sling TV, Apple TV, Roku, Amazon Fire and more. For additional information, please visit
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Kartoon Studios Inc
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Genius Brands International Chairman & CEO, Andy Heyward, to Host Conference Call to Discuss Key Business Development
Jul. 02, 2020 9:00 AM ETGlobeNewswireGenius Brands International, Inc. (GNUS)
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif., July 02, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Genius Brands International, Inc. (GNUS) (?Genius Brands? or the ?Company?) (Nasdaq: GNUS), a global brand management company that creates and licenses multimedia entertainment content for children, today announced that it will host a conference call at 10:00 a.m. EDT on Monday, July 6, 2020 to discuss an exciting business development.
The conference call will be available via telephone by dialing toll free 877-407-9078 for U.S. callers or +1 201-493-6745 for international callers, or on the Company?s News and Investors section of the website
An audio replay of the call will be available on the Company?s News and Investors section of the website
About Genius Brands International
Genius Brands International, Inc. is a leading global kids media company developing, producing, marketing and licensing branded children?s entertainment properties and consumer products for media and retail distribution. The Company?s award-winning ?content with a purpose? portfolio includes the upcoming Stan Lee?s Superhero Kindergarten, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger; Rainbow Rangers for Nick Jr.; Llama Llama, starring Jennifer Garner, for Netflix; award-winning toddler brand Baby Genius; adventure comedy STEM series Thomas Edison's Secret Lab; and entrepreneurship series Warren Buffett's Secret Millionaires Club. Through licensing agreements with leading partners, characters from Genius Brands? IP also appear on a wide range of consumer products for the worldwide retail marketplace. The Company?s new Kartoon Channel! is available in over 100 million U.S. television households via a broad range of distribution platforms, including Comcast, Cox, DISH, Amazon Prime, Sling TV, Apple TV, Roku, Amazon Fire and more.
Forward-Looking Statements:
Certain statements in this notice constitute ?forward-looking statements? within the meaning of the federal securities laws. Words such as ?may,? ?might,? ?will,? ?should,? ?believe,? ?expect,? ?anticipate,? ?estimate,? ?continue,? ?predict,? ?forecast,? ?project,? ?plan,? ?intend? or similar expressions, or statements regarding intent, belief, or current expectations, are forward-looking statements. While the Company believes these forward-looking statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on any such forward-looking statements, which are based on information available to us on the date of this release. These forward-looking statements are based upon current estimates and assumptions and are subject to various risks and uncertainties, including without limitation those set forth in the Company's filings with the SEC, not limited to Risk Factors relating to its patent business contained therein. Thus, actual results could be materially different. The Company expressly disclaims any obligation to update or alter statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.
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