Portugal Telecom (WKN:895464)

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26.06.18 12:13

1634 Postings, 4344 Tage JAM_JOYCEOi wants recognition of the Portuguese justice aft

er 'lying claims of Pharol'
Company expects a formal confirmation in the coming days on the application for recognition of the effects of the judicial recovery plan.
Por Lusa|25.06.18

Oi awaits "for the next few days the formal confirmation" by the Portuguese Court of "its request for recognition" of the effects of the judicial recovery plan of the approved group and homologated in Brazil, announced this Monday the telecommunications operator. "The Portuguese courts have already recognized Brazilian jurisdiction as competent to process Oi's judicial recovery," said the Brazilian operator, which has Portugal's Pharol as its shareholder, adding that "the plan, which aims to ensure the viability" of recovery and future of Oi, "was approved by the vast majority of creditors and was approved in January by the Brazilian courts." In addition, the US Court "has already ordered to apply the Brazilian decision that approved the plan in all its terms, as protection to all creditors," and in the Netherlands, "likewise, ratified the Dutch plan, which mirrors the Brazilian, also seeing there the best way to protect creditors, "he continues.

Accordingly, "there is a positive expectation for a decision in Portugal, where the request for recognition of the plan has been approved in the same way, not least because the false and misleading claims of Pharol have not been supported by any international jurisdiction, "he says. "The plan, which has already been recognized in several jurisdictions, has been approved by the vast majority of creditors, with Oi only having to implement it. The focus of the plan is the viability and sustainability of Recuperadores and is the best way to protect the company, its shareholders and creditors, "he concludes. Oi has been in a process of judicial recovery since 2016 in order to reduce the company's liabilities and was in a process of merging with Portugal Telecom, which never materialized.


26.06.18 13:03

1634 Postings, 4344 Tage JAM_JOYCEOi accuses Pharol of making "lying and misplaced c

Flávio Nunes, 25 Junho 2018

noch mal von gestern

Oi has accused its main shareholder of making "false and misleading claims" and is confident that the judicial recovery plan will go forward, with the Portuguese court's green light.

Oi accused Pharol of making "lying and misplaced claims" that "did not obtain support in any international jurisdiction" and remains confident that the Portuguese courts, like the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States, will also give the green light to implementation of the company's judicial recovery plan.

The information is part of a statement submitted by Oi to the newspapers on Monday. This statement comes after last Friday that Pharol has filed a multimillion lawsuit against the operator, despite being its main shareholder. Pharol is seeking the arrest of Oi's assets in a precautionary measure as a way to guarantee the payment of compensation it claims to have. At stake, an amount that may be around EUR 10 billion, because of the failed merger between the former PT and Oi.

"Oi awaits for the next few days the formal confirmation by the Portuguese Court of its request for recognition of the effects of the judicial recovery plan of the group Oi approved and homologated in Brazil. The Portuguese court has already recognized the Brazilian jurisdiction as competent to process the judicial recovery of Oi. The plan, which aims to ensure the viability of recoveries and future of Oi, was approved by the vast majority of creditors and was ratified in January by the Justice Brazilian, "says the Brazilian operator.

The company also emphasized that "the United States Justice has already ordered to apply the Brazilian decision that approved the plan in all its terms, as protection to all creditors." "In the Netherlands, similarly, the Dutch plan was approved, which mirrors the Brazilian, also seeing in it the best way to protect creditors. The same thing happened in the UK, "he says.

This time, in Oi's view, "there is a positive expectation for a decision in Portugal, where the request for recognition of the plan has been approved in the same way, not least because the false and misleading claims of Pharol have not obtained support in any international jurisdiction." "The plan, already recognized in several jurisdictions, has been approved by the vast majority of creditors, and Oi has only to implement it," reads the note sent to ECO.

"The focus of the plan is the viability and sustainability of recoveries and is the best way to protect the company, its shareholders and creditors," concludes Oi.  

28.06.18 09:09

5913 Postings, 5546 Tage learnerDie neuste Aktion von Pharol

bringt kurzfristig keinen Kursgewinn, dafür hat OI in den letzten Wochen ca. 25% an Wert verloren. Falls Pharol mit dieser Aktion Erfolg haben sollte, würde OI wieder da stehen, wo sie vor der Restrukturierung standen.
OI würde dann wahrscheinlich wieder Insolvent sein. Prost Mahlzeit!  

