2020 has been an absolutely unprecedented year. There is no denying that we are living through historic times as we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. And while this year will be remembered for a host of reasons, for those of us who are passionate about mRNA science, 2020 marks a transformative moment in time.
At Translate Bio, mRNA is at the core of everything we do. Through our MRT (mRNA therapeutics) platform, launched in 2008, we?ve spent over a decade building on our foundational mRNA science. Our mission and culture are rooted in the belief that mRNA has the power to treat and prevent many diseases, including cystic fibrosis and COVID-19. We believe so deeply in the power of mRNA that we even have a hashtag about it ? #mRNAallday!
Watching the world truly begin to understand the potential of mRNA the way we have for over ten years inspires us even more to dedicate ourselves to the therapeutic potential of mRNA. Throughout the pandemic, our scientists have continued their work in the lab, our clinicians have stayed focused on conducting clinical research, and everyone else at TBio has remained laser focused on our mission? developing transformative mRNA medicines to treat diseases caused by protein or gene dysfunction.
I am often asked if we are excited about the results of other mRNA vaccines, and if we think there is additional need for the vaccine candidate that we are developing with our partner Sanofi Pasteur. The answer to both is a resounding YES! We are thrilled for our peers in the space who, with determination and commitment in the face of a pandemic, have succeeded in developing novel, safe and effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19. This is cause for celebration for humanity and for the future of mRNA vaccines and therapies. We also want to make sure that we, as an industry, can meet the global demand and this will require many successful vaccine programs. Biopharma companies are showing the world, in an incredibly short amount of time, that when mRNA is created, packaged and delivered the right way, it can do remarkable things.
At Translate Bio, we believe that this is the beginning of a new era of mRNA vaccines and therapeutics, one where the promise of mRNA becomes reality. We look forward to 2021 and sharing more about our vision for the future and what the promise of mRNA means for Translate Bio.