www.finanznachrichten.de/nachrichten-2011-06/...north-america-004.htm 30.06.2011 23:09 AECOM to manage first offshore windfarm project in North America AECOM, a leading provider of professional technical and management support services for government and commercial clients around the world, announced today that Fishermen''s Energy, LLC, has recently awarded the firm a contract for project and construction management, engineering, and procurement services for its Fishermen''s Atlantic City Windfarm project. Located about 2.8 miles off the coast of Atlantic City, N.J., this will be the first offshore windfarm project to be built in North America. Although already an established industry in Europe for reducing energy imports, air pollution and greenhouse gases, offshore windfarms'' enormous potential has yet to be realized in North America. Fishermen''s Energy, LLC, the project''s developer, selected AECOM to manage this landmark project through the phases of engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning and start-up. "AECOM is excited to be part of this renewable energy project," says Peter Rooney, vice president and global lead for AECOM''s renewable energy and alternate delivery business. "The success of this project will undoubtedly be a catalyst for further implementation of other offshore wind energy projects currently in various stages of development in North America. It will bode well for everyone involved in this exciting and challenging industry." AECOM is currently supporting Fishermen''s Energy, LLC, in the detailed project planning and scheduling activities as well as in the procurement of construction contracts and major equipment. The project will ultimately produce up to 25 megawatts of energy capable of powering approximately 10,000 homes. In addition to creating more than 200 construction jobs, it is a prototype for larger scale utility projects that are currently in various stages of development. AECOM has begun pre-construction activities and will provide project, procurement, construction and commissioning management services for the project. "With AECOM''s breadth of services and depth of capabilities, we can truly bring local knowledge and global expertise, and demonstrate that AECOM is the partner to have in this market as it establishes its foothold in the waters off Atlantic City, N.J., and gains momentum in North America," says Lucy Labruzzo, senior vice president and AECOM''s director of Energy Services in the U.S. About AECOM AECOM is a global provider of professional technical and management support services to a broad range of markets, including transportation, facilities, environmental, energy, water and government. With approximately 45,000 employees around the world, AECOM serves clients in approximately 125 countries and delivers solutions that create, enhance and sustain the world''s built, natural, and social environments. A Fortune 500 company, AECOM had revenue of $7.3 billion during the 12 months ended March 31, 2011. www.aecom.com About Fishermen''s Energy, LLC Fishermen''s Energy, LLC, is a developer of offshore wind energy projects, founded by New Jersey commercial fishermen to respond to the public''s need to develop the ocean for renewable wind energy. Fishermen''s goal is to turn the North Atlantic coastal waters into an unmatched source of clean energy, while maintaining a vibrant commercial fishing industry. Fishermen''s Energy has partnered with experienced professionals in the renewable energy and the offshore wind business community to propose, plan, and build responsible projects to serve the public''s need for safe renewable energy. Fishermen''s Energy intends to harvest the wind and the sea, side by side, in an environmentally responsible and sustainable manner. www.fishermensenergy.com 
Contacts: AECOM Laurie Gutshaw, 732-564-3313 Vice President - Communications, North America laurie.gutshaw@aecom.com