29.06.18 09:38

1634 Postings, 4344 Tage JAM_JOYCEes war schon zu erwarten, dass der kurs wegen der

unstimmigkeiten (auseinandersetzungen oi/pharol) nachgibt. denke auch es braucht zeit.

die restrukturierung von Oi wird jedenfalls durchgezogen. es bleibt abzuwarten, ob pharol da noch irgendwas erreichen kann. finde es auch nicht toll, wenn pharol mit all seinen interventionen scheitern würde. das verhältnis der beiden ist ja jetzt schon mehr als mies.

29.06.18 09:43

1634 Postings, 4344 Tage JAM_JOYCEMediation ausgesetzt

Brazilian Court suspends arbitration proceedings between Pharol and Oi
Thursday 28 June 2018 | 15:45 CET | News

The mediation procedure initiated in Brazil between Pharol and Oi has now been suspended by the Rio de Janeiro judge, Fernando Viana, responsible for the judicial recovery process of the Brazilian telecom operator, reports Jornal de Negocios. The suspension is in effect, according to a statement from Oi, for 60 days and the decision "was based on the fact that Pharol tried to prevent the homologation of Oi's judicial recovery plan in Portugal".  
According to the judge, Pharol's attempt "of using the mediation instituted to try to prevent approval in Portugal unfortunately reveals that the objective of this judgment is not being reached".

29.06.18 13:52

5913 Postings, 5546 Tage learnerZeit könnte ein anderes Problem werden.

Die Umstrukturierung ist nicht abgeschlossen und ob die Börsenhausse weiterläuft oder bald eine Rezession eintritt (zB wegen des Handelsstreites) könnte den Genesungsprozess nochmals in die Länge ziehen.

Optimal wäre eine Einigung gewesen bevor die Börsen zum finalen Anstieg blasen. Das hätte noch eine gute Kursentwicklung geben können. Nun kann es aber auch ganz anders laufen und der Kurs dümpelt noch ein paar Jährchen im Keller.

Dann braucht es nach einer eventuellen weltweiten Rezession noch mind. 2-3 Jahre für eine optimale Kursentwicklung (vorausgesetzt die Umstrukturierung ist wirklich mal beendet worden).  

04.07.18 20:23

1 Posting, 2287 Tage Fastimplus2Frist für Anmeldung der Anleihen verlängert?

Liebe User, ich besitze für 30k nominal Anleihen. Ich habe mich geärgert zu spät dieses Forum gesehen zu haben.
Wurde die Frist zur Anmeldung noch mal verlängert?
Vielen Dank für ein Feedback. Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt.


09.07.18 10:51

1634 Postings, 4344 Tage JAM_JOYCEOi judge presses Portuguese court to approve recov

ery plan
The Brazilian judge who has Oi's recovery plan in hand wrote to the court in Portugal to proceed with the homologation. In the letter, it warns national judges that a contrary decision will undermine the plan. And attack Pharol.

The war between Oi and Pharol was transferred to the courts on both sides of the Atlantic. In an official letter to the Commercial Court of Lisbon, Fernando Viana - judge of Rio de Janeiro who has the recovery process in hand)...........

-kostenpflichtiger artikel-

10.07.18 09:40

1634 Postings, 4344 Tage JAM_JOYCECapital increase in operator Oi advances without c


Jetzt soll wohl noch mehr verwässert werden. Wie Oi mit seinen Aktionären umgeht, wohl eher ignorant bis zum geht nicht mehr.

Lusa, 6 Julho 2018

Oi's capital increase will move forward, taking into account the lack of opposing demonstrations. It is now expected to issue another billion new shares at a price of seven reais per share.

Oi announced on Friday that there were no demonstrations against the approval of the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE) regarding the increase of capital of the Brazilian operator, reason why the process was "concluded and filed".

On June 19, CADE, equivalent to the Portuguese Competition Authority, approved the request made by the Brazilian telecommunications operator Oi regarding its capital increase, a process already approved by the country's telecommunications regulator.

In a statement released on Friday, Oi "informed its shareholders and the market in general that it was aware of the non-compliance with the deadline for submitting statements contrary to the order of the Administrative Council for Economic Defense that granted Oi's request for lack of knowledge of the capital increase "of the company by capitalizing the portion of the creditors' unsecured claims.

In view of this, "with the full confirmation of said decision, the CADE proceeding was concluded and filed, and all the conditions established in the plan for the capital increase are duly verified or waived," adds the operator that has the Portuguese company Pharol among its main shareholders.

According to Oi, this capital increase will be realized through the issuance of between 1,039,868,479 to 1,756,054,163 new shares, at a price of seven reais (1.60 euros) per share, with the total amount of capitalization of credits to be at least 7,279,079,353.00 reais (1,6 billion euros) and a maximum of 12,292,379,141.00 reais (2,8 billion euros).

Under this operation, Oi's creditors have until July 16 to exercise preemptive rights over the issued shares.

Oi has been in a process of judicial recovery since 2016 with the objective of reducing its liabilities, which is around 65.4 billion reais (about 16 billion euros).

The Judicial Recovery Plan proposes to reduce the liabilities of the company by converting 72.12% of the debt borne by the creditors, to whom rights will be granted on the company.

Portugal's Pharol is Oi's benchmark shareholder, with 27% of the shares, which is expected to come down with the conversion of credits.

Pharol has been demonstrating against this Judicial Recovery Plan.  

10.07.18 11:43

5913 Postings, 5546 Tage learnerKaum vorstellbar, dass sich die neuen Aktionäre

nicht dagegen wehren. Erst gibt es einen Deal, die Anleihegläubiger erhalten einen ?Firmenwert? und ist der Deal abgeschlossen, werden diese Werte in Frage gestellt.
Wem gehört eigentlich diese Firma und warum werden die Interessen der Eigner mit Füßen getreten?

Hinterher ist man immer klüger und ich würde keinen einzigen Euro mehr in ehemalige Staatsbetriebe aus Ländern investieren, die man als korrupte und kriminelle Bananenrepublik bezeichnen muss.  

17.07.18 09:42

1634 Postings, 4344 Tage JAM_JOYCETELECOMMUNICATIONS Pharol does not go to Oi's capi

tal increase foreseen in judicial recovery

Ana Marcela 16.07.2018 / 19:51

The judicial recovery plan Hi provides for the exchange of debt for shares, a situation that will lead to a strong dilution of the position of the current shareholders Next Energy Income weigh 80 euros on the energy bill in 2018 Most viewed Gallery 24 habits that psychologists associate happiness WORK wages professions highest-paid in Portugal wORLD ECONOMY these countries will rule the world in 2050 photogallery 2020 these 30 things will disappear the Pharol not go to the capital increase of Oi referred to in judicial recovery plan for the Brazilian operator , verified the Living Money. The company led by Luís Palha da Silva had until this Monday, July 16, to decide whether to exercise the right of preference to subscribe the capital increase between 1.7 and 3 billion euros. Pharol declined to comment.

The source of the company's decision will be, according to sources heard by Mad Money, in fact the actions of the Brazilian operator are quoting on average a value substantially below the actual 7 / per share proposed in the capital increase. This Monday, for example, the shares closed at 3.80 reais.

The company led by Luís Palha da Silva had obtained in May at the general meeting of shareholders light green to advance to a possible increase of capital of Pharol up to 40 million euros. Shareholder authorization not to be used in this capital increase of Oi.

"The capital increase through the Capitalization of Credits will be made through the issuance of a minimum of 1,039,868,479 and a maximum of 1,756,054,163 New Shares, registered common shares with no par value, at the issue price of 7, 00 reais per share, so that the total amount of the Capitalization of Credits will be at least 7,279,079,353.00 reais and a maximum of 12,292,379,141.00 reais, "Oi informed mid-June. That is, a capital increase of between 1.7 and 3 billion euros.

The same is foreseen in the judicial recovery plan of the Brazilian operator. The same, drawn to the stockholders' default by the current CEO of Oi after being nominated by the judicial manager, was approved by a meeting of creditors and provides for the exchange of debt for shares, placing 70% of the company in the hands of creditors, and has as a consequence a strong dilution of the current shareholders' position.

Situations contested by Pharol that requested mediation of the court, a process that has since been suspended, after the company in Portugal filed an injunction to prevent the sale of Oi's assets in the country, so that they could be used to compensate shareholders Pharol for losses incurred with Oi.  

17.07.18 09:45

1634 Postings, 4344 Tage JAM_JOYCEbitte im ersten absatz oben

"Next Energy Income weigh 80 euros on the energy bill in 2018 Most viewed Gallery 24 habits that psychologists associate happiness WORK wages professions highest-paid in Portugal wORLD ECONOMY these countries will rule the world in 2050 photogallery 2020 these 30 things will disappear"

ist mit blöder weise mit reinkopiert worden  

19.07.18 13:34

1634 Postings, 4344 Tage JAM_JOYCECOMPANIES Pharol has not yet taken a position on c

apital increase in Oi

Judicial Recovery Plan of the Brazilian operator, of which the Portuguese group is a reference shareholder, proposes to reduce the company's liabilities

LUSA 18 de Julho de 2018, 23:15

Pharol said today that under the Oi Judicial Recovery Plan, two capital increases were planned and no position was taken on one of them, according to market information.

In a statement sent to the Securities and Exchange Commission (CMVM), the company led by Luís Palha da Silva says that it was decided to increase capital - New Resources, "for cash inflows in the amount of four billion reais 886 million), whose "conditions are not yet known", and the Board of Directors has not taken any "deliberation" on it.

On the other hand, as regards the capital increase - Capitalization of Credits, Pharol did not "proceed" to the increase, "considering the price at which the subscription right could be exercised and the current market conditions of Oi's quotation" .

This increase provided for "issuance of new shares for bondholders who opted to convert their credits into Oi's capital", with the minimum price established for the issue of shares being seven kings (about 1.55 euros).

Oi has been in a process of judicial recovery since 2016 with the aim of reducing the company's liability, which is around 65.4 billion reais (about 16 billion euros).

The Judicial Recovery Plan proposes to reduce the liabilities of the company by converting 72.12% of the debt borne by the creditors, to whom rights will be granted on the company.

Portugal's Pharol - Oi's benchmark shareholder, with 27% of the shares, which is expected to come down with the conversion of credits - has been showing up against this Judicial Recovery Plan.


23.07.18 11:01

1634 Postings, 4344 Tage JAM_JOYCEOi announces approval of the capital increase with

issuance of 1.5 billion new shares

Oi's board of directors decided to ratify the capital increase by converting debt, after having verified the subscription of shares in number greater than the minimum number of shares of the capital increase approved in early March.

Negócios jng@negocios.pt
21 de julho de 2018 às 14:15

"Oi ... hereby informs its shareholders and the market in general that, at a meeting held on this date, the Company's Board of Directors verified the subscription of shares by means of Capitalization of Unsecured Credits of Qualified Bondholders in a number greater than minimum number of shares of the capital increase approved on March 5, 2018 and (...) resolved to partially ratify the Capital Increase, with the issuance of 1,514,299,603 new common shares and 116,480,467 subscription bonuses, "informed the to the regulator.

With the approval of the capital increase, the capital stock of the Brazilian company will be 32,038,471.37 reais, divided into 2,340,060,505 shares, of which 2,182,333,264 are common shares and 157,727,241 are preferred shares.

Of the total number of new shares and subscription rights issued in the capital increase, 68,263 ordinary shares and 5,197 subscription rights were subscribed by shareholders of the company that exercised their preemptive rights and did not condition their decision to subscribe for all the shares subject to the increase of capital.

The majority, 1,514,231,340 ordinary shares and 116,475,270 subscription rights, "were subscribed by holders of Unsecured Credits of Qualified Bondholders by capitalizing their respective credits," the statement said.

Pharol had already announced on Wednesday that it did not participate in this capital increase because of the price, which was set at 7 reais per share, well above the current price.

  "Considering the price at which the subscription right could be exercised and the current market conditions of Oi's quotation, pursuant to what was decided at the Pharol Board at its meeting on 4 July, Pharol did not use the capital increase," according to a statement from the company led by Palha da Silva.

As for the other capital increase that Oi will carry out, amounting to R $ 4 billion, Pharol notes in a statement that a decision has not yet been taken.  

24.07.18 14:59

1634 Postings, 4344 Tage JAM_JOYCEOi will return resources after partial ratificatio

n of the capital increase
Pharol, a shareholder of Brazilian operator Oi through Bratel, announced last week that it had not participated in this share capital increase and had not yet decided whether to participate in the capital increase by injection of money.

Carla Pedro cpedro@negocios.pt
24 de julho de 2018 às 00:56

Oi said tonight to its shareholders and to the market that, due to the partial homologation of the capital increase, will return on July 25 "the paid-in amounts to the subscribers that conditioned their participation in the capital increase to subscription of the amount maximum of shares of the capital increase, without interest or monetary restatement, through the agents of custody of said subscribers. "

It is recalled that last Friday the Brazilian operator - of which Pharol is a shareholder through Bratel - announced the partial homologation of the capital increase through the conversion of debt into shares, which it calls "capital increase made through capitalization of unsecured claims of qualified bondholders. "

Oi's board of directors "unanimously approved the partial approval of the company's capital increase, with a dilution of the shareholder base of more than 50%," the company said.

Oi also announced in the same communiqué that the capital increase attracted more interested parties than expected: "the company verified the subscription of shares by capitalizing unsecured debentures of qualified bondholders in a quantity above the minimum number of shares for the increase of capital approved in March. "

"With this, 1,514,299,603 new ordinary shares will be issued, at a price of 7 reais per share, totaling ? 10.6 billion [? 2.39 billion] and 116,480,467 subscription bonuses, which will be delivered to the shareholders who exercised their preemptive right and did not condition their decision and bondholders who capitalized their respective claims, "he explained.

The operator also underlined that the new shares and the subscription bonuses would be issued in the capital increase and would be traded on B3 [São Paulo Stock Exchange] already this Monday, July 23.

With the increase approved, Oi's share capital will be ? 32.038 billion (? 7.2 billion), divided into 2.334 billion shares, of which 2,182 billion ordinary shares and 157,727 million preferred shares , all nominative and without par value.

According to Oi, of the total number of new shares and subscription bonus, 68,2000 ordinary shares and 5,2 thousand common shares were subscribed by shareholders who exercised their preemptive rights and did not make their decision conditional on the subscription of all the shares in the capital increase. In addition, 1,514 billion common shares and 116,400 bonds, which will be represented by American Depositary Shares and American Depositary Warrants, were subscribed by bondholders with the capitalization of their credits.

Pursuant to article 72 of the bylaws, since Oi diluted the shareholder base above 50%, the proposed voting restriction was extinguished and "immediately and irrevocably" ceased to have effects in relation to the exercise of the right to vote. vote by shareholders, TeleTime said.

Pharol did not attend

 On 18 July last, Pharol confirmed that it had not participated in this increase in Oi's capital by converting debt into equity. According to a statement from the company led by Palha da Silva, one of the reasons was that the minimum price of this capital increase was set at 7 reais per share, well above the current price.

On the same day, Pharol said it had not yet decided whether to participate in the capital increase (in the amount of 4 billion reais - 904.5 million euros) by injection of money.

The Brazilian operator intends to present in September to the market the project of the capital increase operation, Valor Econômico reported recently. The company expects that the capitalization will occur in 2018 - thus, the deadline stipulated in the recovery plan, which ends in February next year.

In the first stage, prior to the capital increase, it was expected to convert debt into equity, a crucial operation to reduce the operator's indebtedness. It was this transaction - which will lead to the dilution of the current shareholders' position - which is now over.

The shareholders had preemptive rights in this operation, having to exercise it until 16 July through the use of the subscription rights.

The Brazilian telecommunications operator has seen its judicial recovery plan approved by the creditors in a general meeting held on December 19 and 20. This plan was later approved on January 8 of this year by the Judicial Recovery Court and made official in March.  

31.07.18 18:29

7895 Postings, 5391 Tage paioneerso wie oi wieder abschmiert...

werden wir auch bei pharol in mitleidenschaft gezogen und die .20 wohl nochmals von unten sehen...

wird ein langer und steiniger weg, da keine friedliche einigung in sicht...  

31.07.18 21:01

5913 Postings, 5546 Tage learnerHab ich das jetzt richtig verstanden,

dass zuerst die Anleihegläubiger 75% des Firmenwertes durch die Streichung der Schulden bekommen haben (Die Altaktionäre also nur noch 25% der Firma besaßen) und nun durch eine weitere Kapitalmaßnahme diese 25% noch einmal halbiert werden?

Der Aktienkapitalwert nun ca. 7,2 Milliarden Euro beträgt, was durch die Anzahl der Anteilsscheine einen Kurs von knapp über 3 Euro bedeutet?

Wenn das so ist und so bleibt, hab ich aber mit dicken Zitronen gehandelt.  

06.08.18 10:06

1634 Postings, 4344 Tage JAM_JOYCEOi say Portuguese judge declines to recognize rest

ructure plan

August 01, 2018, 11:03:00 AM EDT By Reuters

SAO PAULO, Aug 1 (Reuters) - Brazilian telephone carrier Oi SA said on Wednesday that a judge in Lisbon had decided against validating the company's restructuring plan in Portugal for now, adding that the decision will not keep the plan from going into effect.

In a securities filing, Oi said a judge determined that there are outstanding appeals related to the firm's restructuring of 65 billion reais ($17.4 billion) in debt that must be resolved before the Portuguese court signs off on the plan.

Oi added that the decision was rooted in formalities, not on the merits of the restructuring plan, which was approved by the company's creditors in December. The firm also said it would appeal the decision.

Creditors in Oi, Brazil's largest fixed line carrier, approved the restructuring plan in December, turning U.S. hedge funds such as Goldentree Asset Management LP and York Capital Management Global Advisors LLC into significant shareholders, and diluting the stake of major Portuguese shareholder Pharol SGPS SA.

The plan has been formally recognized in courts in Brazil and the United States.

Common shares in Oi, which have been volatile in recent years, climbed 4 percent in late morning trade, while preferred shares were off 0.4 percent.  

06.08.18 10:11

1634 Postings, 4344 Tage JAM_JOYCEOperator Oi convenes extraordinary general meeting

for September.
Meeting has to do with the capital increase planned with the amendment of the bylaws.

Por Lusa|03.08.18

Brazilian operator Oi, in which Portugal's Pharol is the main shareholder, convened an extraordinary general meeting for September 3, at a meeting that aims to materialize the capital increase planned with the amendment of the bylaws. In an announcement published on Thursday to the Brazilian market, and signed by the Chairman of the Oi Board of Directors, José Mauro da Cunha, it is said that the meeting will take place on September 3 in Rio de Janeiro, aiming to approve an amendment to the bylaws "with a view to the partial homologation of the capital increase", which will be done through the capitalization of credits, as defined in the Judicial Recovery Plan.

At the same time, it provides for the "change in the limit of the authorized capital of the company, with the consequent amendment" of the bylaws, indicates the note to the Brazilian Securities Commission.

This capital increase implies the issuance of 1,514,299,603 new common shares and 116,480,467 subscription bonuses, which will be delivered to the shareholders that exercised their preemptive right and to the holders that have capitalized their respective credits.

Thus, with the approval of the lawsuit, the company's capital stock would be 32,038,471,375.00 reais (7,236,260,000 euros), divided into a total of 2,340,060,505 shares (of which 2,182,333,264 are common and 157,727,241 are preferred).

According to the statement to the market, the extraordinary general meeting also aims to "approve the proposal to include a new article in the chapter of final and transitional provisions of the bylaws with a view to adapting the bylaws to the provisions of the Company's Judicial Recovery Plan in relation to the composition of the New Board of Directors ".

In addition, there is a "reform of the bylaws", thus stipulating "the extinction of the positions of alternate members of the Board of Directors", new "rules for the election of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors" , as well as new "Board of Directors competencies" and new departments in support of that structure, among other changes.

Oi has been in a process of judicial recovery since 2016 with the objective of reducing its liabilities, which is around 65.4 billion reais (about 16 billion euros).

The Judicial Recovery Plan proposes to reduce the liabilities of the company by converting 72.12% of the debt borne by the creditors, to whom rights will be granted on the company.

Portugal's Pharol is Oi's benchmark shareholder, with 27% of the shares, which is expected to come down with the conversion of credits.

Pharol (formerly Portugal Telecom) has been demonstrating against this Judicial Recovery Plan.

07.08.18 10:12

1634 Postings, 4344 Tage JAM_JOYCEnicht viel neues.info zu anderem shareholder

Oi concludes debt restructuring and new shareholders begin to appear

Luís Osvaldo Grossmann ... 01/08/2018 ... Convergência Digital

Oi informed the Securities and Exchange Commission on the night of July 31 that it had concluded the restructuring of the financial debt in accordance with the provisions of the company's judicial recovery plan approved by the creditors in December 2017.

The plan provided for the conversion of debts into shares, in order to reduce Oi's indebtedness from R $ 45 billion to R $ 7 billion. In practice a first capital increase that will result in a new shareholding composition and change in control of the supertele. A new contribution by the new shareholders is expected to occur until early 2019, expected at R $ 4 billion.

Transactions of the new papers had been released since mid-July. And consequences of the conversion of bonds into shares of the company are beginning to appear. Oi also ruled that it had a relevant new shareholder, the York Global Finance Fund, based in the Cayman Islands, with 7.4% of shares.

This position is similar to that which should result from the participation of Pharol (formerly Portugal Telecom), since the conversion of debt by shares will result in a dilution of more than 70%. York warns, however, that the investment is not intended to change control or management.

Oi also informed the CVM that the procedure for the settlement of the option of payment of non-qualified bondholders also ended, still on 27/7. According to the operator, "the main aggregate value of the credit under the Non-Qualified Credit Agreement is USD79,572,641.00."  

07.08.18 13:51

1634 Postings, 4344 Tage JAM_JOYCEetwas ausführlicher - Pharol tries to return to

Oi's board
Portuguese shareholder had its representatives in the collegiate removed by judicial decision

Valor Econômico , 7 Aug 2018,    Rodrigo Carro

After seeing its stake in Oi's share capital shrink from 22.24% to 7.85%, Pharol attempts to return to the company's board of directors, from which it was dismissed by a court ruling in March this year. In a notification sent to the chairman of the Oi board, with a copy to the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), former Portugal Telecom alleges that once the conversion of debt into shares occurred in July, the retired board members would have to be reappointed their posts.

Pharol also requires in the document that its voting rights - suspended by the court ruling - are "automatically and fully recomposed" once the conversion was finalized on July 27. The largest single shareholder of Oi until the conversion, Pharol opposes dilution levels and changes in the operator's governance system stipulated in the judicial recovery plan approved in December last year by creditors of the Brazilian company.

In a petition dated July 30, Oi's lawyers asked the court to "allow the reinstatement of the suspended mandates of the members of the board of directors removed from their positions", but only after hearing the Public Prosecutor of the State of Rio de Janeiro (MPRJ) and the judicial administrator of Oi's recovery process, Wald & Associados Advogados.

Pharol does not comment on the issue, but sources close to the shareholder consider consulting the Attorney General and the court administrator as a way to reduce the "survival" of the counselors appointed by the Portuguese company. This is because the current composition of the board will be changed as a result of an Extraordinary General Meeting (AGE) convened by Oi for September 3. In the proposal of the administration that will be submitted for the approval of the shareholders there is even a plate indicated to take over the new board of directors of Oi.

The plate is composed of 11 names, of which six are already part of the operator's current advice. Rodrigo Abreu (former president of TIM Brazil), Maria Helena dos Santos Fernandes de Santana (ex-president of the CVM), Henrique Luz (former partner of PwC), Paulino do Rego Barros Junior (former CEO of the American technology company Equifax) and Wallim Cruz de Vasconcellos Junior (former director of BNDESpar, a holding company of the development bank).

Sought, Oi also chose not to speak on the subject. However, a source who closely follows the operator's recovery process says that Oi is following the court rites so as not to run the risk of disrespecting a court decision. "Oi sent a petition to the court requesting that she direct the company whether or not to reinstate the counselors, since their removal was by judicial decision," the source maintains.

On March 7, in response to a request from the Public Prosecutor's Office of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Judge Fernando Viana of the 7th Business Court of Rio de Janeiro ordered the dismissal of counselors nominated by Pharol (Luis Viana Palha and Pedro Zañartu Leitão) and by the investment fund Société Mondiale (Hélio Costa). Viana justified its decision based on the participation of representatives of these two shareholders at an Extraordinary General Meeting held on February 7 by Oi.

During the meeting, it was approved by a majority of the shareholders present, with votes from Pharol and Société Mondiale (a vehicle that focused on the participation of investor Nelson Tanure in Oi), civil lawsuit against Oi's president Eurico Teles and the director of finance and investor relations Carlos Augusto Brandão.

In approving Oi's judicial recovery plan on January 8, Judge Fernando Viana had stressed that changes in the company's governance, as well as other points challenged by Pharol, required an Extraordinary General Meeting. "The convening of an AGE is absolutely unnecessary to give effect to the sovereign decision of the creditors. On the contrary, the convening of a shareholders' meeting, in this case, would reinstall the instability strongly rejected by the Judiciary throughout this judicial recovery process, "Viana wrote in the decision approving the plan.

Due to the conversion of debt into shares, the former Portugal Telecom now has a lower participation than that of fund managers who entered into the capital of Oi through the exchange of debt for shares. GoldenTree Asset Management, for example, reported on July 1 that it now owns 9.15% of the total number of common shares issued by Oi, compared to 8.42% of the voting capital held by Pharol.

Solus Alternative Asset Management owns 9.19% of Oi's common shares and 17.23% of preferred shares, while the York Global Finance Fund holds 7.93% of the voting shares. In practice, the conversion meant a greater spraying of Brazilian TV capital.

The agenda of the EGM scheduled for September 3 also includes deliberation on the capital increase in the amount of R $ 4 billion foreseen in the plan. The resources are essential for Oi to be able to raise its investment volume from the current level of R $ 5 billion per year to R $ 7 billion. Also on the agenda are changes in the company's statute to adapt it to the judicial reorganization plan and the new composition of the board.  

23.08.18 13:01

7895 Postings, 5391 Tage paioneeres sollte langsam drehen...

sonst geht es rasant abwärts...  

28.08.18 01:01

1634 Postings, 4344 Tage JAM_JOYCEeine entscheidung muss her wie es

weiter gehen soll

Oi's General Assembly postponed to 17 September
The operator has decided to postpone the extraordinary general meeting so that shareholders have more time to analyze the items on the agenda.
The purpose of the meeting is to adapt the articles of association to the new capital increase.

Sara Ribeiro sararibeiro@negocios.pt
16 de agosto de 2018 às 14:54

Oi, which has Pharol as the largest shareholder, decided to postpone the extraordinary general meeting that was scheduled for 3 September . In a statement sent to Brazilian regulator of the market this Thursday, August 16, the operator informs that the meeting will now be held on 17 September.

This postponement aims to "guarantee shareholders sufficient time to take an informed decision on the matters addressed to their deliberation", justifies the operator. The purpose of the meeting is to adapt the statutes of the company to the capital increase resulting from the conversion of credits, as part of the judicial reorganization process approved by the shareholders and by the Brazilian courts.

By virtue of the new date, shareholders "should send their voting instructions to the Assembly again, regardless of any voting instructions they may have already received," Oi warns.

The main purpose of the meeting is to amend the articles of association in order to provide for the new share capital, as well as to approve the proposal to change the company's authorized capital limit.

Another item on the agenda is the inclusion of a new article "with a view to adapting the Bylaws to the provisions of the Company's Judicial Recovery Plan with respect to the composition of the new Board of Directors." Also at the governance level, the company intends to amend the bylaws to extinguish the alternate positions of the board of directors, and to adjust rules for the election of the president and vice-president of the administration.


28.08.18 01:10

1634 Postings, 4344 Tage JAM_JOYCEPharol will ask shareholders to strengthen stake

in Oi's capital increase

Rui Barroso 19.08.2018 / 15:15

The company led by Palha da Silva wants to make a capital increase to preserve its position in the Brazilian operator.

Pharol wants to maintain a position of reference Oi and announced that it will propose a capital increase to be able to take recapitalization of the Brazilian telecommunications operator. The company led by Palha da Silva wants to issue up to 952 million new shares with a nominal unit value of three cents, which would increase the company's capital by more than 28.5 million euros. The decision will be taken at a general meeting on 7 September.

In the immediate reaction to the announcement of the company that took over the position of the former Portugal Telecom in Oi, the shares of the company resented. They fell by 2.44% last Friday. At least the session dropped almost 7%.

Carla Maia Santos, of XTB, considered that "this news [of Pharol's capital increase] is badly received by investors who find another reason to leave the company." Note that "since May, when it was at 0.28 euros, Pharol has a strong downward trend". And it is worried that shares will fall below the 0.20 euro mark.

Despite the nominal value of three cents, Pharol indicates that the subscription price will be between 0.0735 euros and up to 0.1576 euros, "to be defined according to prevailing market conditions at the time of its determination."

Preserve position in Oi

Paulo Rosa, a GoBulling trader, acknowledged, quoted by Reuters, that "Pharol is reacting badly to the news that it wants to make a capital increase." However, he stressed that "the [proposed] value is small and the impact does not seem to me to be that great in this company."

According to the website of the Brazilian company, Pharol holds 7.85% of the operator. It came to have more than 22%, but the Portuguese company led by Luís Palha da Silva was outside the first capital increase made by the Brazilian, which provided for the conversion of debt into capital, which allowed a significant reduction of indebtedness. Creditors who accepted the conditions were left with 72% of Oi, which diluted Pharol's position.

In addition to this operation, Oi now wants to do another recapitalization with fresh money. It intends to raise four billion reais (about 890 million euros). To maintain a 7.85% position, Pharol would have to invest about 70 million euros. At the end of last year, the company led by Palha da Silva had 25.2 million euros in cash and equivalent, according to the annual accounts report.

Among the largest shareholders of Pharol are the New Bank (9.56% of the capital) and some hedge funds, such as the Adar Macro Fund (with more than 10%) and High Bridge, which has more than 6%.  

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